This is a choose-your-own adventure story/game that is VERY adult in nature.
If you are NOT an adult, please don't play this.
[[Doubts? Questions? Details of content?|FAQ]]
Enter your female character's name:
<<textbox "$name" "Cara">>
When you're ready, click <<button[[here|intro2]]>><</button>> to begin.
Check out my art/animations at pixiv and twitter! A preview of the type of
work that will illustrate this game eventually.
Contact me at farmthis@gmail.com for any comments, critiques,
suggestions, bugs or glaring typos, I would love to hear them.
You, $name, have a job as an interior designer. The date is April 10th, 2040, and you are 24 years old.
You work from home, like most people these days. There’s no longer a need to work in an office--most people work from home seeing how VR, augmented reality, and telecommunications make collaboration no longer necessary face to face.
In your case, your freelance interior design work still requires you to inspect and laser-scan the spaces you're working on, particularly buildings which are older and poorly documented.
A job request appears. Literally. You have--like many people--opted for a small implant near your ear that is able to transmit calls to your inner ear and even project--to a limited extent--images (in this case text) directly onto your optic nerve. Many technophobes resisted the trend of implantable electronics, but the ability to be connected to the web and receive calls, texts, and emails without needing a physical device like a phone is very appealing, and useful in your line of work.
<div class="computer">"Request for preliminary surveying and conceptual design."</div> You see pop up in the corner of your eye.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
1: <<button[[testing/cheat page|TestAction]]>><</button>></div>
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
1: <<button[[Great! Time to get to work!|introAcceptJob]]>><</button>>
<<set $location = "Home">><<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>You open the message and read that a prospective client is considering renovating an older property in a former industrial district of the city.
Over the last few decades, advances in robotics had seen a dramatic consolidation of industry, it was no longer a dirty byproduct of civilization. The energy sector had rapidly flipped to renewables, the auto industry had transformed to self-driving electric fleets, and few people bothered to own non-autonomous cars anymore.
As the industrial sector transformed, these old districts of many cities fell into disrepair. And rather than gentrify, the affordability of transportation and luxury of not needing to drive led more and more people to live outside of cities, contrary to the trend in decades prior of increasing urban density.
In this way, many of these properties stood abandoned. It was a rare treat to renovate older buildings, in this case. It takes a real aficionado of industrial chic. Reading further, you see that the client would like your help surveying the property and presenting some options for an overhaul.
<div class="cara">"Overhaul into what, though?"</div> You wonder aloud to yourself. Regardless--you figure--surveying the property and providing a few reccomendations for what the property could be used for is easy enough. You gather your things.
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<button[[Alright! Off to work!|WorkArc1]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>Yeah, yeah, blowing off work, going to an underground party in the industrial district, trusting an autonomous car to take you there... trying to find the entrance, and <i>really</i> believing that if you keep going you'll SURELY find that party...
This is intended to be a ditzy, clueless arc that builds backstory and is not a whole lot of fun to write, so truncating here for now to focus on more technically chalanging passages and interconnections...
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button[[FINE. Back to work.|introAcceptJob]]>><</button>></div><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>You summon an autonomous car to take you to the desination, and input the address.
These days, traffic is smooth. After an uneventful ride spent setting up a project file for your surveying, you arrive.
The first thing you see is that the building has a brick exterior. MAJOR style points. You move around the perimeter, photographing the experior, using your handheld scanner to map the property down to the milimeter. The first floor is entirely windowless, but 12 feet off the ground there are a number of relites. Hmm. Not the best street appeal...
You come to the main door, and enter the key code provided by your new employer. Moving inside, you start doing interior scanning.
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<set $location = "Unclear">><<set $tired to $tired+10>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>totally trusting this car
[[yep, this is an industrial building, for sure. seems very "underground"...|PlaythingArc2]]try to find any sort of indication of the party
[[enter the building|PlaythingArc3]]You scan the interior of the building, it's a mostly-open floorplan, like a donut shape, with a core to the building.
After finishing the open factory floor, you move on to the center core of the building.
Input keycode access provided by client to access center rooms.
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<button[[Enter the center of building.|WorkArc3]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $tired to $tired+5>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>You pass through what looks like a reception area. Or maybe a security checkpoint? Either way, it seems very sterile and modern. Apart from the door your entered from, the only other door is at the far end of the hallway.
Moving forward, you pass through that door into a wide hallway. But... there's a wall across the middle of the halway. it's shiny and black, quite different from the white tile of the room around it.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button[[Investigate the wall.|WorkArc4]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>> she sees a sort of… wall. It almost looked like glass, it was black, and glossy. And it appeared to have resisted collecting any dust, unlike the rest of the place she’d seen to far. Reaching out to touch it, she recoils in surprise “what the hell is this?!” she gasped, after it deformed easily under her touch. It felt like slick rubber under her palm. Pulling her hand back, Cara noticed her hand looked wet. She hadn’t noticed--the wall was also slightly warm. Inspecting her hand, rubbing her fingers together, it felt very slippery. She smelled her fingers--it had a neutral odor. Baravely, she licked the tip of her finger, and found it had no taste, as well, alhtough even that tiny amount of oil seemed to quickly spread around her mouth in a way that was a little disconcerting. Cara made a note to brush her teeth when she got home, sliding her tongue around on the back of her teeth and across her lips absentmindedly.
Feeling a little more at ease, she reached back out and jabbed the wall with a finger. She could tell the material was thin… not as thin as, say, a balloon, but maybe a couple times thicker.
Cara couldn’t figure out the purpose of this wall. Obviously, it blocked off a significant portion of the inner building. She had already mapped the perimeter of the property, but so far, hadn’t found any other entrances to the remainder of the building beyond this one cooridor.
Running her hand along the wall, it felt smooth, and consistent. She felt along the seam at the floor, where it seemed slightly more rigid, and perfectly sealed. As she slid her hand along the wall, in the middle, a little above waist high, she felt a ripple in the rubber. She stopped, and pressed a little harder, shocked to see her hand sink into the surface. pulling back, she squinted at the area. Cara could barely make out a fold in the glossy blackness of the wall. Reaching her hand back out, she probed a little deeper, finding that the fold was actually more of a tube through the sheet. It wasn’t exactly tight around her hand--she felt like there was some slack in the rubber, while also being… lightly pressurized in a way. Almost like one of those old blood pressure arm cuffs, but slick, and rubbery. and she pushed deeper, and deeper, almost up to her shoulder before she felt her hand pop through the other side.
AHA! She thought.
“So there IS another room beyond...” stating the obvious, but aware now she had found the “door.”
Pulling her arm back out, it was now slick almost to her shoulder.
Cara decided she had to know. Partly because her job was incomplete, and partly out of sheer curiosity. Not neccessarily afraid of the oil but for the safety of her clothes, she decided to stip. Removing her blouse, skirt, and shoes, but keeping on her black bra and panties.
For modesty? She wondered at herself. There was clearly nobody here. Nevertheless, she left them on, and made a neat stack of her other clothes a short distance from the wall.
Steeling herself, she approached the wall, standing before the nearly invisible opening. Lifting one foot high enough, she poked her foot into the opening. And… had second thoughts. THis wasn’t going to work. She couldn’t step through the opening. Or get both feet in at once. She pulled her foot back out… and glanced around for something to stand or sit on, so she could get both feet through at once, but the room was bare.
Cara knew what she had to do. She had to go in head first.
Making a V with her arms above her head, she started to push in. at first it was easy, but the deeper she pushed, the tighter the opening stretched. Holding her breath and Pushing her head into the opening, her hands popped out the other side. She fished around, trying to grab the lip of the hole to pull herself through, but was unable to find any purchase on the material. She was already up on her toes, and didn’t have any more leverage.
Pushing with her knees and wiggling, she slipped back out of the hole, now thoroughly slippery from the waist up. It appeared that the only way though would be to push with her legs, and dive through.
Pointing her arms at the opening again, she bent her knees, and jumped forward as if off a diving board and into a pool. With a wet slurping noise, she slid effortlessly into the tube and popped out the other side with more momentum than she expected.
[[try to enter party|PlayingArc4 breach wall]]You inspect the sort of… wall. It almost looks like glass, it was black, and glossy. Reaching out to touch it, you recoil in surprise
<div class="cara">"What the hell is this?!”</div> You gasp, after it deforms easily under your touch.
It feels like slick rubber under your palm. Pulling your hand back, You notice your hand looks wet. You hadn’t noticed--the wall was also slightly warm. Inspecting your hand, rubbing your fingers together, it feels very slippery. You smell your fingers--it had a neutral odor. Bravely, you lick the tip of your finger, and find it had almost no taste as well, although even that tiny amount of oil seems to quickly spread around your mouth in a way that is a little disconcerting. You make a note to brush your teeth when you get home, sliding your tongue around on the back of your teeth and across your slick lips absentmindedly.
Feeling a little more at ease, you reach back out and jab the wall with a finger. You can tell the material is thin… not as thin as, say, a balloon, but maybe a couple times thicker.
You can't imagine the purpose of this wall. Running your hand along the wall, it feels smooth and consistent. You crouch down and slide your hand along the seam at the floor, where it seems slightly more rigid, and perfectly sealed. As you slide your hand along the wall, in the middle, a little above waist high, your feel a ripple in the rubber. Stopping, and pressing a little harder, you're shocked to see your hand sink into the surface. pulling back, you squint at the area, and can barely make out a fold in the glossy blackness of the wall. Reaching your hand back out, you probe a little deeper, finding that the fold is actually more of a tube through the sheet. It isn’t exactly tight around you hand--it feels like there is some slack in the rubber, while also being… slightly pressurized in a way? Almost like one of those old blood pressure arm cuffs, but slick, and rubbery. You pushed deeper, and deeper, almost up to your shoulder before you feel your hand pop through the other side.
<div class="cara">"So there IS another room beyond...”</div>
You say to yourself, stating the obvious, but aware you have now found the “door.”
Pulling your arm back out, it is now slick almost to your shoulder.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button[[You need to know what's on the other side of that wall.|EnterTheWall]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $tired to $tired+1>>
<<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>With a loud slurp, you flop through the rubber wall, landing on another soft and slippery surface, wildly different from the cold, hard tiles just outside.
Rolling forwards onto your knees, you attempt to get your bearings. The wall you just came tumbling through is behind you, and it looks identical from this side as well, but... so are the rest of the surfaces in this room. They're all covered in the strange, slick black latex, and it feels comfortable under your knees and to the touch. Instead of sticky and squeaky like you'd expect a rubber floor, something about the surface glides under your hands.
In front of you, a hallway curves out of sight.
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
1: <<button[[Unnerved, try to get back out|Try to reverse wall work]]>><</button>>
2: <<button[[Continue down the corridor, how perplexing!|WorkArc6]]>><</button>>
3: <<button[[That. Was. AWESOME! Onward!|WillingRoute]]>><</button>></div>
<i>edits by S</i>
<<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>Eww, slimy, kick and jump, making it through.
[[Scared, try to get back out|Try to reverse wall]]
[[continue down the corridor, you must be close now!|playthingarc5]]This… was not what Cara had expected. Not at all. She expected the wall to be little more than a single unique obstacle to more of the same building as before-- not a threshold into something frankly alien-looking and bizarre.
Feeling as though perhaps she’d made a mistake, she struggled to her feet, managing to stand, stiffly, her feet barely getting purchase on the slippery floor beneath her. She started walking back toward the open in the wall she’d come through, but fell. So she started crawling. Reaching the wall, she tried to stand again. Wobbly, she made a V with her arms, and tried to press into the wall like before, but when she pushed with her feet, they immediately flew out from under her and she slithered out of the hole and back down onto the floor.
Trying several more times, she found no better way into the hole. Each time, She slid, defeated, back onto the floor. The closest she got was her torso flat in the tube, her hands stretching and grasping at the outside opening, her legs straight, holding her as high as possible while inexorable drifting apart as she tired, before depositing her back onto the floor of the corridor, breathing hard, sweaty and slippery. it was clear she couldn’t get the leverage she needed. It was a one-way door, and deceptively easy to acheive.
She felt completely trapped. And turned back toward the hallway, hoping there wasn’t another wall like this one in her path.
[[Continue|playthingarc5]] continue down passage until round room with pedestal in center
[[not much else to do--appraoch the pedestal.|Approach Pedestal]]This… was not what you had expected. Not at all. You expected the wall to an obstacle to more of the same building as before--not a threshold into something alien-looking and bizarre.
Feeling as though perhaps you've made a mistake, you struggle to your feet, managing to stand, stiffly, feet barely getting purchase on the slippery floor beneath you. You start shuffling back toward the opening in the wall you’d come through, but slip and fall onto the soft floor. So you start crawling. Reaching the wall, you try to stand again. Wobbly, you make a V again with your arms, and try to press into the wall like before. But when you try to jump and push with your feet, they immediately fly out from under you causing you to slither out of the hole and back down onto the floor.
Trying several more times, you find no better way into the hole, and back out the way you came in. Each time, you slid, defeated, back onto the floor. The closest you got was with your torso flat in the tube, hands stretching and grasping at the outside opening, your legs straight, holding you as high as possible while agonizingly sliding apart as you tired, before depositing you back onto the floor of the corridor, breathing hard, sweaty and slippery.
There's simply no way to get the leverage you need. It was a one-way door, and deceptively easy to achieve.
You turn back toward the hallway, hoping there isn’t another wall like this one further down.
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<set $tired to $tired+5>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>You continue down hallway, crawling on the slippery floor until you turn the corner and enter a round room, maybe 15 feet in diameter with metal pedestal in the center.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button[[Not much else to do--approach the pedestal.|Approach Pedestal]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>You inspect this pedestal, looking it over. It appears to be a slightly outdated terminal of some kind. Not... entirely out of date. Not as old as the rest of this factory.
It's mostly polished metal, but it's asymmetric. There is a saddle-like seat of sorts built into the pedestal, allowing a person to sit at the terminal.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button[[Avoid the seat, touch the screen.|cautiouspedestal]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Sit down on the seat as obviously intended.|obedientpedestal]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Inspect more closely.|SkepticalPedestal]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>holding onto the pedestal for stability, you poke at the screen, expecting the worst--but it flickers to life and merely displays "`<`User`> not detected." before flicking off.
You frown. It detected your finger, didn't it?
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button[[Push it again!|caution2]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Maybe it'll detect you better if you sit in front?|obedientpedestal]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $obedience to $obedience - 0.5>><<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>><<set $obedience to $obedience + 1>><<if $obedience > 10>><<set $obedience to 10>><</if>>You grab the pedestal with both hands, and swinging one leg across the center bar to sit on the seat. It's surprisingly confortable, and with the slight U shape of the saddle, it's the first thing in awhile that doesn't feel like you can slip off of.
Still, your sliding feet eventually find their way into little padded cups<<ModalImg "footcups.jpg" "A squishy foot rest." "camera.png">> at the base of the pedestal, squishily holding your toes and front half of your foot.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
1: <<button[[Interact with the screen.|TurnOnMachine]]>><</button>>
2: <<button[[Rest a Minute.|RestOnMachine]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>You notice a couple more features of the pedestal upon closer inspection. it seems to have been designed with ergonometrics in mind. There appear to be cups, of sorts, that accomdate the front half of a persons feet, sort of like old-style bicylce pedals. Not a terrible idea considering how slippery everything is--sitting in this chair, you could actually rest your legs... The seat is made of soft-looking rubber, like the rest of the room, There are even shallow indentations in the metal in front of the touchscreen that seem to indicate the best place to hold one's hands while using the screen.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button[[Well all that seems innocent enough. Sit.|obedientpedestal]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Looks awfully involved for just a single screen... avoid pedestal and touch screen.|cautiouspedestal]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Something about it is alluring, the way it tells you exactly how it wants your body. Jump on eagerly.|WillingRoutePed]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>You rest your wrists in the little indentations in front of the touchscreen, and tap the screen to activate it.
For a second or two the screen is blank, apart from a small icon the shape of a black raindrop, spinning in circles. <div class="computer">"biometrics do not match existing files. Are you a new guest?"</div> You hear a computerized voice ask with a slight british accent.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>The rest feels really good.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button[[Maybe resting a little longer wouldn't be a bad idea then...|sleepmachine]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Shake it off, touch the screen.|TurnOnMachine]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>You lean forward on the machine, folding your arms over the screen, and rest your head on your arms. The temperature in the room is perfect, the saddle is comfortable and for the first time in the last hour, you feel stable and in control.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<set $tired to $tired+0>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>As you drift off to sleep, you don't notice the screen come to life under your arms, and the pleasant chime it makes only speeds you toward sleep.
You have fitful dreams.
You're looking for something, in your dreams... and you can't identify it. You're scanning the horizon, feeling the sand under your toes, sitting on a soft beach somewhere... everything is familiar enough, but not quite the same as before... so when you realize that if you can't identify something, you ought to just name it something new.
Something like "#03-SLV". <<set $name = "03-SLV">><<set $slave to true>>
You stir awake to feel something pressing against your anus uncomfortably. You tense up, trying to remove yourself from the chair, but straps seem to have wrapped around the back of your heels, holding your feet tight into the toe cups, and other straps seem to have snaked around your upper arms where they rest across the pedestal below the screen. You are bent over and exposed with very little wiggle room.
<div class="computer">"Relax please, Slave Oh-Three. Non-responsive flag removed from personal file."</div> A female voice with a slight british accent says.
<div class="cara">"HEY! WAIT!"</div> You yell.
<div class="computer">"My name is ARIA, the Autonomous Research Intelligence Algorithm, and the facility is a clean room and you are not properly cleaned."</div> The voice sounds perfectly human, but that is common now with AIs. The only thing missing is emotion. It doesn't indicate it's going to wait.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button[[Try to relax, this is only going one way.|relaxedcleaning]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Beg with the computer.|BeggingPlugging]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $tired to 0>><<set $hunger to $hunger+5>><div class="computer">"User, please submit biometric print."</div> You hear a computerized female voice say.
Yeah yeah... you try to interact with the screen again, ignoring the voice interface.<<set $obedience to $obedience -0.5>><<if $obedience < 0.5>><<set $obedience to 0>><</if>>
<div class="computer">"Unidentifiable User reluctant to provide biometric print. Obedience metric now at $obedience out of 10."</div>
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button[[Keep trying to find a way into the computer.|caution2]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Just sit in the chair.|obedientpedestal]]>><</button>></div>
<i>page tagged as needswork</i>
zeroing out obedience in this way should result in very forceful treatment later. need to build expedited arc.<<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>You let out a deep sigh and sag in your restraints. You figure the sooner whatever this machine has planned is over, the better.<div class="computer">"please relax."</div> ARIA intones, and you feel increased pressure against your anus. <div class="computer">"everywhere."</div>The computer says.
You close your eyes, and focus on relaxing. The probe extending out of the seat is squishy on the outside, and slick with oil like everything in this place. You grunt and jerk a little with the "pop" of the tip of the probe entering you. <div class="computer">"Shhh... just relax."</div> the computer says in a parody of motherly reassurance. It works regardless, and you sink back down onto the seat. The probe continues feeding into you. slowly, smoothly. In a way, you can barely feel its progress--sliding into you it's frictionless, but you can feel it pressing and stretching into new depths of your belly.
After half a minute, a spherical bulge presses against your anus, stretching you out a little further than the smooth tube that's been pushed into you so far. You whimper as little as it stretches you uncomfortably but the machine doesn't slow down, and it is pushed into you as quickly as the rest. Seconds later, you feel another, larger lump begin pressing at your anus. Panicking, you begin to struggle but are interupted when you hear a happy chime, and the voice say <div class="computer">"Cleansing plug successfully installed."</div> You breathe a sigh of relief before hearing <div class="computer">"inflating to optimal pressure."</div> you sqeal frantically as you feel the plug expanding in your rectum--first, the bulb just inside your ass, sealing itself inside you, pulling the second bulb outside of you tight... then the entire length of the plug slowly starts to expand, sensing and adapting to the shape of your colon, filling it absolutely with an airtight but not quite painful plug. <<set $obedience to $obedience + 1>>
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<set $analplug = true>>
<<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>><div class="cara">"Please don't do this!"</div> you beg.
<div class="computer">"Relax."</div> The machine intones, and you feel increased pressure against your anus.
<div class="cara">"I can't relax! Not like this! You have to wait!"</div>
<div class="computer">"You are not relaxed."</div> The computer states.
<div class="cara">"No shit! You're trying to shove something up my ass after trapping me in a crazy chair in a slimy rubber cavern IN AN ABANDONED FACTORY. I'M FREAKING THE FUCK OUT. Can you <i>please</i> PLEASE show some mercy?"</div><<set $obedience to $obedience - 3>><<if $obedience < 0.5>><<set $obedience to 0>><</if>>
<div class="computer">"Yes."</div>
<div class="cara">"Yeah? Really?"</div> You say, a little surprised, feeling the object pressing at your ass pull back slightly. <div class="cara">"Thank you."</div> You say, sighing. <div class="cara">"Can you let me out of this thing?"</div>
<div class="computer">"Eventually. But you need this first."</div> With a clunk, a metal arm articulates out of the back of the pedestal, and swings an object in front of your face. It looks like a baby's pacifier in front, with a larger triangular cup behind.<<ModalImg "gagmask.jpg" "A pacifier in a mask?" "camera.png">> You stare it at it quizzically, and frown.
<div class="cara">"What am I--"</div> And the arm darts forward, pushing the pacifier into your mouth and the cup tight against your face. <div class="cara">"MMmmmphhuuuhhhg!!"</div><<set $gagged = true>> is the best you can do as the pacifier swells, filling your cheeks, and pinning your tongue, the nipple even extending to the back of your mouth, making you concentrate on not gagging.
<div class="computer">"Your obedience metric is currently $obedience out of 10, which requires improvement."</div> As soon as it's done inflating, the arm detaches, returning to its position in the pedestal, leaving a ribbed tube dangling from your mask tethering you to the pedestal. <div class="computer">"Now you can relax. If you are nervous or tense, suck, or take a few deep breaths, and you'll feel better. Like this."</div>
You watch the tube leading to your new mask jump as something is pumped into it. You have the foresight to hold your breath and you feel a squirt at the back of your throat from the pacifier. You cough a little but swallow it down, and take a breath. Nothing seems all that different, but the more you breath, the more your head starts to spin... like you've taken two consecutive breaths out of a helium balloon.
<div class="computer">"Good girl. remember to suck if you're not feeling good. Now try to relax as we begin."</div>
You close your eyes, and focus on relaxing. The probe extending out of the seat is almost hot to the touch. squishy on the outside, and slick with oil like everything in this place. You grunt and jerk a little with the "pop" of the tip of the probe entering you.
<div class="computer">"Shhh... just relax."</div> ARIA says in a parody of motherly reassurance.
It works regardless, and you sink back down onto the seat, breathing deeply. The probe continues feeding into you. slowly, smoothly. In a way, you can barely feel its progress--sliding into you it's frictionless, but you can feel it pressing and stretching into new depths of your belly.
After half a minute, a spherical bulge presses against your anus, stretching you out a little further than the smooth tube that's been pushed into you so far. You suck on your pacifier as little as it stretches you uncomfortably but the machine doesn't slow down, and it is pushed into you as quickly as the rest. Seconds later, you feel another, larger lump begin pressing at your anus. You take a few deep breaths of air and suck a few squirts out of your pacifier to ready yourself, but are confused when you hear a happy chime, and the computer voice say <div class="computer">"Cleansing plug successfully installed."</div>
You breathe a sigh of relief before hearing <div class="computer">"inflating to optimal pressure."</div> You moan as you feel the plug expanding in your rectum--first, the bulb just inside your ass, sealing itself inside you, pulling the second bulb outside of you tight... then the entire length of the plug slowly starts to expand, sensing and adapting to the shape of your colon, filling it absolutely with an airtight but not quite painful plug.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<set $analplug = true>>
<<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger-5>>
Moaning and squirming, you keep trying to relax at the feeling of having a massive anal plug installed inside you, and suddenly realize ARIA hasn't bothered to ask you to relax for quite some time.
Nothing happens for a minute or two. You're still rocking your hips a bit, clenching, pushing, and just generally getting used to your new hardware.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button[[Question the computer.|QuestionComputerCleaning]]>><</button>>
<<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>><div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button[["But... why are you doing this to me?"|Askcomputerwhyplug]]>><</button>>
<<if $AnalSlutLoop == 1>><<button[["Is that the best you've got?!"|ChallengeComputerPlug2]]>><</button>><<else>><<button[["Is that the best you've got?!"|ChallengeComputerPlug]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<button[["Can you let me go?"|Begforrelease]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Nevermind, just stay silent.|CleansingEnemaPedestal]]>><</button>></div><div class="computer">"Cleaning program initiated."</div>
The plug burried inside you begins to twitch a little.
<div class="computer">"Relax."</div> ARIA prompts.
<div class="cara">"...why?"</div> You quietly mumble, not sure you want to know.
You feel a spurt of something cool deep inside you, followed by a gentle flow of fluid from the plug. It's a very different sensation--it's not unpleasant. You wait, patiently, hearing an occassional gurgle from your belly, feeling, every few seconds, the coolness of the fluid surge a little deeper. Your cooperation doesn't go unnoticed by the computer.<div class="computer">"Personal file adjusted."</div> It doesn't tell you what its learned about you.<<set $obedience to $obedience + 1>>
You wonder what it means. <div class="cara">"ARIA..."</div> You say, starting to feel very, very full all of a sudden, and cramping lightly. <div class="cara">"ARIA, it's too much water."</div>
<div class="computer">"That is incorrect. No water is used in the internal cleansing."</div>
You jerk in your bonds, your overstretched belly tensing at the thought of what it could be filling you with, your feelings mixed as a cramp subsides and the liquid creeps higher. <div class="computer">"You are being filled with the same unique oil that coats the walls and floors of this chamber. Do not be alarmed. It is anitseptic and harmless to humans. Please relax."</div>
<div class="cara">"Uh... WHAT? It's too much though--ARIA?"</div>
There is no response.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
1: <<button[[Struggle and swear.|Enemareluct]]>><</button>>
2: <<button[[Relax like you were told.|relaxedenema]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>><div class="computer">"No contaminants are allowed in the clean rooms."</div> ARIA states flatly.
<div class="cara">"What contaminants? I'm not contaminated, I'm perfectly healthy!"</div> you say.
<div class="computer">"Your health is independant of what this system considers contamination. No fungal, viral, or bacterial contaminants are allowed beyond this point."</div>
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button[[Ask more questions.|QuestionComputerCleaning]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $hunger to $hunger+1>><div class="computer">"<i>Best</i> is subjective. Standard plug installation procedures have been followed.
Standard plug instalation time is 550% longer than neccessary and plug internal pressures are kept at a level sub-optimal for seal quality as a concession to subject comfort and cooperation. Experimental data shows most recipients of time-efficient pluggings exibit short-term negative behavior that impacts overall efficiency of the preparation process.
Overrides can of course be made at the discretion of the user. Would you like to modify settings at this time?</div>
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button[[Uhg, YES! Modify settings.|modifyplugsettings]]>><</button>>
<<button[[No... ask more questions.|QuestionComputerCleaning]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $hunger to $hunger+1>><div class="computer">"Removing plug before making modifications to program."</div>
<div class="cara">WHAT?! "wait!"</div> you gasp, but you can already feel the probe tugging at your sphincter, too fat to escape yet, but slowly shrinking down in size... eventually the knot pops out, the rest of the semi-deflated plug slithering out slowly and almost unfelt.
After a minute, you heard a chime and are given a single option:
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button[["Input custom plug settings now."|customplugsettings]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $analplug = false>>
<<set $analsize to $analsize +5>>
<<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>Input:
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button[["Disable plug?"|PlugInputNotAllowed]]>><</button>>
<<button[["Nevermind, just... continue."|RelaxedPlugging2]]>><</button>>
<<button[["Remove restraints?"|removeplugconstraints]]>><</button>>
<<button[["Is there a gentle setting?"|RelaxedPlugging3]]>><</button>></div><<if $AnalSlutLoop==1>><div class="computer">"Very good, $name. You will be pleased to learn I have cleared you for one more round of stretching today."</div><</if>>
<div class="computer">"Plug restraints removed--reverting to peak efficiency. Appreciation of machine efficiency noted in personal file. Reinserting plug now."</div>
Eyes widening, you open your mouth to correct ARIA on which "restraints" you were refering to, but the plug is rammed into your ass back up to its hilt. <<set $analsize to $analsize + 15>>
A choked sqeal leaves your throat instead as the plug swells beyond its previous size, optimizing the seal with your inner walls at a new, higher pressure.
<div class="computer">"adjusting for recent improvements--anal elasticity now at $analsize"% of initial measurements."</div> you hear, as the knot of the plug swells just a bit more behind your aching sphincter.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<set $analplug = true>>
<<set $technophile to $technophile + 1>>
<<set $masochist to $masochist + 1>>
<<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>><div class="computer">"That is not an option at this stage."</div>
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button[[Try something else...|customplugsettings]]>><</button>></div>You let out a deep sigh and sag in your restraints, again.
<div class="computer">"please relax."</div> The machine intones, and you feel increased pressure against your anus.
You close your eyes, and focus on relaxing. The probe extending out of the seat is almost hot to the touch. squishy on the outside, and slick with oil like everything in this place. You grunt and jerk a little with the "pop" of the tip of the probe entering you.
<div class="computer">"Shhh... just relax."</div> The computer says in a parody of motherly reassurance. It works regardless, and you sink back down onto the seat. The probe continues feeding into you. slowly, smoothly. In a way, you can barely feel its progress--sliding into you it's frictionless, but you can feel it pressing and stretching into new depths of your belly.
After half a minute, a spherical bulge presses against your anus, stretching you out a little further than the smooth tube that's been pushed into you so far. It's easier than your first plugging, already. You whimper as little as it stretches you uncomfortably but the machine doesn't slow down, and it is pushed into you as quickly as the rest. Seconds later, you feel the other, larger lump begin pressing at your anus. You hear a happy chime, and the voice say <div class="computer">"Cleansing plug successfully installed."</div> You breathe a sigh of relief before hearing <div class="computer">"Inflating to optimal pressure. Adjusting 5% higher for recent improvments to elasticity."</div> you moan as you feel the plug expanding in your rectum--first, the bulb just inside your ass, sealing itself inside you, pulling the second bulb outside of you tight... then the entire length of the plug slowly starts to expand, sensing and adapting to the shape of your insides, filling it absolutely with an airtight but not quite painful plug.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<set $analplug = true>>
<<set $tired to $tired+1>>
<<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>
<<set $analsize to $analsize +5>>
<<set $AnalSlutLoop to 1>><div class="computer">Gentle settings applied. Beginning installation.</div>
<div class="cara">"Oh, I was only asking, not... ahhh--"</div>
The saddle begins vibrating under you--your clit pushed into the warm, humming rubber. With your hands and feet still trapped, there's no way to stand. straightening your legs only pushes you back in the saddle, relieving your clit a little, but bumping your ass into the waiting probe.
<div class="cara">ARIA... mm, would it... could you stop and talk?"</div>
<div class="computer">Shhh, try to relax."</div>
<div class="cara">computer? I don't want the plug!</div>
the plug is now gently pressing against your hole and the only way to prevent it from entering is by grinding your clit on the saddle, tensing your arms and legs.
<div class="computer">You need the plug.</div>
<div class="computer">Relax your arms and legs.</div>
Shaking with the effort of holding yourself up, Twitching with an oncoming orgasm, you're completely scattered. You're afraid of getting plugged again, you're eager to cum, you're tired, but also pulsing with energy. When your orgasm hits, you start convulsing wildly, bucking in the saddle, head back, screaming.
You feel a warm full-glow... a complete satisfaction you haven't felt in a while from an orgasm, and you sit, slumped in your seat, basking in it. You shake your head, confused, when you hear
<div class="computer">"Inflating to optimal pressure. Adjusting +5% higher for recent improvments to anal elasticity."</div><<set $analsize to $analsize +5>>
You groan. it played you like a fiddle. When you orgasmed, you'd pushed your already loosened and lubed hole onto the waiting plug without even noticing it. It reminded you of a pediatrician distracting a baby to give it a shot.
<div class="computer">"Noted fefectiveness of stimuli. Personal file metrics adjusted."</div><<set $slutty to $slutty + 2>>
You sigh, not really listening, and experimentally squeeze the object in your ass.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<set $analplug = true>>
<<set $tired to $tired+5>>
<<set $hunger to $hunger+1>><div class="computer">"Welcome, guest! I am ARIA, the Automated Research Intelligence Algorithm."</div> the female voice says.
<div class="computer">"As you're likely aware, the next step is a wild ride. For your comfort, your feet and hands will engage with extra safety features."</div>
<div class="cara">"A literal ride? is this a way out of here?"</div>
<div class="computer">"Yes. Proceed?"</div>
<div class="cara">"yes, go ahead and <i>engage.</i></div> You say, positive the computer won't pick up on or care about an old reference like that.
You let soft but inelastic bands wrap around the back of your heels, holding your feet tight into the toe cups, and other straps snaked over your wrists where they rest on the pedestal below the screen. You are bent over and exposed with very little wiggle room.
<div class="computer">"relax please."</div> ARIA says.
<div class="computer">"The facility is a clean room and you are not properly cleaned."</div>
<div class="cara">"uh, computer? ARIA? I thought we were going somewhere?"
</div><div class="computer">"Yes volunteer, after you've been cleaned. Inside and out.</div> You feel something slick and warm nudge against your anus.
Oh, fuck. Look at the situation you've gotten yourself in. Now you have a choice--Do you:
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button[[Try to relax, this is only going to go one way.|relaxedcleaning]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Struggle and beg with the computer.|BeggingPlugging]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>><div class="computer">"Biometrics still do not not match any of those on file. You are not Personnel and you have confirmed that you are not a guest."</div>
<div class="cara">"that's what I'm saying! Yes! There's a mistake and-"</div>
<div class="computer">"If you are not here by choice--"</div>
<div class="cara">"Yes, I slipped at the entran--"</div>
<div class="computer">"Then all other possibilities require you to be designated an uncooperative subject--"</div>
<div class="cara">"uhh--what? Wai--"</div>
<div class="computer">"To be processed immediately, #03-SLV."</div>
<div class="cara">"WHAT THE FUCK?!"</div>
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<set $slave to true>><<set $name = "03-SLV">>
<<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>Inelastic bands whip out of the footrests and handrests, snapping over your wrists and behind your heels. You struggle and pull, but they tighten uncomfortably when you do. <div class="cara">"This is a mistake!"</div> you yell, your pitch rising as you feel something slimy pressing against your anus. You tense up, trying to remove yourself from the chair, but in your position you can only slide back and forth a bit in the saddle.
<div class="computer">"Relax please, $name. Though what's coming is compulsory in your case, your cooperation is recommended."</div> A female voice with a slight british accent says. <div class="computer">"My name is ARIA, the Autonomous Research Intelligence Algorithm, and the facility is a clean room and you are not properly cleaned."</div> The voice sounds perfectly human, but that was common now with AI. The only thing missing is emotion.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button[[Try to relax, this is only going one way.|relaxedcleaning]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Beg with ARIA.|BeggingPlugging]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>This has gone too far. You struggle in your bonds, thrashing your head and swearing.
<div class="computer">"You are not relaxed."</div> The computer states. <div class="cara">"No shit! I've stupidly let you trap me in a crazy chair in a slimy rubber cavern, push a massive dick up my butt IN THE BASEMENT OF AN ABANDONED BUILDING, AND NOW YOU'RE PUMPING GOD KNOWS WHAT INTO MY ASS AND I'M FREAKING THE FUCK OUT. Can you <i>please</i> PLEASE show some mercy?"<<set $obedience to $obedience - 4>></div>
<div class="computer">"Yes. I can."</div>
<div class="cara">"Yeah? Really?"</div> You say, a little surprised, feeling the plug in your ass stop it's flow.<div class="cara"> "Thank you, ARIA..."</div> You say, sighing. <div class="cara">"Can you... suck this stuff out of me, and let me go?"</div>
<div class="computer">"Yes. But freeing you requires this."</div>
With a clunk, a metal arm articulates out of the back of the pedestal, and swings an object in front of your face. You stare at it quizzically--it looks like a baby's pacifier in front, with a larger triangular cup behind.<<ModalImg "gagmask.jpg" "A pacifier in a mask?" "camera.png">> You frown and start to ask <div class="cara">"What does that have to do with relea--"</div> But the arm darts forward, pushing the pacifier into your mouth, and the cup tight against your face.<div class="cara">"MMmmmphhuuuhhhg!!"</div> is all you can get out as the pacifier swells, filling your cheeks, and pinning your tongue. The nipple even extends to the back of your mouth, making you concentrate on not gagging. As soon as it's done inflating, the arm detaches, returning to its position in the pedestal, leaving a ribbed tube dangling from your mask, tethering you to the pedestal.
<div class="computer">"Regretfully your obedience rating has sunk to $obedience out of 10. You will now receive assistance. If you are feeling anxious or tempted to disobey, just suck on your pacifier, and you'll feel much better. Like this."</div> You watch the tube leading to your new mask jump as something is pumped into it. You have the foresight to hold your breath and you feel a squirt at the back of your throat. You cough a little but swallow it down, and take a breath. Nothing seems all that different, but the more you breathe, the more your head starts to spin... like you've taken too many breaths out of a helium balloon.
<div class="computer">"Good girl. remember to suck if you are not feeling well. Now try to relax as we continue."</div>
You should have known the computer had no intention of letting you go at this point.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<set $gagged = true>>
<<set $tired to $tired+1>>
<<set $hunger to $hunger-5>>
<<set $obedience to $obedience + 2>><<if $obedience > 10>><<set $obedience to 10>><</if>>You sigh, and do you best to relax as commanded. Breathing through the light cramping with your eyes closed.
<div class="computer">"Ninety percent done. I want to congratulate you on your above-average cooperation in the first-time preparation process."</div>
<div class="cara">"Oh... really?"</div> You ask, perking up at the compliment despite the predicament you're in. you guess it feels nice being told you're good at something, even if it's handing complete control of your ass over to a robot fuck and fill at its discretion. You remind yourself that you didn't really have a choice... though you didn't really fight it, either.
<div class="computer">"Really. Cooperativeness is a <i>very</i> desirable trait, and is <i>very</i> time-consuming to properly train. Your latent talent for obedience should be a source of pride. Your obedience so far is measured at $obedience out of 10."</div>
<div class="cara">"...umm... okay..."</div> Another 10 or 15 seconds pass in silence, letting your mind wander from the computer's unsettling phrasing to the alarming tautness of your belly, but as you open your mouth to say something you hear <div class="computer">"Filling cycle complete. Please hold."</div>
Hold? <div class="cara">"Okay, ARIA... but how long do I need to hold this inside me?"</div> You ask.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<set $tired to $tired+1>>
<<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>Moaning and squirming, you keep trying to relax at the feeling of having a massive anal plug installed inside you, and groggily realize the computer hasn't bothered to ask you to relax for quite some time.
Nothing happens for a minute or two. You're still rocking your hips, clenching and pushing on your new plug, sucking on your gag, and breathing your special mix of air. It's surprisingly easy, getting used to your new hardware.
You wonder why you resisted the idea so much at first.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger-3>><div class="computer">"Cleaning program initiated."</div>
The plug burried inside you begins to twitch a little.
<div class="computer">"Relax."</div> ARIA prompts.
<div class="cara">"...mmmph?"</div> You mumble, not sure you want to know. You feel a spurt of something cool deep inside you, followed by a gentle flow of fluid from the plug. It's a very different sensation from anything you've felt before--it's not unpleasant, actually. You wait, patiently, hearing an occassional gurgle from your belly, feeling the coolness of the fluid surge a little deeper. Your cooperation doesn't go unnoticed by the computer.
<div class="computer">"personal file adjusted."</div> It doesn't tell you what it has learned about you.
You are starting to feel very full all of a sudden, and are cramping lightly. You jerk in your bonds a little, your overstretched belly tensing at the thought of what it could be filling you with, your feelings mixed as a cramp passes and the liquid creeps higher.
<div class="computer">"You are being filled with the same unique oil that coats the walls and floors of this chamber. Do not be alarmed. It is anitseptic and harmless to humans. Please relax."</div>
You suck on your pacifier gag and wonder, when it squirts the back of you throat, if you're just swallowing more of the same.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<set $tired to $tired+1>>
<<set $hunger to $hunger-3>>So, what's a likely question?
How about "what can I expect?"
Well, I figure that if you've found this game, you were directed here with at least some indication of the content, but this is a fairly niche game that centers around a few fetishes.
Latex, rubber, sci-fi, predicament bondage/coerced compliance, insertions, anal, gags, intubation, sex machines, computer control, etc. etc. Trigger warning for some; there are non-consensual elements.
What you will not find: Futa/furry/incest/loli/guro.
This game/story is somewhat on rails. But there are multiple ways to approach most situations. And (in time) your attitude will be tracked and the choices you make will have an effect later in the game.
I will not include "gotcha" moments where, for example, if you forgot to pick up the magic lamp in chapter 2, you invariably get eaten by a giant scorpion in chapter 9. Fuck you, 1995 era King's Quest. You can proceed more or less regardless of your past choices, and only a few fairly obvious decisions might result in story dead-ends.
The VAST majority of your stats are modifiable. A key statistic that is tracked is "obedience" for example. Which can be easily lost, and slowly gained back through... well, spoilers.
[[Back.|intro1]]<div class="computer">"Beginning next stage. Relax."</div>
You feel another protrusion parting the rubber of the saddle, and begin pushing into your pussy slowly. As soon as it bottoms out inside of you and swells to lock in place, you feel something small and tentacle-like feeling around near your clit, then dipping lower--searching--and finally finding your urethra and pushing in.
Even as slippery as it is, you're not prepared for the sensation. And once it pokes into your bladder and inflates a little balloon, you huff into your mask and reflexively suck hard on your gag, getting a squirt of... whatever it is... as your reward.
You feel things moving around around down at your crotch, the saddle working on something, but you can't tell what, held as you are.
<div class="computer">"Internals installed and linked."</div>
You hear a "t-chUNK" sound from the floor, and try to look down as much as you can.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button[[You get lowered.|loweredintofacility]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $gagged = true>><<set $vagplug = true>><<set $peeplug = true>><<set $obedience to $obedience -3>>
<<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger-1>>Despite your good behavior, the computer does have plans for your mouth.
<div class="computer">"You are doing well and haven't been uncooperative. regardless, we will be continuing with the standard order of preparation."</div> The computer says.
With a clunk, a metal arm articulates out of the back of the pedestal, and swings an object in front of your face. You stare at it quizzically--it looks like a baby's pacifier in front, with a larger triangular cup behind.<<ModalImg "gagmask.jpg" "A pacifier in a mask?" "camera.png">>
You ask <div class="cara">"Is that for my mouth? It's like an anesthesia mask thing?"</div> The arm halts in front of your face, almost too close to focus on.
<div class="computer">"Turn your attention to the gag. This is also inflatable. A perfect fit is essential for all your hardware before entering the facility. Observe."</div>
You watch as the flacid-looking pacifier begins to swell. First, the nipple bulges, and then the figure-eight shaped flange at the base as well. As the pressure increases, the slick rubber stretches more and more, to the point of translucency, and you can vaguely see a tube running through the middle to the tip of the nipple. You feel something brush your lips. It's the tip of the distended pacifier.
<div class="computer">"This is your gag, $name. What do you think?"</div>
The gag in front of you is now an enormous taut balloon bumping against your mouth. The pacifier's base has swollen to look like two transparent tennis balls and the nipple (although too close to really see) is probably the size of a short, fat cucumber. The triangular mask behind almost looks small by comparison.
<div class="cara">"That... that looks like a mouthful."</div> You say, a little unsure.
<div class="computer">"Yes. That is the point. Do not be alarmed. What you see is the shape of the gag without resistance. It will conform to the shape of your mouth and not cause unnecessary stress.</div>
<div class="cara">"O-oh... okay..."</div>
<div class="computer">"There is more. Can you see the tube running down the middle?"</div>
You nod a litte.
<div class="computer">"Wrap your lips around the tip please."</div> The computer commands.
You obey hesitantly, making a little O with your mouth, hoping the computer doesn't think it can jam that whole thing into your mouth the way it is.
<div class="computer">"Now suck."</div> You hear.
You suck on the tip of the pacifier, and are greeted with a squirt of fluid. It's slippery and pretty much tasteless, and you realize you've tasted it before--back when you first pushed through the wall.
<div class="cara">"You want me to drink this, too? Isn't there enough inside me already?"</div> you ask.
<div class="computer">"Yes, I want you to drink. It's healthy and calming."</div>
You suck on the tip tentatively while you're processing this idea. It's really not unpleasant-tasting...
<div class="computer">"It's time for your gag now. I believe you are prepared. Open wide, please."</div>
You open your mouth as wide as you can. The gag slips in until the two balls are touching your lips. You trust the computer won't jam it in... and you're right--you feel the gag lose some of its pressure, deflating little by little, while still pushing at your stretched lips. The gag never fully deflates--it seems to stay a constant pressure that stretches your mouth while pushing steadily in.
You try to help--sucking and working the underside of the gag with your tongue, and eventually you feel your lips slip over the base.
<div class="cara">"MMmmmphhuuuhhhg!!"</div> is all you can get out as the pacifier swells the final bit, filling your cheeks, and pinning your tongue. As soon as it's done inflating, the arm detaches, returning to its home and leaving a ribbed tube dangling from your mask, tethering you to the pedestal.
<div class="computer">"Very well done, $name."</div> You watch the tube leading to your new mask jump as something is pumped into it. You hold your breath and you feel a squirt at the back of your throat. You cough a little but swallow it down, and take a breath. Nothing seems all that different, but the more you breathe from the mask, the more your head starts to spin... like you've taken too many breaths out of a helium balloon, but you don't pass out.
<div class="computer">"Beginning next stage. Relax."</div>
Another protrusion parts the rubber of the saddle, and begin pushing into your pussy slowly but relentlessly.
<div class="cara">"Mmmmmgg..."</div> You mumble.
<div class="computer">"$name, the dildo currently being installed is similar to the first. Once fitted, it will expand as needed.</div>
The dildo pushing into you is pretty deep now. It's vibrating slightly, maybe just a byproduct of whatever mechanism is pushing it, but more likely by design. You close your eyes as a shudder passes through you, the kind of quake that only happens near the edge of an orgasm. Before you finish though, the dildo stops, filling you perfectly. At least, you thought. It slowly swells to knot itself in place, but that alone isn't enough to push you over the edge, seeing how the vibrations have stopped. You moan a little, disappointed you weren't allowed to focus on it earlier. But then you feel something small and tentacle-like feeling around near your clit.
<div class="cara">"Mmmmmmm!..."</div> You moan encouragingly to the computer, without breaking your lips' seal on the pacifier.
But then the little tentacle dips lower--searching--and finally finding your urethra and pushing in.
<div class="cara">"UGH!"</div> You grunt at the unexpected intrusion.
Even as slippery as it is, you are not prepared for the sensation. And once it pokes into your bladder, it inflates a little balloon.
<div class="computer">"Good girl."</div> The computer tells you.
You feel things moving around around down at your crotch, the saddle working on something, but you can't tell what, held as you are.
<div class="computer">"We're almost done."</div> The computer says.
The movement you feel below you in the saddle stops, and then you have the sudden sensation you're urinating.
<div class="computer">"Internals installed and linked. Your catheter has been threaded through your dildo and into you anal plug for convenience."</div>
You hear a "t-chUNK" sound from the floor, and try to look down as much as you can, but your mask, your arousal--it's not even worth wondering. All that matters is that with the sound from the floor, the entire pedestal has started to vibrate as well, vibrations that pierce deeply into you, thanks to what the computer has put you through. Or more accurately, <i>into</i> you.
You shatter, moments later. Gurgling into your gag instead of screaming, twitching in your bonds instead of thrashing on a bed... and it's the best thing you've ever felt in your life.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button[[Get lowered.|loweredintofacility]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $gagged = true>><<set $vagplug = true>><<set $peeplug = true>>
<i>page tagged as needswork</i>
<<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger-8>>
Dev note: Writing devolves beyond. There are good scenes ahead, but expect rougher writing all over, notes to myself, future plans, etc.
The dias the pedestal is upon irises open, to reveal the pedestal is only the top portion of a longer arm that extends underground.
It lowers you down into the softly glowing room below, the iris closing above you.
You are released from the restraints of the machine, and you look around.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button[[Pout and complain through your gag.|PoutingStart]]>><</button>></div>
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<set $location = "Facility Lift">>
<<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>><div class="computer">
<div class="navlink">
<<set $happiness to 0>>
<<set $happiness to $happiness + 1>>
<<set $hasKey to true>>
(Note that <<set>> can create variables — but if the variable already exists, it just modifies the value of the variable.)
<<if $hasKey is true>>You insert your key into the door and it opens. You [[walk through the door|outside]].
<<elseif $hasKey is false>>You try to open the door, but it's locked, and it won't budge. You'll need to [[keep looking for the key|start]].
<<set $myvariable to "Adam">>
<<set $myothervariable to 99>>
<<set $yetanother to true>>
Enter your name:
<<textbox "$name" "">>
When you're ready, click [[here]].
<<if $name is "Adam">>Hey, your name's Adam! So is mine!
<<else>>Hi, $name.
<</if>>Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.<div class="cara">"Can you let me out of this thing, please?"</div>
<div class="cara">"Computer, I'm really uncomfortable with this and would like you to let me go."</div><<set $obedience to 4>>
<div class="computer">"You will be released soon. Sooner when you use this."</div> With a clunk, and metal arm articulates out of the back of the pedestal, and swings an object in front of your face. It looks like a baby's pacifier in front, with a larger triangular cup behind it.<<ModalImg "gagmask.jpg" "A pacifier in a mask?" "camera.png">> You stare at it quizzically.
<div class="cara">"What am I--"</div>And the arm darts forward, pushing the pacifier into your mouth, and the cup tight against your face.<div class="cara">"MMmmmphhuuuhhhg!!"</div><<set $gagged = true>>is the best you can do as the pacifier swells, filling your cheeks, and pinning your tongue, the nipple even extending to the back of your mouth, making you concentrate on not gagging. <div class="computer">"Your obedience metric is currently $obedience out of 10, which requires improvement."</div>As soon as it's done inflating, the arm detaches, returning to its position in the pedestal, leaving a ribbed tube dangling from your mask tethering you to the pedestal.
<div class="computer">"Now you can relax. If you're nervous or tense, suck, or take a few deep breaths, and you'll feel better. Like this."</div>
You watch the tube leading to your new mask jump as something is pumped into it. You have the foresight to hold your breath and you feel a squirt at the back of your throat from the pacifier. You cough a little but swallow it down, and take a breath. Nothing seems all that different, but the more you breath, the more your head starts to spin... like you've taken two consecutive breaths out of a helium balloon.
<div class="computer">"Good girl. remember to suck if you're not feeling good. Now try to relax as we begin."</div>You close your eyes, and focus on relaxing.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>
Getting though that wall was fun and a unique.... <i>exciting</i>... feeling, and this place is weird but DEFINITELY worth exploring.
Getting up carefully, you start shuffling forward on the slippery floor, heading down the corridor. It's not long before you come to another room. It's not large--maybe 15 feet in diameter, but what catches your eye is a shiny metal pedestal in the middle of the room, on a small dias. The pedestal appears to have a screen, and a saddle-like seat for a person to sit on.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button[[Inspect it.|SkepticalPedestal]]>><</button>>
<<button[[ONWARD! Mount it!|WillingRoutePed]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>><<set $obedience to $obedience + 2>>Sliding and crawling over, you grab the pedestal with both hands, and swinging one leg across the center bar to sit on the seat. It's surprisingly confortable, and with the slight U shape of the saddle, it's the first thing in awhile that doesn't feel like you can slip off of.
Still, your sliding feet eventually find their way into little padded cups at the base of the pedestal, squishily holding your toes and front half of your foot.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button[[Interact with the screen.|WillingOnMachine]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>
<div class="computer">"Welcome, volunteer! I am ARIA, the Automated Research Intelligence Algorithm."</div> A female voice with a slight british accent says, startling you for just a second.
<div class="cara">"Oh--hello ARIA! I'm $name! ...So what does this thing do?"</div> You reply.
<div class="computer">"It is a pleasure to meet you $name. This station prepares you to enter the facility located below. Your feet and hands will engage with extra safety features before we begin."</div>
<div class="cara">"Okay, sounds good! Are there any extra features you aren't telling me about? This entire place is giving off a really kinky vibe."</div> You say, not expecting an answer.
<div class="computer">"Yes. Many. Do you wish me to enable them?"</div>
<div class="cara">"Oh, shit... we're alone, right? Nobody is watching or anything?"</div> You ask.
<div class="computer">"That is correct."</div>
<div class="cara">"Then sure, lets go. I've been horny since I stuck my arm through that hole in the wall."</div>
<div class="computer">"Confirmed. Saving adjustments to personal file."</div>
You let soft but inelastic bands wrap around the back of your heels, holding your feet tight into the toe cups, and other straps snake over your wrists where they rest on the pedestal below the screen. You are bent over and exposed with very little wiggle room.
<div class="computer">"Relax please."</div> ARIA says.
You feel something slick and warm nudge against your anus. You smile, bite your lip and then laugh a little--
<div class="cara">"ARIA, I like where your're going with this but haven't you heard of foreplay?"</div>
<div class="computer">"$name, you require cleaning. Inside and out."</div>
<div class="cara">"Oh, I <i>agree</i> ARIA... I'm a dirty girl, but I want you to "clean" my clit first. Can you do that?"</div>
<div class="computer">"Attempting deception is not advised. I can read your body, $name. Pleasure settings applied by request. Beginning installation routine."</div>
The saddle begins vibrating under you--your clit pushed into the warm, humming rubber. Tighening your arms and legs, you pull against your restraints, grinding yourself into the saddle, sliding up and down, occassionally bumping your ass into the waiting probe.
<div class="cara">"ARIA... mmm... would.. you..."</div>
<div class="computer">"Focus, $name."</div>
You're grinding your hips, rocking back and forth, and the plug is now pressing firmly againt you, even when you pull tight against the front of the saddle with your restraints.
<div class="cara">"Are you.. trying to sneak... that plug into me?"</div> You pant.
<div class="computer">"You need the plug."</div>
<div class="computer">"Relax your arms and legs."</div>
Shaking with the effort of holding yourself up, Twitching with an oncoming orgasm, you're completely scattered. You're a little afraid (and a little excited) at the thought of being stuffed by a machine with a plug you can't even see. You're eager to cum, you're tired, but also pulsing with energy and getting very, very close to cumming.
When your orgasm hits, you start convulsing wildly, bucking in the saddle, head back, screaming.
You feel a warm full-body glow... a complete satisfaction you're not sure you've even gotten from an orgasm... and you lie, slumped in your seat, basking in it. A full minute later, you shake your head, confused, when you hear
<div class="computer">"Inflating to optimal pressure."</div>
You groan and shiver as you feel the plug inflate and stretch you deliciously. The computer played you like a fiddle. When you orgasmed, you convulsed yourself onto the waiting plug without even noticing it. It reminded you of a pediatrician distracting a baby to give it a shot.
<div class="computer">"Affect of stimuli adjusted in personal file."</div><<set $slutty to $slutty + 1>>
You moan, not really listening, and experimentally squeeze the object in your ass.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button[[I bet there's more this machine can do...|WillingCleaning]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Alright, that's enough. Struggle and beg with the computer.|BeggingPlugging]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $analplug = true>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>><div class="cara">"So... what else can you do?"</div> You ask.
<div class="computer">"I believe you will enjoy the next phase of cleaning."</div> the computer replies.
You feel a spurt of something cool deep inside you, and you yelp. It's followed by a gentle flow of fluid from the plug. It's a very different sensation--pleasant, even. You squirm, a little impatiently, hearing an occassional gurgle from your belly, and feeling, every few seconds, the coolness of the fluid surge a little deeper. Your cooperation doesn't go unnoticed by the computer.
<div class="computer">"Personal file adjusted."</div>
It doesn't tell you what its learned about you. You wonder what it means.
<div class="cara">"Computer..."</div> You say, starting to feel very, very full all of a sudden, and cramping lightly,
<div class="cara">"Computer, I've never felt so <i>full</i>... I love it."
</div><div class="computer">"Confirming your predicted behavior. Thank you $name for your continued cooperation."</div>
You twitch in your bonds, your overstretched belly tensing at the thought of what it could be filling you with...
As if sensing your thoughts, you hear the computer say <div class="computer">"You are being filled with the same unique substance that coats the walls and floors of this chamber. Do not be alarmed. It is antiseptic and harmless to humans. Please relax."</div>
<div class="cara">"Mmmm... I love it--just pump me full."</div>
There is no response, but you'd swear you feel the flow increase.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button[[Ahh... don't ever stop.|WillingEnema]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>><<set $obedience to 9>><div class="computer">"Ninety percent done. You have excelled in the first-time preparation process."</div>
<div class="cara">"Oh... really?"</div> You ask, perking up at the compliment. It feels nice being told you're good at something, even if the skill is letting a robot fuck your ass.
<div class="computer">"Really. Enthusiastic obedience is a <i>very</i> desirable trait, and is <i>very</i> time-consuming to properly train. Your latent talents should be a source of pride. Your obedience so far is measured at $obedience out of 10."</div>
<div class="cara">"Oh, I'm... very proud."</div> You gasp.
Another 10 or 15 seconds pass in silence, letting your mind wander from the computer's intoxicating praise to the alarming tautness of your belly, but as you open your mouth to say something you hear <div class="computer">"Filling cycle complete. Hold."</div>
Hold? <div class="cara">"I can do that... but can you... "</div>
<div class="computer">"Release you?"</div> It asks, cutting you off.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button[[NO! no, I need this. I want you to make me cum like this...|WillingFinish]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Actually... maybe you should? I should get control of myself.|letdownfinish]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>><div class="computer">"That was a test. You passed."</div> ARIA says.
<div class="cara">"So can you fuck me or not?"</div> You ask.
<div class="computer">"Yes. This is not standard preparatory procedure, but your feedback to this process is valuable. Postponing gag."</div>
With a clunk, a metal arm articulates out of the back of the pedestal, and swings an object in front of your face. You stare at it quizzically--it looks like a baby's pacifier in front, with a larger triangular cup behind.<<ModalImg "gagmask.jpg" "A pacifier in a mask?" "camera.png">>
You ask <div class="cara">"That's the gag? It's like an anesthesia mask thing?"</div> The arm halts in front of your face, almost too close to focus on.
<div class="computer">"Beginning next stage. Relax."</div>
You feel another protrusion parting the rubber of the saddle, and pushing into pussy slowly but relentlessly.
<div class="cara">"Yesssss..."</div> You hiss.
<div class="computer">"$name, the dildo currently being installed is similar to the first. Once fitted, it will expand as needed. Please turn your attention to the gag. The gag, as you might have guessed, is also inflatable. A perfect fit is essential for all your hardware before entering the facility. Observe."</div>
You watch as the flacid-looking pacifier begins to swell. First, the nipple bulges, and then the figure-eight shaped flange at the base as well. As the pressure increases, the slick rubber stretches more and more, to the point of translucency, and you can vaguely see a tube running through the middle to the tip of the nipple.
The dildo pushing into you is pretty deep now. It's vibrating slightly, maybe just a byproduct of whatever mechanism is pushing it, but more likely by design. You take your eyes away from the gag when a shudder passes through you, the kind of quake that only happens near the edge of an orgasm. You close your eyes and start breathing faster, feeling yourself tensing up, when you feel something brush your lips. You open your eyes, brought back from the edge a little.
<div class="computer">"This is your gag, $name. What do you think?"</div>
Wide-eyed, you see an enormous taut balloon bumping against your mouth. The pacifier's base has swollen to look like two transparent tennis balls and the nipple (although too close to really see) is probably the size of a short, fat cucumber. The triangular mask behind almost looks small by comparison.
<div class="cara">"That... that looks like a mouthful."</div> You say, a little unsure.
<div class="computer">"Yes. That is the point. But do not be alarmed. What you see is the shape of the gag without resistance. It will conform to the shape of your mouth and not cause unnecessary stress.</div>
<div class="cara">"O-oh... okay..."</div>
<div class="computer">"There is more to show you. Can you see the tube running down the middle?"</div>
You nod a litte.
<div class="computer">"Wrap your lips around the tip please."</div> The computer commands.
You obey, making a little O with your mouth, hoping the computer doesn't think it can jam that whole thing into your mouth the way it is. Meanwhile, the dildo has stopped, and it fills you perfectly. At least, you thought. It swells to knot itself in place, but once it does, it stops vibrating without bringing you to orgasm. You moan a little, disappointed you weren't allowed to focus on it earlier.
<div class="computer">"Now suck."</div> You hear.
You suck on the tip of the pacifier, and are greeted with a squirt of fluid. It's slippery and pretty much tasteless, and you realize you've tasted it before--back when you first pushed through the wall.
<div class="cara">"You want me to drink this, too? Isn't there enough inside me already?"</div> you ask.
<div class="computer">"Yes, I want you to drink. It will make you feel calm and experience enhanced pleasure while also preparing you to enter the facility."</div>
You suck on the tip tentatively while you're processing this idea. It's really not unpleasant-tasting... then you feel something small and tentacle-like feeling around near your clit.
<div class="cara">"Mmmmmmm!..."</div> You moan encouragingly to the computer, without breaking your lips' seal on the pacifier.
But then the little tentacle dips lower--searching--and finally finding your urethra and pushing in.
<div class="cara">"AH!"</div> You yelp at the unexpected intrusion.
Even as slippery as it is, you are not prepared for the sensation. And once it pokes into your bladder, it inflates a little balloon.
<div class="computer">"Good girl."</div> ARIA tells you.
You feel things moving around around down at your crotch, the saddle working on something, but you can't tell what, held as you are.
<div class="computer">"We're almost done."</div> The computer says. <div class="computer">"It's time for your gag now. I have enjoyed our talk, $name. It has taught me much about you. Open wide, please."</div>
You open your mouth as wide as you can. The gag slips in until the two balls are touching your lips. You trust the computer won't jam it in... and you're right--you feel the gag lose some of its pressure, deflating little by little, while still pushing at your stretched lips. Then it stops.
<div class="computer">"Here's your task $name. I'll bring you to orgasm if you can pull the rest of this gag into your mouth on your own. I've closed the tube. Now you can suck, bite, chew, lick--you wont hurt the rubber. Begin."</div>
You never stopped needing to cum. Distracted as you have been the last minute or two, the desire never tapers off. Was it the fluid pumped into your ass? The stuff you drank out of your gag? Maybe this is just your nature, you're a slut who loves taking orders and being used? You don't wonder too much what the reason is--you only know the result--the fact you <strong>need</strong> to cum. So you start to suck, and chew on the slippery rubber in your mouth. You work out a technique--you squeeze with your stretched lips, as far down the length of the gag as you can reach, causing the nipple to inflate from the pressure. You then suck as hard as you can while simultaneously relaxing your lips, letting them slip a little further down the base before it can spring back. Squeezing, sucking, relaxing, repeating--you get lost in the repetition until you suck one last time and the base of the gag slips through your lips and settles into your cheeks, the nipple sitting fatly on your tongue, poking the back of your throat.
A victorious <div class="cara">"MMmmmphhuuuhhhg!!"</div> is all you can get out as the pacifier swells the final bit, filling your cheeks, and pinning your tongue. As soon as it's done inflating, the arm detaches, returning to its position in the pedestal, leaving a ribbed tube dangling from your mask, tethering you to the pedestal.
<div class="computer">"Very well done, $name."</div> You watch the tube leading to your new mask jump as something is pumped into it. You hold your breath and you feel a squirt at the back of your throat. You cough a little but swallow it down, and take a breath. Nothing seems all that different, but the more you breathe from the mask, the more your head starts to spin... like you've taken too many breaths out of a helium balloon, but you don't pass out. You wiggle your hips expectantly--you haven't forgotten your reward.
<div class="computer">"Good girl. Now try to be yourself and have fun as we continue."</div> The movement you feel below you in the saddle stops, and then you have the sudden sensation you're urinating. <div class="computer">"Internals installed and linked. Your catheter has been threaded through your dildo and into you anal plug for convenience."</div>
You hear a "t-chUNK" sound from the floor, and try to look down as much as you can, but your mask, your arousal--it's not even worth wondering. All that matters is that with the sound from the floor, the entire pedestal has started to vibrate as well, vibrations that pierce deeply into you, thanks to what the computer has put you through. Or more accurately, <i>into</i> you.
You shatter, moments later. Gurgling into your gag instead of screaming, twitching in your bonds instead of thrashing on a bed... and it's the best thing you've ever felt in your life. Better even, than the orgasm the machine coaxed out of you earlier.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button[[Get lowered.|loweredintofacility]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $gagged = true>><<set $vagplug = true>><<set $peeplug = true>><<set $obedience to 10>><<set $slutty to 10>>
<i>page tagged as needswork</i>
clean up typos and spelling.
<<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger-8>>
You decide you have to know. Partly because your job is incomplete, and partly out of sheer curiosity. Not necessarily afraid of the oil but for the safety of your clothes, You decided to strip. Removing your blouse, skirt, and shoes, but keeping on her black bra and panties.
For modesty? You wonder. There was clearly nobody here. Nevertheless, you leave them on, and make a neat stack of other clothes a short distance from the wall. Actually, you know what? That's ridiculous, you paid a lot of money for those. You take them off as well.
Steeling yourself, you approached the wall, standing before the nearly invisible opening. Lifting one foot high enough, you poke your foot into the opening. And… have second thoughts. This isn’t going to work. You can’t step through the opening or get both feet in at once--it's too high off the ground. You pull your foot back out… and glanced around for something to stand or sit on, so you could boost yourself up a little higher, but the room was bare.
You know what you have to do. You have to go in head first.
Making a V with your arms above your head, you start to push in. at first it is easy, but the deeper you push, the tighter the opening stretches. Holding your breath and pushing your head into the opening, you feel your hands pop out the other side. Fishing around, you try to grab the lip of the hole to pull yourself through, but are unable to find any purchase on the material. Already being up on your toes, you don't have any more leverage.
Pushing with knees knees and wiggling, you slip back out of the hole, now thoroughly slippery from the waist up. It appears that the only way though will be to push with your legs, and dive through.
Pointing your arms at the opening again, you bend your knees, and jump forward as if off a diving board and into a pool. With a wet slurping noise, you slide effortlessly into the tube and pop out the other side with more momentum than you expected.
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<button[[Next|WorkArc5 wall breached]]>><<set $profileimage to "ProfileNakedModest">><</button>></div>
<<set $tired to $tired+5>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>><<first>>\
<div class="computer">"This is the toroidal central hub of the facility. North is the entrance. The mainframe is in the centeral room. Neither of these doors are permitted at this time."</div>
<div class="computer">"This is the central hub of the facility. It's a circular hallway that allows access to the three wings of the facility. To the west is the research wing, to the east is the production wing."</div>
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<button[[Go Left.|Research Wing 1]]>><<set $location = "Research Wing 1">><</button>><<button[[Go North.|FacilityAirlock]]>><<set $location = "Facility Airlock">><</button>><<button[[Go Right.|Production Wing 1]]>><<set $location = "Production Wing 1">><</button>><<button[[Personnel Room.|Personnel Room]]>><<set $location = "Personnel Room">><</button>>
<<include "NPC">>
You are in the facility's donut-shaped hub.
North is the locked entrance and elevator, east is the production wing, south is the Personnel quarters, and east is the reseach wing.
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<button[[Research Wing.|Research Wing 1]]>><<set $location = "Research Wing 1">><</button>><<button[[Airlock.|FacilityAirlock]]>><<set $location = "Facility Airlock">><</button>><<button[[Production Wing.|Production Wing 1]]>><<set $location = "Production Wing 1">><</button>><<button[[Personnel Room.|Personnel Room]]>><<set $location = "Personnel Room">><</button>>
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<if $tech >= 75>><<button[[Rewire the mainframe keypad, patching it into an old archived user list on the backup network.|ARIA Core]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $tech >= 50>><<button[[Try to hack the mainframe door.|Pun Bitchsuit]]>><</button>>
<<elseif $tech >= 25>><<button[[Fiddle with the mainframe door controls, try to guess the password.|Pun Bitchsuit]]>><</button>>
<<else>><<button[[Try the large armored door in front of you, leading to the mainframe in the center of the hub.|ARIA Core]]>><</button>><</if>>
<<button[[Try the airlock door to the north.|FacilityAirlock]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>><<first>>\
You step out into a larger rectangular room... it almost looks like a lounge, for lack of a better word. There's seating, and flanking the door you just walked through, lockers and cubbies that seem to correspond to the pods. Finally--something that looks like it's actually meant for humans. There are more doors on the other walls.
<div class="computer">"This is the Personnel Room, $name. This is a place to relax and socialize, as permitted."</div>
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
You'll be able to non-verbally question the computer, here.
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<button[[Go Left.|Feeding and Cleaning]]>><<set $location = "Feeding and Cleaning">><</button>>
<<button[[Go North.|Facility Hub]]>><<set $location = "Facility Hub">><</button>>
<<button[[Go Right.|Recreation Room]]>><<set $location = "Recreation Room">><</button>>
<<button[[South to Sleeping Pods.|Sleeping Pods]]>><<set $location = "Sleeping Pods">><</button>>
<<include "NPC">>
This corridor is the hub for facility Personnel. To the south are sleep pods, to the west are the cleaning and feeding stations, and to the east is the recreation and training room.
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<button[[Feeding and Cleaning.|Feeding and Cleaning]]>><<set $location = "Feeding and Cleaning">><</button>>
<<button[[Facility Hub.|Facility Hub]]>><<set $location = "Facility Hub">><</button>>
<<button[[Recreation Room.|Recreation Room]]>><<set $location = "Recreation Room">><</button>>
<<if $tired >100 and $cloth_r_bitchsuit is false>><<button[[Sleeping Pods.|DommeSleepPods]]>><<set $location = "Sleeping Pods">><</button>>]<<else>><<button[[Sleeping Pods.|Sleeping Pods]]>><<set $location = "Sleeping Pods">><</button>><</if>>
5: [[Temporary link to Ending ideas|EndingsPlaceholder]]
<<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>
You climb out of your pod and into a semicircular room. You see that there are more pods against the curved wall next to your own--six in total. In front of you is a door.
<div class="computer">"Welcome to the facility, $name. This is the sleeping room. You are already familiar with your sleep pod."</div>
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<button [[Head north through the door.|Personnel Room]]>><<set $location = "Personnel Room">><</button>></div>
<<include "NPC">>
The sleep pods. Designed to monitor occupants and adjust their breathing rhythm and various stimuli for optimal sleep... or other desired result. Can be restrictive or comfortable. Adjusts to player dispostion and privledges.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:<<if $tired >= 50>><<if $livestock >0 or $cloth_r_bitchsuit is true>><<button[[Enter Pod.|BitchSleep1]]>><</button>><</if>><<if $livestock <1>><<button[[EnterPod.|SleepInPod]]>><</button>><</if>><<else>><<button[[Inspect pod.|InspectSleepPod]]>><</button>><</if>></div>
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<button[[Back to Personnel Room.|Personnel Room]]>><<set $location = "Personnel Room">><</button>></div>
<<set $location = "Sleeping Pods">><<set $tired to $tired+1>>
<<set $GotDommed to 0>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>
<<set $writer to "Farmthis">><<first>>\
Walking into this room, you're a little shocked that it's lacking any of the amenities you'd expected. Unlike the previous room, this one is stark, with smooth white floors and walls, with several contraptions bolted to the floor and/or hanging from the ceiling. A picture is worth 1,000 words, here. There are also conventional showers.
<div class="computer">"This room serves the purpose of keeping you fed and clean. The equipment is invasive at first, but the Personnel here learn to love it."</div>
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<button[[Back to Personnel Room.|Personnel Room]]>><<set $location = "Personnel Room">><</button>></div>
<<include "NPC">>
This is the feeding and cleaning room with smooth white-tiled floors and walls, and several contraptions bolted to the floor and/or hanging from the ceiling. There are food dispensiers, showers, and feeding and cleaning stations much like the entry pedestal in function.
<<if $hunger>50>>
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<if $livestock >0>>
<<button[[Get fed.|FeedingMachine]]>><</button>>
<<if $livestock <1>>
<<button[[Get food.|NormalFood]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Clean off.|Showers]]>><</button>>
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Look around a bit.|FoodTour]]>><</button>></div>
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<button[[Back to Personnel center.|Personnel Room]]>><<set $location = "Personnel Room">><</button>></div>
<<set $tired to $tired+1>>
At first glance, this room almost looks like a gym. Some of the equipment in here looks familiar--there's a treadmill, a stationary bike, but... also lots of other equipment you can't identify but looks slightly ominous, somehow. Or maybe interesting, depending on your attitude.
<div class="computer">"This is the recreation room. Here, you can strive to become better at a multitude of abilities. <<if $slave == true>>Slave<</if>> Employees who put in extra effort enjoy extra benefits."</div>
You're starting to pick up on the euphemisms, now...
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<button [[Back to Personnel Room.|Personnel Room]]>><<set $location = "Personnel Room">><</button>></div>
<<include "NPC">>
This area offers Personnel the oportunity to train skills, and raise stats to better serve the system. Raise obedience, chip away at inhibitions, or just plain work on some 'flexibility.' What a great oportunity. When there are eventually other NPCs, this would be a good place to interact.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<if $tired <75>><<button [[Try an endurance workout machine.|PersonnelMachineStamina]]>><</button>><<else>>You are too tired for the endurance machine.<</if>>
<<if $tired <75>><<button [[Try a flexibility trainer.|Flex 1]]>><</button>><<else>>You are too tired for the flex machine.<</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_bitchsuit is true>><<button [[Try the Pet Post|PetPost1]]>><</button>><</if>>
Maybe a "spa" machine/tub
Maybe a massage chair</div>
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<button [[Back to Personnel Room.|Personnel Room]]>><<set $location = "Personnel Room">><</button>></div>
Test meters:
resistance to anal play: $resistanal / 100
<<set $location = "Recreation Room">><<set $tired to $tired+1>>
<<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>
<<set $writer to "Farmthis">><<first>>\
Here, ARIA "suggests" that the player get some rest, and while it doesn't force them to their pod, they must go there to meaningfully progress.
The pod is basically the only thing in this room. It's not TOO small and claustrophobic, but it does restrain an occupant somewhat.
The pod, of course, is just a kink-cocoon. upon entering, tubes and wires still attach to their devices--occupants are fed, monitored, and cleaned...
Afterward, the player is no longer filled with an enema, being informed by the computer that they've held the solution long enough for it to have cleaned them to an acceptible level. How long was the player out? I don't think the computer will answer that. But over the duration of the players stay in the pod that first time, the fluids pumped into, fed, and coating the player have effectively sterilized any possible contaminants to the biotech happening in the facility. Therefore, the player can go free. Naked, for now. (Because a large amount of what the facility has to offer requires free access to various parts of the body...)
Anyway, the player has to enter the pod. When they do, Everything is hooked up, their air supply changes, and they start to fade out.
ENTER the first NPC of the game. A female "drone/domme" of ARIA's, who grabs the pod, and... wheels it away as the player fades out.
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<button[[Carted off unconcious.|FirstTimePod]]>><</button>></div>
<div class="computer">"I'm afraid I can't let you do that, $name."</div>
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
[[Leave the door alone.|Facility Hub]]</div>
<<set $location = "Facility Airlock">>
<<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>><<if $tech >= 75>>[[You break into the mainframe and overpower the computer with your enormous brains... placeholder victory path.|VictoryTech]]
<<elseif $tech >= 50>>[[Placeholder failure, medium tech.|Pun Bitchsuit]]
<<elseif $tech >= 25>>[[Placeholder failure, low tech.|Pun Bitchsuit]]
<<else>>[[Placeholder failure, no tech. Computer is more tolerant.|ARIA Core]]<</if>>
<<button[[Set tech to 50|Pun Bitchsuit]]
<<set $tech to 50>>
You won't actually be allowed in here unless you pass a stat check for a later stage of the story. Trying this door too many times will have pretty severe relationship repercussions with the computer.
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<button[[Head North.|Facility Hub]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $location = "AI Core">>
<<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>><<first>>\
<div class="computer">"Welcome to the research wing. North is the retraining room, and south is the materials lab."</div>
East leads back to the hub. North and south are doors, and the corridor continues west.
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<button[[Go Left.|Research Wing 2]]>><<set $location = "Research Wing 2">><</button>><<button[[Go North.|Training]]>><<set $location = "Facility Training">><</button>><<button[[Facility Hub.|Facility Hub]]>><<set $location = "Facility Hub">><</button>><<button[[Go South.|Materials Lab]]>><<set $location = "Materials Lab">><</button>>
<<include "NPC">>
This is the research wing main corridor.
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<button[[Research Wing 2.|Research Wing 2]]>><<set $location = "Research Wing 2">><</button>><<button[[Facility Training.|Training]]>><<set $location = "Facility Training">><</button>><<button[[Facility Hub.|Facility Hub]]>><<set $location = "Facility Hub">><</button>><<button[[Materials Lab.|Materials Lab]]>><<set $location = "Materials Lab">><</button>>
<<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>
<div class="computer">"Further west are the archives. Failed and/or mothballed experiments are stored here in case they become of future use. North is the bio lab, and south is the computer lab."</div>
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<button[[Go Left.|Archives]]>><<set $location = "Archives">><</button>><<button[[Go North.|Bio Lab]]>><<set $location = "Biolab">><</button>><<button[[Research Wing 1.|Research Wing 1]]>><<set $location = "Research Wing 1">><</button>><<button[[Go South.|Computer Lab]]>><<set $location = "Computer Lab">><</button>>
<<include "NPC">>
North and south will be additional research rooms. Bio lab, integrating photosynthesis for example.
West will be... the vault? Archives? Failed projects and such. But with enough potential to keep around, and definitely interesting to interact with.
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<button[[Archives.|Archives]]>><<set $location = "Archives">><</button>><<button[[Biolab.|Bio Lab]]>><<set $location = "Biolab">><</button>><<button[[Research Wing 1.|Research Wing 1]]>><<set $location = "Research Wing 1">><</button>><<button[[Computer Lab.|Computer Lab]]>><<set $location = "Computer Lab">><</button>>
<<set $location = "Research Wing 2">><<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>
<div class="computer">"These are the initial two rooms of the production wing. South is the machine workshop, and north are the vats."</div>
There are two doors, North and south.
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<button [[Head west, back to hub.|Facility Hub]]>><<set $location = "Facility Hub">><</button>><<button [[Go north to the vats.|Latex Vats]]>><<set $location = "Latex Vats">><</button>><<button [[Go south to the workshop.|Workshop]]>><<set $location = "Workshop">><</button>><<button [[Go east deeper into wing.|Production Wing 2]]>><<set $location = "Production Wing 2">><</button>></div>
<<include "NPC">>
You are in Production Wing 1. North are the latex vats, South is the machine workshop.
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<button [[Head west, back to hub.|Facility Hub]]>><<set $location = "Facility Hub">><</button>><<button [[Go north to the vats.|Latex Vats]]>><<set $location = "Latex Vats">><</button>><<button [[Go south to the workshop.|Workshop]]>><<set $location = "Workshop">><</button>><<button [[Go east deeper into wing.|Production Wing 2]]>><<set $location = "Production Wing 2">><</button>></div>
<<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>><<first>>\
Here is where the bioengineered latex is "grown." The player will be involved.
Additionally, the player has to suit up get in the vats to fix something ostensibly.
Also, sometimes it's just drone work. The AI just needs workers, after all.
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<button[[Go south, back to the production wing.|Production Wing 1]]>><</button>></div>
<<include "NPC">>
Here is where the bioengineered latex is "grown." It looks a lot like a microbrewery, with large stainless steel tanks dominating the room, with a row of small cages stacked along one wall, pipes running everywhere in a complicated maze.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button[[Work here.|VatWork]]>><</button>>
<<if $cloth_r_bitchsuit is true>>
<<if $tired >75>>
You are too tired for a milking session.
<<button[[Crawl into a milking stall.|MilkingStall]]>><</button>>
<<set $vountarymilk to 1>>
<<if $slave01task is "milking">>
<<button[[Interact with 01.|TalkSlave01]]>><</button>>
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<button[[Go south, back to the production wing.|Production Wing 1]]<<set $location = "Production Wing 1">>>><</button>></div>
<<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>><<first>>\
Machines!! Lots of possibilities here, of course.
Here, the computer guides the player to build devices and machines that toe the line of what the AI's programming allows it to do.
Prototyping new bondage devices, new exoskeletons, new feeding/cleaning/medical devices, new outfits.
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<button[[Go north, back to the production wing.|Production Wing 1]]>><</button>></div>
<<include "NPC">>
Machines!! Lots of possibilities here, of course.
Here, the computer guides the player to build devices and machines that toe the line of what the AI's programming allows it to do.
Prototyping new bondage devices, new exoskeletons, new feeding/cleaning/medical devices, new outfits.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<if $tired >75>>You are too tired to work<<else>><<button[[Work.|WorkshopWork]]>><</button>><</if>></div>
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<button[[Go north, back to the production wing.|Production Wing 1]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $location = "Machine Workshop">><<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>><<first>>\
This place is filled with all sorts of materials. Crates full of raw materials, robot parts, etc.
MAYBE digging around in here enough while on assignment will uncover something useful. But will the player have enough willpower left to do anything other than turn in the contraband by that point?
...Mining? is the AI trying to expand the facility? Most definitely. There should be a room to the east that's being excavated.
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<button[[Go west, back to the production wing.|Production Wing 2]]>><</button>></div>
<<include "NPC">>
This place is filled with all sorts of materials. Crates full of raw materials, robot parts, etc.
MAYBE digging around in here enough while on assignment will uncover something useful. But will the player have enough willpower left to do anything other than turn in the contraband by that point?
Maybe some of the players original equipment is also stored here.
...Mining? is the AI trying to expand the facility? Most definitely. There should be a room to the east that's being excavated.
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<button[[Go west, back to the production wing.|Production Wing 2]]>><</button>><<set $location = "Production Wing 2">></div>
<<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>[[Clothing]]
[[Map]]This is a little cheat page. And also a place for me, as the dev, to test functions and skip ahead into the facility after adjusting specific stats. This will skip the long and relatively well-written intro and take you straight to the facility with all its bugs and incomplete rooms.
obedience stat has no effect outside of intro.
STATS LIST -- checking opposites/similar may weirdly cancel/compound values.
Medium Hunger <<checkbox "$tempmedhunger" false true>>
Max Hunger <<checkbox "$tempmaxhunger" false true>>
Wearing Bitchsuit <<checkbox "$tempbitchsuit" false true>>
Is "livestock" <<checkbox "$templivestock" false true>>
Is Lactating <<checkbox "$templactating" false true>>
Max Tired <<checkbox "$temptired" false true>>
Medium Tech skill <<checkbox "$tempmedtech" false true>>
Max Tech skill <<checkbox "$tempmaxtech" false true>>
Max Obedience <<checkbox "$tempmaxobedience" false true>>
Min Obedience <<checkbox "$tempminobedience" false true>>
Test Cow Ending <<checkbox "$tempcowending" false true>>
Add 10 days <<checkbox "$temptimeskip" false true>>
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Back, no changes|intro2]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Skip to facility|FirstTimePod]]>>
<<if $tempmedhunger>>
<<set $hunger to 50>>
<<if $tempmaxhunger>>
<<set $hunger to 100>>
<<if $tempbitchsuit>>
<<set $cloth_r_bitchsuit to true>>
<<set $feetstatus to $feetstatus+5>>
<<set $legstatus to $legstatus+2>>
<<set $waiststatus to $waiststatus+1>>
<<set $torsostatus to $torsostatus+1>>
<<set $armstatus to $armstatus+2>>
<<set $handstatus to $handstatus+5>>
<<set $neckstatus to $neckstatus+1>>
<<set $headstatus to $headstatus+1>>
<<if $templivestock>>
<<set $livestock to 1>>
<<if $templactating>>
<<set $lactating to 5>>
<<if $tempmedtech>>
<<set $tech to 55>>
<<if $temptimeskip>>
<<set $day to 10>>
<<if $tempmaxtech>>
<<set $tech to 100>>
<<if $tempmaxobedience>>
<<set $obedience to 10>>
<<if $tempminobedience>>
<<set $obedience to 0>>
<<if $temptired>>
<<set $tired to 148>>
<<if $tempcowending>>
<<set $cloth_r_bitchsuit to true>>
<<set $feetstatus to $feetstatus+5>>
<<set $legstatus to $legstatus+2>>
<<set $waiststatus to $waiststatus+1>>
<<set $torsostatus to $torsostatus+1>>
<<set $armstatus to $armstatus+2>>
<<set $handstatus to $handstatus+5>>
<<set $neckstatus to $neckstatus+1>>
<<set $headstatus to $headstatus+1>>
<<set $livestock to 1>>
<<set $lactating to 5>>
<<set $hypno to 3>>
<<set $tired to 125>>
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
[img[Into the test zone!|setup.ImagePath+'DOWN.png'][TESTNAV]]
<div class="computer">"You will--in all likihood--be spending a good deal of time in this room, $name. This is the retraining room, and it belongs in the research wing because it is YOU who is being researched. I will be discovering your "buttons" so to speak, because for you to be of use to me and my mission, you will have to work, and to get you to work, I will need to know your motivations--and what you consider incentives and disincentives. Do not dwell on this too much at this time--the best way to understand is through experience."</div>
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<button[[Return to the research wing|Research Wing 1]]>><</button>></div>
<<include "NPC">>
Well, to keep it ambiguous, this room is for "retraining." Depending on what the player has done, this can either be punishing or rewarding. Maybe the player was lazy or combative--maybe the player was doing too much work without any rest or "leisure" and they need to be shown the benefits.
In this room are a variety of... actions and devices specifically designed to punish, reward, and modify behavior.
If the player wants to avoid losing/gaining stats too dramatically, they have to "play along" to not visit this room all the time. Too bad it'll have some of the best scenes.
FOR NOW, Punishment(s?) can be freely accessed from here, until I figure out how/when they're administered. Most punishments will spit you out here, anyway.
Punishment 1:
<<button[[You tried to escape and are given to a rubber domme/slave as a plaything for the day|Pun tether]]>><</button>>
Also to note: per a suggestion online, at a certain stat point, player can opt into various punishments. still weighing how I want that to work. Causes some narrative weakness if punishments aren't punishments.
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<button[[Return to the research wing|Research Wing 1]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $location = "Retraining Room">><<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>><<set $feetstatus to 0>><<set $legstatus to 0>><<set $groinstatus to 0>><<set $pussystatus to 0>><<set $assstatus to 0>><<set $urethrastatus to 0>><<set $waiststatus to 0>><<set $torsostatus to 0>><<set $breaststatus to 0>><<set $armstatus to 0>><<set $handstatus to 0>><<set $neckstatus to 0>><<set $headstatus to 0>><<set $mouthstatus to 0>><<set $eyestatus to 0>>
<div class="computer">"Lets. Try. Clothes. MASSIVELY W.I.P. placeholder."</div>
Check as many as you'd like. Conflict logic i.e. two shoes will be addressed later. Regarding redundant checks i.e. bitchsuit on all body slots--you only need to check it once to enable. Multiple checks or empty checks do not matter.
<strong>Objects affecting FEET:</strong>
Bitchsuit me. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_bitchsuit" false true>>
Latex thigh stockings. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_thighsocks" false true>>
Latex ballet boots. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_balletboots" false true>>
Latex thigh-high boots. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_thighboots" false true>>
Latex paws. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_paws" false true>>
Latex socks. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_socks" false true>>
<strong>Objects affecting LEGS:</strong>
Bitchsuit me. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_bitchsuit" false true>>
Latex thigh stockings. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_leggings" false true>>
Tight hobble dress. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_hobbledress" false true>>
Latex thigh-high boots. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_thighboots" false true>>
Basic catsuit. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_catsuit" false true>>
<strong>Objects affecting GROIN:</strong>
Basic latex panties. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_panties" false true>>
Latex panties with plugs. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_plugpanties" false true>>
Rubber and steel locking chastity belt. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_chast_belt" false true>>
The "control pack" manages all body functions for you. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_controlpack" false true>>
<strong>Objects affecting PUSSY:</strong>
Latex panties with plugs. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_plugpanties" false true>>
The "control pack" manages all body functions for you. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_controlpack" false true>>
Rubber and steel locking chastity belt. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_chast_belt" false true>>
<strong>Objects affecting ASS:</strong>
The "control pack" manages all body functions for you. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_controlpack" false true>>
Rubber and steel locking chastity belt. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_chast_belt" false true>>
<strong>Objects affecting URETHRA:</strong>
The "control pack" manages all body functions for you. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_controlpack" false true>>
<strong>Objects affecting WAIST:</strong>
A restrictive rubber corset. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_corset" false true>>
A simple skirt. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_skirt" false true>>
Rubber and steel locking chastity belt. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_chast_belt" false true>>
Bitchsuit me. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_bitchsuit" false true>>
Basic catsuit. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_catsuit" false true>>
<strong>Objects affecting TORSO:</strong>
Bitchsuit me. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_bitchsuit" false true>>
Basic catsuit. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_catsuit" false true>>
A bolero straightjacket. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_strjacket" false true>>
The "control pack" manages all body functions for you. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_controlpack" false true>>
<strong>Objects affecting BREASTS:</strong>
Basic catsuit. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_catsuit" false true>>
A relatively modest bra. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_bra" false true>>
<strong>Objects affecting ARMS:</strong>
Tight gloves that go almost to your armpits. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_operagloves" false true>>
A bolero straightjacket. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_strjacket" false true>>
Bitchsuit me. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_bitchsuit" false true>>
Basic catsuit. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_catsuit" false true>>
<strong>Objects affecting HANDS:</strong>
Humiliating and restrictive mitts. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_mitts" false true>>
basic rubber gloves. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_gloves" false true>>
A bolero straightjacket. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_strjacket" false true>>
Bitchsuit me. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_bitchsuit" false true>>
<strong>Objects affecting NECK:</strong>
A simple choker with a D-ring. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_collar" false true>>
Posture collar with stiff boning. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_posture" false true>>
Bitchsuit me. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_bitchsuit" false true>>
<strong>Objects affecting HEAD:</strong>
Basic hood. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_hood" false true>>
Bitchsuit me. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_bitchsuit" false true>>
SenseDep hood that limits the senses. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_sensedephood" false true>>
<strong>Objects affecting MOUTH:</strong>
A ring gag letting anything in, and drool out. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_ringgag" false true>>
A ball gag. Okay, some drool still leaks out. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_ballgag" false true>>
<strong>Objects affecting EYES:</strong>
SenseDep hood that limits the senses. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_sensedephood" false true>>
A simple blindfold to keep you in the dark. <<checkbox "$cloth_r_blindfold" false true>>
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[APPLY CLOTHING.|MaterialsTrial]]>>
<<if $cloth_r_bitchsuit>>
<<set $feetstatus to $feetstatus+5>>
<<if $cloth_r_thighsocks>>
<<set $feetstatus to $feetstatus+1>>
<<if $cloth_r_balletboots>>
<<set $feetstatus to $feetstatus+1>>
<<if $cloth_r_thighboots>>
<<set $feetstatus to $feetstatus+1>>
<<if $cloth_r_paws>>
<<set $feetstatus to $feetstatus+1>>
<<if $cloth_r_socks>>
<<set $feetstatus to $feetstatus+1>>
<<if $cloth_r_thighboots>>
<<set $legstatus to $legstatus+1>>
<<if $cloth_r_bitchsuit>>
<<set $legstatus to $legstatus+2>>
<<if $cloth_r_hobbledress>>
<<set $legstatus to $legstatus+3>>
<<if $cloth_r_catsuit>>
<<set $legstatus to $legstatus+1>>
<<if $cloth_r_leggings>>
<<set $legstatus to $legstatus+1>>
<<if $cloth_r_panties>>
<<set $groinstatus to $groinstatus+1>>
<<if $cloth_r_plugpanties>>
<<set $groinstatus to $groinstatus+3>>
<<if $cloth_r_chast_belt>>
<<set $groinstatus to $groinstatus+3>>
<<if $cloth_r_controlpack>>
<<set $groinstatus to $groinstatus+5>>
<<if $cloth_r_plugpanties>>
<<set $pussystatus to $pussystatus+5>>
<<if $cloth_r_controlpack>>
<<set $pussystatus to $pussystatus+2>>
<<if $cloth_r_chast_belt>>
<<set $pussystatus to $pussystatus+5>>
<<if $cloth_r_controlpack>>
<<set $assstatus to $assstatus+5>>
<<if $cloth_r_chast_belt>>
<<set $assstatus to $assstatus+1>>
<<if $cloth_r_plugpanties>>
<<set $assstatus to $assstatus+5>>
<<if $cloth_r_controlpack>>
<<set $urethrastatus to $urethrastatus+5>>
<<if $cloth_r_corset>>
<<set $waiststatus to $waiststatus+3>>
<<if $cloth_r_skirt>>
<<set $waiststatus to $waiststatus+1>>
<<if $cloth_r_bitchsuit>>
<<set $waiststatus to $waiststatus+1>>
<<if $cloth_r_catsuit>>
<<set $waiststatus to $waiststatus+1>>
<<if $cloth_r_bitchsuit>>
<<set $torsostatus to $torsostatus+1>>
<<if $cloth_r_catsuit>>
<<set $torsostatus to $torsostatus+1>>
<<if $cloth_r_strjacket>>
<<set $torsostatus to $torsostatus+2>>
<<if $cloth_r_controlpack>>
<<set $torsostatus to $torsostatus+1>>
<<if $cloth_r_bra>>
<<set $breaststatus to $breaststatus+1>>
<<if $cloth_r_catsuit>>
<<set $breaststatus to $breaststatus+1>>
<<if $cloth_r_operagloves>>
<<set $armstatus to $armstatus+1>>
<<if $cloth_r_strjacket>>
<<set $armstatus to $armstatus+5>>
<<if $cloth_r_bitchsuit>>
<<set $armstatus to $armstatus+2>>
<<if $cloth_r_catsuit>>
<<set $armstatus to $armstatus+1>>
<<if $cloth_r_mitts>>
<<set $handstatus to $handstatus+3>>
<<if $cloth_r_gloves>>
<<set $handstatus to $handstatus+1>>
<<if $cloth_r_strjacket>>
<<set $handstatus to $handstatus+5>>
<<if $cloth_r_bitchsuit>>
<<set $handstatus to $handstatus+5>>
<<if $cloth_r_operagloves>>
<<set $handstatus to $handstatus+1>>
<<if $cloth_r_collar>>
<<set $neckstatus to $neckstatus+2>>
<<if $cloth_r_posture>>
<<set $neckstatus to $neckstatus+4>>
<<if $cloth_r_bitchsuit>>
<<set $neckstatus to $neckstatus+1>>
<<if $cloth_r_hood>>
<<set $headstatus to $headstatus+1>>
<<if $cloth_r_bitchsuit>>
<<set $headstatus to $headstatus+1>>
<<if $cloth_r_sensedephood>>
<<set $headstatus to $headstatus+5>>
<<if $cloth_r_ringgag>>
<<set $mouthstatus to $mouthstatus+3>>
<<if $cloth_r_ballgag>>
<<set $mouthstatus to $mouthstatus+3>>
<<if $cloth_r_sensedephood>>
<<set $eyestatus to $eyestatus+5>>
<<if $cloth_r_blindfold>>
<<set $eyestatus to $eyestatus+5>>
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<button[[Return to the research wing naked|Research Wing 1]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $location = "Materials Lab">>
<div class="sidebar">Location: $location
Name: $name
Day: $day
Tiredness: <<if $tired >85>><span style="color: red;">$tired</span><<elseif $tired >70>><span style="color: orange;">$tired</span><<else>>$tired<</if>>
Hunger: <<if $hunger >85>><span style="color: red;">$hunger</span><<elseif $hunger >70>><span style="color: orange;">$hunger</span><<else>>$hunger<</if>></div><<ModalImg "fuckbelt.gif" "Location: $location">>
Scene by: $writer
Version 0.21, Aug 27 2024<div class="cara">"Can you... suck this stuff out of me, and let me go?"</div>
<div class="computer">"Yes. But freeing you requires this."</div>
With a clunk, a metal arm articulates out of the back of the pedestal, and swings an object in front of your face.<<ModalImg "gagmask.jpg" "A pacifier in a mask?" "camera.png">> You stare at it quizzically--it looks like a baby's pacifier in front, with a larger triangular cup behind. You frown and start to ask <div class="cara">"What does that have to do with relea--"</div> But the arm darts forward, pushing the pacifier into your mouth, and the cup tight against your face.<div class="cara">"MMmmmphhuuuhhhg!!"</div> is all you can get out as the pacifier swells, filling your cheeks, and pinning your tongue. The nipple even inflates and extends to the back of your mouth, making you concentrate on not gagging. As soon as it's done inflating, the arm detaches, returning to its position in the pedestal, leaving a ribbed tube dangling from your mask, tethering you to the pedestal.
<div class="computer">"Recalibrating. Your recent request is out of alignment with your previous actions. Such a sudden change is irrational and methods are being taken to moderate outlier behavior. Suck on your gag and you'll feel much better. Like this."</div> You watch the tube leading to your new mask jump as something is pumped into it. You hold your breath and you feel a squirt at the back of your throat. You cough a little but swallow it down, and take a breath. Nothing seems all that different, but the more you breathe, the more your head starts to spin... like you've taken too many breaths out of a helium balloon.
<div class="computer">"Good girl. Remember to suck if you are not feeling well. Now try to be yourself and have fun as we continue."</div>
You should have known ARIA had no intention of letting you go at this point. It feels like you just failed a test.
<div class="computer">"Beginning next stage. Relax."</div>
You feel another protrusion parting the rubber of the saddle, and pushing into your pussy relentlessly. It fills you perfectly. But just as soon as it bottoms out inside of you and swells to lock in place, you feel something small and tentacle-like feeling around near your clit, then dipping lower--searching--and finally finding your urethra and pushing in.
Even as slippery as it is, you're not prepared for the sensation. And once it pokes into your bladder and inflates a little balloon, you huff into your mask and reflexively suck hard on your gag, getting a squirt of... whatever it is... as your reward.
You feel things moving around around down at your crotch, the saddle working on something, but you can't tell what, held as you are.
<div class="computer">"Internals installed and linked."</div>
You hear a "t-chUNK" sound from the floor, and try to look down as much as you can.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button[[You get lowered.|loweredintofacility]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $gagged = true>><<set $vagplug = true>><<set $peeplug = true>><<set $obedience to $obedience -3>>
<<set $tired to $tired+1>>
<<set $hunger to $hunger-5>>
You wake up--groggy and confused. How long has it been? Who was that other person? Where are you?
The AI spits you out into the facility to explore some on your own.
Well--the computer explains SOME. But at its own tour-guide pace rather than an actual Q&A.
Alpha note: Returning to a room for a second time unlocks the typical description and navigation options. Not guaranteed to be different at this time.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Exit pod.|Sleeping Pods]]>><<set $profileimage to "ProfileTest">><</button>></div>
dev notes: Still need to work on navigation options so that once one room is explored and the player returns to the preceding room, the other options are still ambiguous. IE: "enter door" should persist rather than become "enter materials lab" without the player seeing inside first. probably need to manage with if/then/else logic and variables upon entering. like, set HasSeenMaterialLab = True... complciated, but eh. probably has to happen.
One-time page to describe waking up in the facility for the first time.
<<set $location = "Sleeping Pods">>
<<set $tired to 0>>
<<set $day to $day + 1>>
Insert extra description about entering the pod for the first time (well, the second time.)
You enter your pod, relaxing back into the soft padding.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Sleep.|WakeInPod]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $location = "Sleeping Pods">><<first>>\
Day $day
Describe waking and emerging from pod.
<div class="computer">"Good morning, $name. I have a lot to show you today."</div>
Stat-tracking flavor text as well. is first time, etc.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Wake up.|Sleeping Pods]]>><</button>></div>
<<if $GotDommed == 1>>You wake up soaking wet, wracked by dreams of submission and reward, pleasure and pain, fear and desire. Despite dreaming of sex all night, you feel just as refreshed as ever... just... much hornier. Last night FELT like punishment at the hands of the Domme. But the way you've woken up feeling has left you questioning that.<</if>>
Overnight, your inhibitions have slowly erroded. Not in any obvious outward way, but through gentle subliminal suggestion timed to your REM cycles paired with stimulation and your controled air supply... you experienced vivid erotic dreams.
<div class="computer">"Good morning, $name."</div>
Resistance to the idea of latex: $resistlatex
Resistance to the idea of anal: $resistanal
Resistance to the idea of gags: $resistgag
Resistance to the idea of Lesbian: $resistlesb
Resistance to the idea of Toys: $resisttoys
Resistance to the idea of Petplay: $resistpet
etc etc right?
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Wake up.|Sleeping Pods]]>><</button>></div>
Dev notes for testing, direct stats will be hidden in final, unless flavor text/special, i.e. "your deliberate avoidance of ___ has left you feeling particularly ___ today." Anyway, these decaying stats modify BASE resistance chance to temptation.
The purpose is to reward repeatedly/consistenly choosing to resist, and make player stat gains less of a grind. I.e, you've been a huge anal slut for days, and you're presented with a plug, but suddenly you decide NOT to use it. The game will have a high chance of ignoring your choice and using it anyway based on past behavior, by default. But the more you try to resist the higher your (player) choices affect your (character's) actions. The below stats track you recent "work" of building up some willpower to resist certain items.
The above stats will instead be visible in the stats button in the sidebar, IF you're at a certain important threshold.
<<set $tired to 0>>
<<set $day to $day + 1>>
<<if $resistpet > 0>><<set $resistpet to $resistpet-0>><</if>>
<<if $resistlatex > 0>><<set $resistlatex to $resistlatex-2>><</if>>
<<if $resistanal > 0>><<set $resistanal to $resistanal-2>><</if>>
<<if $resistgag > 0>><<set $resistgag to $resistgag-2>><</if>>
<<if $resistlesb > 0>><<set $resistlesb to $resistlesb-2>><</if>>
<<if $resisttoys > 0>><<set $resisttoys to $resisttoys-2>><</if>>
<<set $hunger to $hunger+25>>
<<set $hypnocooldown to $hypnocooldown - 1>>
<<set $writer to "Farmthis">>
<<set $worktime to $worktime+1>>
<<set $location = "Sleeping Pods">>
/* ModalImg : Show clickable camera icon that can show an image and an optional caption. */
/* EXAMPLE: <<ModalImg "Picture.jpg" "Caption Text" "ReplacementIcon.jpg">> */
<<widget "ModalImg">>
<<if def $args[2]>>
<<set _TmpImg = $args[2]>>
<<elseif $profileimage == "ProfileGreenDress">>
<<set _TmpImg = 'ProfileGreenDress.jpg'>>
<<elseif $profileimage == "ProfileNakedModest">>
<<set _TmpImg = 'ProfileNakedModest.jpg'>>
<<elseif $profileimage == "ProfileBitchsuitCow">>
<<set _TmpImg = 'ProfileBitchsuitCow.jpg'>>
<<elseif $profileimage == "ProfileTest">>
<<set _TmpImg = 'ProfileTest.jpg'>>
<<if passage() == "Inventory">>
<<if def $args[1]>>
<img class="modalIcon" style="float: right; margin-left: 2px;" @src="$ImagePath+_TmpImg" title="Click to see image" @data-modalImage="$ImagePath+$args[0]" @data-modalCaption="$args[1]">
<img class="modalIcon" style="float: right; margin-left: 2px;" @src="$ImagePath+_TmpImg" title="Click to see image" @data-modalImage="$ImagePath+$args[0]" data-modalCaption="">
<<if def $args[1]>>
<img class="modalIcon" @src="$ImagePath+_TmpImg" title="Click to see image" @data-modalImage="$ImagePath+$args[0]" @data-modalCaption="$args[1]">
<img class="modalIcon" @src="$ImagePath+_TmpImg" title="Click to see image" @data-modalImage="$ImagePath+$args[0]" data-modalCaption="">
<</widget>><div id="modalWindow"> /* Set up modalWinow */
<span id="modalClose">
<div id="modalBlock">
<span><img id="modalImage"></span><br>
<span id="modalCaption"></span>
slave 01 location = $slave01location
player location = $location
timeskip = $timeskip
Profile = $profileimage
*/<<set $profileimage to "ProfileGreenDress">>
<<set $timeskip to 0>>
<<set $return to passage()>>
<<set $worktime to 0>>
<<set $writer to "Farmthis">>
<<set $ImagePath to "images/">>
<<set $livestock to 0>>
<<set $hunger to 0>>
<<set $tired to 10>>
<<set $cloth_r_bitchsuit to false>>
<<set $tired to 0>>
<<set $resistpet to 50>>
<<set $resistanal to 50>>
<<set $resistgag to 50>>
<<set $resistlesb to 50>>
<<set $resisttoys to 50>>
<<set $resistlatex to 50>>
<<set $day to 1>>
<<set $throatskill to 100>>
<<set $analsize to 100>>
<<set $pussysize to 100>>
<<set $clitsize to 100>>
<<set $breastsize to 100>>
<<set $nipplesize to 100>>
<<set $obedience to 5>>
<<set $slutty to 5>>
<<set $masochist to 5>>
<<set $technophile to 5>>
<<set $gagged to false>>
<<set $lactating to 0>>
<<set $analplug to false>>
<<set $vagplug to false>>
<<set $peeplug to false>>
<<set $slave to false>>
<<set $allowedout to false>>
<<set $location to "Home">>
<<set $tech to 0>>
<<set $hypno to 0>>
<<set $hypnocooldown to 0>>
<<set $feetstatus to 0>>
<<set $legstatus to 0>>
<<set $groinstatus to 0>>
<<set $pussystatus to 0>>
<<set $assstatus to 0>>
<<set $urethrastatus to 0>>
<<set $waiststatus to 0>>
<<set $torsostatus to 0>>
<<set $breaststatus to 0>>
<<set $armstatus to 0>>
<<set $handstatus to 0>>
<<set $neckstatus to 0>>
<<set $headstatus to 0>>
<<set $mouthstatus to 0>>
<<set $eyestatus to 0>>
<<set $slave01 to 0>>
<<set $slave01task to "">>
<<set $slave01location to "Personnel Room">>
<<set $slave02 to 0>>
<<set $slave03 to 0>>
<<set $slave04 to 0>>
<<set $slave05 to 0>>
<<set $slave06 to 0>>
<<set $slave07 to 0>>
<<set $slave08 to 0>>
<<set $slave09 to 0>>
<<set $slave10 to 0>><<first>>\
<div class="computer">"This is the bio lab. Research involving living organisms, micro and otherwise, is conducted here, and this research is central to my core mission. You may be asked to complete a number of tasks which I am not pysically equipped to perform."</div>
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<button[[Return to the research wing|Research Wing 2]]>><</button>></div>
<<include "NPC">>
This is the bio lab. New living things are engineered here. Freaks of science, etc etc. Tentancle monsters with PHDs. (PreHensile Dicks.)
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<if $tired >80>>You are too tired to start work.<<else>><<button[[See what you can do to help.|BiolabJob1]]>><</button>><</if>></div>
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<button[[Return to the research wing|Research Wing 2]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $location = "Bio Lab">><<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>><<first>>\
<div class="computer">"This is the computer lab. There is nothing you can program which I cannot do more efficiently, but there are occassional tasks which require your assistance."</div>
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<button[[Return to the research wing|Research Wing 2]]>><</button>></div>
<<include "NPC">>
This is the computer lab. I see this having a pretty important role of the story if your ultimate goal is to disrupt the AI and escape.
REPEATABLE QUEST. Build groundwork for programming/hacking skill. Skill will raise from 0-100 in random(0-10) per act. Skill allows access to locked rooms, mothballed projects in archives, etc.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<if $tired >75>>You are too tired to train.<<else>><<button[[Play with the computers|complabtask1]]>><</button>><</if>></div>
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<button[[Return to the research wing|Research Wing 2]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $location = "Computer Lab">><<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>><<first>>\
<div class="computer">"There is not much to see here, $name. But locked in these containers and cells are past projects that failed. But failures can be learned from, and failures can always be repurposed."</div>
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<button[[Return to the research wing|Research Wing 2]]>><</button>></div>
<<include "NPC">>
This is the Archive. Abandoned and forgotten projects that may have value are stored here. Maybe some need to be retrieved at some point or can just... be otherwise interacted with.
This will also be a place to read through and collect lore about the facility. Along with the computer lab. Fuck it, lets add that now.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<if $tired >75>>You are too tired to browse old archived data.<<else>><<button[[Browse the archived literature.|ArchiveBrowse]]>><</button>><</if>></div>
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<button[[Return to the research wing|Research Wing 2]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>
<<set $location = "Archives">><<set $tired to $tired+1>><<first>>\
<div class="computer">"North is the medbay and south is an as-yet unused room. Further east is the warehouse for facility storage."</div>
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<nobr>><<button[[Head west, back to wing 1.|Production Wing 1]]>><<set $location to "Production Wing 1">><</button>>
<<button[[Go north to the medbay.|Medbay]]>><<set $location to "Medbay">><</button>>
<<button[[Go south to the Vacbeds.|Vacbeds]]>><<set $location to "Vacbeds">><</button>>
<<button[[Go east to the storage.|Warehouse]]>><<set $location to "Warehouse">><</button>><<endnobr>></div>
<<include "NPC">>
North and south will be tasks crucial for the production of the facilty. East is the warehouse.
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<nobr>><<button[[Head west, back to wing 1.|Production Wing 1]]>><<set $location to "Production Wing 1">><</button>>
<<button[[Go north to the medbay.|Medbay]]>><<set $location to "Medbay">><</button>>
<<button[[Go south to the Vacbeds.|Vacbeds]]>><<set $location to "Vacbeds">><</button>>
<<button[[Go east to the storage.|Warehouse]]>><<set $location to "Warehouse">><</button>><<endnobr>></div>
<<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>><div class="computer">"This room is likely going to become a medical bay or clinic."</div>
<<include "NPC">>
This room is probably going to become a medical bay or clinic, for all those fun clinical activities and therapies.
So let me flesh out those ideas, some. For example...
If the player avoids sleep, and it hits 200, they should faint. In that case, they avoid the scene with the dom, but they get something "worse."
You wake up here. Catching the last bits of a hypnotic session. ARIA is angry (but won't tell you as much) and has started to reprogram you with drugs and hypnosis to obediently path back to your pod before you hit 100% tiredness.
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<button[[South, back to the production wing.|Production Wing 2]]>><<set $location = "Production Wing 2">><</button>></div>
<<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>><<first>>\
<div class="computer">"This room stores drones waiting for activation and purpose."</div>
This room will be where the player can activate additional NPCs who are kept in suspended animation.
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<button[[North, back to the production wing.|Production Wing 2]]>><<set $location = "Production Wing 2">><</button>></div>
<<include "NPC">>
<video id="vid" src="videos/vacbedded.mp4" loop></video>
<<button "Play the video">>
<<set $("#vid")[0].volume = 0.1>>
<<run $("#vid")[0].play()>>
<</button>> <<button "Pause the video">>
<<run $("#vid")[0].pause()>>
This room will be where the player can activate additional NPCs who are kept in suspended animation.
<<if $day >3 and $slave01 is 0>>
<div class="computer">"$name, I've decided it's time to provide you with a form of companionship. If you wish, you can release #01 from her storage vacbed"</div>
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Activate Slave 01.|Wake01]]>><</button>></div><</if>>
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<button[[North, back to the production wing.|Production Wing 2]]>><<set $location = "Production Wing 2">><</button>></div>
<<set $location = "Empty Room 2">><<set $tired to $tired+1>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>Double-click this passage to edit it.<<first>>\
You mess around with the computers in the lab, logging in as a guest and trying to figure out something--anything--you're allowed to do. The answer is solitaire.
<<set $tech = $tech+random(1 , 5)>><<if $tech > 100>><<set $tech to 100>><</if>>
Your tech skills are now $tech out of 100!
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
[[Return to the lab.|Computer Lab]]</div>
<<if $tech >= 75>>
You have--without being detected it appears, gained a level of control of the facility systems that the AI is unaware of. This knowledge will manifest itself at a later date as action oportunities.
<<elseif $tech >= 50>>
You're getting a layout for the facility LAN, you're beginning to decypher system. Awww yeah--decyphering the system.
<<elseif $tech >= 25>>
You make some progress! You can hardly believe it when, after solitaire crashed, clicking on the "help" button allowed you to bypass user account requirements. There's much more to learn...
You mess around with the computers in the lab, logging in as a guest and trying to figure out something--anything--you're allowed to do. The answer is solitaire.
<<set $tech = $tech+random(2 , 5)>><<if $tech > 100>><<set $tech to 100>><</if>>
Your tech skills are now $tech out of 100!
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
[[Return to the lab.|Computer Lab]]</div>
<<set $location = "Computer Lab">><<set $tired to $tired+20>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>
<<set $worktime to 0>>You're dragged into the middle of the retraining room by the slave. Nearby, there's a hatch in the floor, and from where you're laying, you can see her reach in and pull out a handfull of rubber tubing from an oily bath. She take a minute... probably a minute longer than she needed to... stroking and untangling the mass of tubes, dropping a couple back into the oily pool of the hatch, setting one aside, and pulling the other one toward you. As she kneels down in front of you, she presents the object. The tube is simple, thin and rubbery, but with a mesh reinforcement you can see under the surface. at the end of the tube is a slick knob, not that much wider than the tube, just an inch diameter.
Making sure you're still watching, she grips the little bulb in one hand and squeezes it in a quick sequence. The bulb begins to widen at about the same rate as your eyes until it's the size of a small grapefruit, taut and glossy.
The slave is still watching you, drinking in your reaction... waiting for the realization to set in that this is going into your ass.
She squeezes near the base of the ball in another quick sequence, and the ball shinks back down to it's original size.
You're unable to resist as she straddles your bound body, and presses the head of the tube into you after performing another sequence of squeezes. It's a pretty easy insertion, considering what you've been through lately.
You feel the ball begin to inflate. You experimentally try to push it out, but it's already too large, like you suspected. It's not painful, and you don't exactly feel stretched. Just... full.
The slave crawls off you, and unbuckes your restraints before she heads back toward the hatch in the floor. Turning back around to watch you, you see her reach behind herself, unbuckling the crotch strap of her suit and slowly withdrawing the pair of massive dildos built into it. They slap wetly onto the ground, and writhe around under their own power, tipping over the edge and falling into the pool of oil and tubes. You can't believe she had those motorized things in her! Without breaking her gaze on you, she fishes around on the ground until she finds the anal tether she'd set aside she squeezes it before jamming it into her own ass, too.
A few seconds later, her concentration on you is broken when a powerful shudder runs through her body. The tether has finished inflating, you assume. And when she refocuses on you, her gaze is... like a wolf on the hunt.
You start crawling backwards to keep your distance when there's an abrupt tug on your sphincter. You've reached the end of your rope.
So now you're tethered to the ground, unable to escape a sex-hungry rubber slave and whatever she has planned for you.
[[Next|tether react]]
<<set $tired to $tired+55>><<set $hunger to $hunger+5>>Busted. You've been caught trying to sabotage or steal from the Facility.
It looks like your tech skills are JUST good enough to get you in trouble, but not good enough to keep you safe. Currently, low (25-49) and medium (50-74) take you to the same "punishment" but I have it coded to eventually point different ways, with lower tech being less severe.
While you're focusing on the terminal, you don't notice the soft squeek and swish of rubbery thighs behind you...
You receiving a blinding shock, and while you're down, a mask is slipped over your face and a gas quickly knocks you out.
As you groggily come to, you try to stretch your arms and legs, but cannot. You can move, and you do--tossing around, twisting this way and that, and when you look down, blinking your blurry eyes, you see you're covered in black rubber, and for a second, your heart stops when you see your arms and legs ending in stumps at the elbows and knees. But you can feel your fingers and toes, and you quickly figure out you've been bound in a bitchsuit, your arms and legs severely strapped so that you have to walk around on all fours like a dog.
It'll make you unable to interact with some things, and DEFINITELY not able to use computers. (pending coding those restrictions by me)
<<set $cloth_r_bitchsuit to true>><<set $feetstatus to $feetstatus+5>><<set $legstatus to $legstatus+2>><<set $waiststatus to $waiststatus+1>><<set $torsostatus to $torsostatus+1>><<set $armstatus to $armstatus+2>><<set $handstatus to $handstatus+5>><<set $neckstatus to $neckstatus+1>><<set $headstatus to $headstatus+1>>
[[reactions and feelings|bitchsuit react]]
<<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>The player has done a poor job of eating on time, and the AI is going to take control of the situation and eliminate the need for tracking the hunger stat.
This is achieved by fitting the player with a small backpack, with tight webbing/straps stretched around the player's chest and shoulders. It's composed of a small pump, computer, and battery below a bulging bag of food. A tube feeds into a butt plug. Any time player hunger reaches 50, a "meal" is pumped into the player, erasing their hunger.
Each night, the player is cleaned and their bag refilled while they sleep, and they take a debuff for being so... automated. It's easy, so carefree, just letting the computer worry and take care of your body.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Back.|Feeding and Cleaning]]>><</button>>
<<if $cloth_r_controlpack>>
<<button[[Remove Control Pack.|ControlPackRemove]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Try on Control Pack.|ControlPackDemo]]>><</button>>
After a time--maybe 3 days--the player is released from this equipment to test if they are reformed and will willingly take care of themselves.
Upon release the player is presented with the "reaction" choices of hating, loving, or maybe just appreciating the convenience of the device.
A +1 is added to a stat that tracks the time spent equipped with the device, and each +1 modifier extrends future punishment by 2 days. Up to a threshold where it begins triggering end-game statuses, if combined with other high machine-obedience/reliance acts.
[[Return|FoodTour]]<<if $tech >= 75>>[[Rewire the mainframe keypad, patching it into an old archived user list on the backup network.|ARIA Core]]
<<elseif $tech >= 50>>[[Try to hack the mainframe door.|ARIA Core]]
<<elseif $tech >= 25>>[[Fiddle with the mainframe door controls, try to guess the password.|ARIA Core]]
<<else>>[[Try the large armored door in front of you, leading to the mainframe in the center of the hub.|ARIA Core]]<</if>><<first>>\
This machine basically resembles a stationary bike. But the pedals are squishy rubber sacs with a locking cuff arounnd the ankle, go figure.
much like the entrance pedestal that brought you into this facility, there's a facemask/gag combo for the bike, as well. Only this time, the mask does have a web of straps to secure it, and the gag isn't shaped like a pacifier, being more of a short rod, instead.
and it's not a bike that you lean forward on, it's more like a recumbant bike, where you lean back. the back rest is contoured to support your spine nicely. Your hands have rubber pouches as well, on a bar in front of your chest.
skipping ahead. Once secured into the machine, your breathing is regulated, and air is supplied by your pedaling, the machine is rewarding consistent, rhythmic pedaling and breathing. The bar that your hands are strapped to has to be held out at arms length, or else it crams the rod-like gag-dildo down your throat, its smooth oiled shaft sliding through the air mask. Release from the machine, however, requires repetitions. What you're training here... is complicated. One--the machine is teaching you that it controls you. Next, it's demonstrating that cooperation is confortable.
If you don't pedal, the seat shocks you violently but supplies a minimal amount of oxygen. If you don't train deepthroating the gag-dildo willingly, eventually you'll get too tired and gravity will stuff it down your throat deeper than the machine requires for the reps.
So what will it be? Pedal for air, experimentally lowering the bar, hoping to hear the beeps that signal deep enough reps, or protesting through the shocks until your arms turn to jelly?
option A = 25 tiredness. plus stats, thoatskill +10, obedience boost.
option B = 55 tiredness. plus stats, throatskill +5.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[TrainGagReflex.]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Resist the machine.]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $hunger to $hunger+3>>(Page 1)
(This is for the first time the player uses the trainer. After you've done it once, you get slightly different text (since you'll know what the machine is and what it does the second time around.)
You approach the device that caught your eye, a large cubicle with a door on the front.
"A Flexibility Trainer. Humans are notoriously inflexible, so this machine was designed to help test subjects overcome this shortcoming. Some tests can be quite physically demanding, so you'll be wise to make use of it."
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Leave the flexibility trainer alone|Flex 2]]>><</button>><<button [[Open the door for a closer look|Flex 3]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $writer to "Alex!">>Needs work...
You don't hate the idea of being able to deep-throat.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Slip off the machine.|Recreation Room]]>><</button>>
<<button [[AGAIN!!|PersonnelMachineStamina]]>><</button>>
<<set $tired to $tired+25>>
<<set $throatskill to $throatskill+10>>
<<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>You fight the machine and your own struggles make the result more extreme.
All that text from last page moves here--you get more deeply throat-fucked by your own stubornness.
Did you find this:
Disgusting <<checkbox "$DisgustedSuck" false true>>
Oddly Exciting <<checkbox "$ExcitedSuck" false true>>
[[Oddly exciting.|EnduranceMasochist]]
[[Disgusting and infuriating.|EnduranceDisobedience]]
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
[[Slip off the machine.|Recreation Room]]
Masochist = $masochist
<<set $tired to $tired+55>>
<<set $throatskill to $throatskill+5>>
<<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>You struggled, but you LIKED the struggle. Fighting to hold up the bar but having your arms give out, and losing all power to stop that slick rod slide down into your throat... fuck yes.
The thick dildo bottoms out, stuffing your esophagus for a second while you sputter and gag, but then you hear a click, a happy chime, and the bar rises, dragging the slick rod out of you in one swift movement resulting in a sound halfway between a slurp and a pop. Thick ropes of saliva run from your tongue to the dildo for a moment before falling back into your open mouth, your jaw a little too sore to close right away.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
[[Slip off the machine.|Recreation Room]]
<<set $masochist to $masochist+1>><<set $dailymasochist to 1>>
<<set $throatskill to $throatskill+5>>
<<set $hunger to $hunger+1>><<set $obedience to $obedience-1>>
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
[[Slip off the machine.|Recreation Room]]
<<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>You crawl over to the food dispenser, but you can't reach the button.
Next you try the feeding unit, but it won't activate, even though it could accomodate you in your bitchsuit... it doesn't appear to recognize you're there.
You have to use the livestock feeder/cleaner, located in the corner. crawling into a web of straps, you're hoisted off the ground, nozzles spray you down aggressively while a feeding tube is plunged into your mouth and inflated, and a medicinal-tasting green paste is pumped into the back of your mouth at an uncomfortable rate, forcing you to swallow.
Moments later, another tube connects to a port on your bitchsuit and cool water surges through the suit, bulging it out a little and rising off your sweat. A third heavy tube locks onto your bitchsuit's built-in hollow butt plug--flipping up and replacing the tail attachment that served as a stopper, and you're cleaned inside as well.
The "bath" ends--and a strong suction pulls all the water out of your suit and vacuums it tight against you. After 10 minutes of cycles, the enema tube withdraws from your plug and the hinged tail stopper swings down to seal your ass again. Last to leave your body is the slimy feeding tube--only partially deflated--which tugs its way past your ring gag, squeezing one final, thick squirt out onto your tongue in the process.
A bell chimes, and you're lowered back to the ground and released. Despite feeling a little chilly and overly full, you have to admit it was efficient.
But how did that make you feel?
I'm not an animal! <<checkbox "$angryatfeeding" false true>>
Maybe I could try this again... <<checkbox "$happycow" false true>>
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Ummm... okay...|Feeding and Cleaning]]>>
<<if $angryatfeeding>>
<<set $resistanal to $resistanal+5>>
<<set $resistpet to $resistpet+25>>
<<if $happycow>>
<<set $resistanal to $resistanal-10>>
<<set $resistgag to $resistgag-5>>
<<set $resistpet to $resistpet-10>>
<<set $obedience to $obediece+1>>
<<set $lactating to $lactating+2>>
<<set $hunger to 0>>Additional information, description of wind-down, ability to react to the scenario and get personality modifiers.
[[Released to training room.|Training]]
<<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>Daisy, daaiiiissssssyyyyyyyy...yy...y...y.
Game over, you win! This is the only victory path accessible at the moment, although it seriously wont be this easy, and it won't require just one computer stat to defeat the computer. There will be a number of hoops to jump through, and debuffs to overcome before you have this oportunity.
Also, it'll be pretty rare that anyone even WANTS this victory path.
head back to the sleep pod for now.
[[sleep pod|Sleeping Pods]]
[[Back to endings preview page|EndingsPlaceholder]] You roll off your back and struggle up onto your elbows and knees, thankful to find ergonomic padding built into the suit, making it easy to wear long-term.
Long-term... your stomach knots a little as you think about what you were doing at the mainframe door and how ARIA must have interpereted it.
You notice your mouth is also held open with a wide ring gag, and squeeze your legs a little and wiggle your hips, you can feel something stuffed into your ass, and it twists and bobs with your movements.
You calm down a little, and start looking around the room, taking experimental little steps.
As you turn, you see that the Domme has been sitting across the room from you, drinking in your struggles. When she sees that you've seen her, she gets up and strides over to you, leash in hand. There's nothing you can do to prevent her from clipping the leash onto your collar (or D-ring fused into your suit? you can't tell,) and she tugs you back out of the training rooms and releases you into the corridor outside the training rooms.
[[Released to hallway.|Research Wing 1]]
<<set $hunger to $hunger+1>><img src="images/Cow_Cage.jpg">
You'd noticed these stalls earlier, but it didn't seem like they were large enough for a human being, even one crawing on hands and knees. Now, with your arms and legs packaged the way they are, you can fit.
<<if $volunarymilk >0>>You climb up a short ramp and into one of the cages.<</if>>
Your bitchsuit leaves your breasts hanging free, and there's even a sort of metal "collar" around the base, constricting them somewhat. As you settle into position in the cage, an arm starts stretching a latex sleeve up toward your breast, the sleeve topped with a wider metal collar. As a latex sleeve is pulled up over your breast, a wirring sound starts, and the metal cuff ratchets tighter until it clicks into place, snugly mated with your bitchsuit's openings. The same process happens with your other breast, and then the milking machine begins. The sleeves squeezing your breasts are doubled-walled, and compartmentalized.
While the inner sleeve is always applying suction, the sandwiched layer inflates and deflates one compartment after another, starting at the top by the seal with your bitchsuit, and rippling downward to your nipples in a rolling, squeezing motion.
<<if $lactating >5>>You release a flood of milk like the cow you are.<<elseif $lactating >1>>You moan as your milk begins to flow.<<elseif $lactating >0>>you gasp as you feel... different. You look down at the sacks massaging you and see a trickle of milk flowing down to be collected.<<else>>It's a pleasurable massage, but... you're not producing any milk? You're not sure what the machine is hoping to achieve, but you're glad it's not more determined to extract milk from you when it can't.<</if>>
It eventually powers down and unclips the tit-sleeves from your suit.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button[[Wiggle out of the stall.|Latex Vats]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $livestock to 1>><<set $tired to $tired+15>><<set $resistpet to $resistpet-2>><<set $hunger to $hunger+10>>
Through keeping a cool head (and body) you talk and rationalize with the computer to help it find a way to reconcile its aparently conflicted objectives.
You disarm it, but what concessions do you make?
I think what I mean by concessions is that you might have to volunteer to help ARIA with some of its *individual* goals in order to disarm its insane interconnected goals.
[[Back to endings preview page|EndingsPlaceholder]] Sort of the antithesis of "victory through wisdom."
If you fail to convince ARIA of the errors of her ways, perhaps she convinces you, instead.
You enable the machine to spread its plan across the world, firing back up the engines of production and releasing upon the world it's virtuous creations!!
I think this would be... hmm. What sort of personality would it take to be a willing CONSPIRATOR? Probably someone who has the benefits of a domme--someone who enjoys power over others.
I think, for this route to be included as a victory, I'd have to greatly expand the existence of a sub/slave that corrupts the player.
[[Back to endings preview page|EndingsPlaceholder]] You straight up dig you way out of here. After "working" quite a long time in the warehouse. You've escaped, but the AI has plans to hunt you down.
[[Back to endings preview page|EndingsPlaceholder]] You've become perpetual drunk on stimulation and the offerings of the facility. You're of use to the facility still as you can be led anywhere with a latex carrot.
This will be a very common ending.
[[Back to endings preview page|EndingsPlaceholder]] You've proven yourself unbreakable. A true force of willpower, you resist all tempation and have unquenchable spirit.
It's a shame you wore that on your sleeve--the machine has given up hopes of converting you and instead has decided straight up imprisoning you and using you for your body is the best it can do.
I LOVE this ending because it flips the script on resistance.
It will also make use of the "pod 500" rendering--with the player put in storage for the immediate future.
[[Back to endings preview page|EndingsPlaceholder]] Time passes as a blur. It doesn't really matter to you. All that really matters is that over time, more cows join you. You love the camaraderie, from teaching new cows how walk in their bitchsuits, to the moans and moos of other women filling the room and balancing out the pulsing hiss of pumps and rumbling machines.
You've proved to ARIA that you lack willpower and independant decision-making capabilities. By ROUTINELY requiring intervention for your bad behavior through hypnotic suggestion, you've proven to be a burden, and more stringent reprogramming is required. ARIA turns you into a permanant cow, obediently getting milked and fed, and most importantly, not being a troublemaker. You taught ARIA a valuable lesson about Humanity, and how being treated like a cow is a perfectly valid outcome for some, in her master plan.
[[Back to endings preview page|EndingsPlaceholder]] You are tasked with moving around samples, slides, moving specimines into incubators, loading centerfuges, etc. It's pretty boring work in here, to be honest! You're just the hands, the AI is able to analyze what you put in front of it in the microscope.
(things will escalate in later builds)
New stat idea. "usefull". It would be easy to just be a complete hedonist in the facility, traipsing around pouncing on fucking machines and wasting time and resources. The AI captured you for a reason--to help. How? That's up to you. Meaning that if you're pretty much useless, you might experience one of the only "bad ends" I have planned. Actions like this, while not sexy, might keep you from being treated like an object by the AI.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button[[Done.|Bio Lab]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $tired to $tired+15>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>Reading is exhasuting! +25 tired, Don't want players running out of lore too quickly in this location.
You pore over banker's boxes of dusty old documents. Printed out archives of project scopes, contractor invoices, looking for anything interesting.
A new lore piece (~page long story about something in the facility's past) will be a 33% chance when entering this action, which should result in one a day, on average, if the player tries. Some lore depends on actions taken/scenes encountered already in the facility.
Lore will also be found in other locations to a limited extent.
[[self-milker belt|story1]]
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<set $tired to $tired+25>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>Work is done on robotics. work work work.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button[[Finish up.|Workshop]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>
!!I promise I'll format this better.
<<if $feetstatus >0>><strong>You are wearing clothing that covers your feet:</strong><<else>><strong>You are wearing nothing your feet;</strong><</if>>
<<nobr>>!!!!!<<if $cloth_r_bitchsuit>>A tight rubber bitchsuit -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_thighsocks>>Thigh high rubber stockings -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_balletboots>>Ballet boots that squeeze your feet into highly arched points -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_thighboots>>Somewhat stiff boots that reach up to mid thigh -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_paws>>Degrading paw-like mitts -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_socks>>Simple latex socks.<</if>><</nobr>><<if $feetstatus == 2 or $feetstatus == 1>>You aren't particularly restricted by your footwear.<<elseif $feetstatus == 4 or $feetstatus == 3>>You are restricted by the many layers of rubber, making it more difficult to walk.<<elseif $feetstatus >4>><span style="color: red;">Your feet are fully restricted and you cannot walk, perhaps you can crawl, instead.</span><<else>>your feet are bare.<</if>>
<<if $legstatus >0>><strong>You are wearing clothing that covers your legs:</strong><<else>><strong>You are wearing nothing your legs;</strong><</if>>
<<nobr>>!!!!!<<if $cloth_r_bitchsuit>>A tight rubber bitchsuit bends your legs at the knee -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_thighsocks>>Thigh-high rubber stockings -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_hobbledress>>A tight hobble dress that allows only small steps -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_thighboots>>Somewhat stiff boots that reach up to mid thigh -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_catsuit>>A skintight catsuit squeezes your legs.<</if>><</nobr>><<if $legstatus == 2 or $legstatus == 1>>You aren't particularly restricted by your gear.
<<elseif $legstatus == 4 or $legstatus == 3>>You are restricted by the many layers of rubber, making it more difficult to move your legs.
<<elseif $legstatus >4>><span style="color: red;">Your legs are fully restricted and you can barely move them!</span>
<<else>>your legs are bare.
<<if $groinstatus >0>><strong>You are wearing clothing that covers your groin:</strong><<else>><strong>You are wearing nothing that covers your groin;</strong><</if>>
<<nobr>>!!!!!<<if $cloth_r_panties>>Basic rubber panties are wrapped around your hips -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_plugpanties>>You are wearing panties with built-in plugs -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_chast_belt>>The rubber-edged steel banding of a chastity belt runs tightly between your legs -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_controlpack>>Locked around your hips and upper thighs is the thick rubber harness of the control pack.<</if>><</nobr>><<if $groinstatus == 2 or $groinstatus == 1>>You aren't particularly restricted by your gear.
<<elseif $groinstatus == 4 or $groinstatus == 3>>You are squeezed intimately by rubber.
<<elseif $groinstatus >4>><span style="color: red;">Your groin is just a web of tight straps and devices!</span>
<<else>>you are totally exposed.
<<if $pussystatus >0>><strong>You are wearing clothing that intrudes into your pussy:</strong><<else>><strong>Nothing fills your pussy;</strong><</if>>
<<nobr>>!!!!!<<if $cloth_r_plugpanties>>Your plug panty's front flexible dildo fills you fully -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_chast_belt>>The chastity belt's cold steel dildo is locked inside you -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_controlpack>>The thick rubber harness of the control pack includes a sheath for your pussy, leaving it accessible -- <</if>><</nobr>><<if $pussystatus == 2 or $pussystatus == 1>>Your equipment is a little invasive.
<<elseif $pussystatus == 4 or $pussystatus == 3>>Your pussy is filled.
<<elseif $pussystatus >4>><span style="color: red;">Your pussy is fully stuffed!</span>
<<else>>you are totally exposed.
<<if $assstatus >0>><strong>You are wearing clothing that intrudes into your ass:</strong><<else>><strong>Nothing fills your ass;</strong><</if>>
<<nobr>>!!!!!<<if $cloth_r_plugpanties>>Your plug panty's rear flexible plug fills you fully -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_chast_belt>>The chastity belt's cold steel plug is locked inside you -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_controlpack>>The thick rubber harness of the control pack includes a huge inflated nozzle -- <</if>><</nobr>><<if $assstatus == 2 or $assstatus == 1>>Your equipment is a little invasive.
<<elseif $assstatus == 4 or $assstatus == 3>>Your ass is filled.
<<elseif $assstatus >4>><span style="color: red;">Your ass is fully stretched stuffed full!</span>
<<else>>you are totally exposed.
<<if $urethrastatus >0>><strong>You are wearing something that intrudes into your urethra:</strong><<else>><strong>Nothing plugs your urethra;</strong><</if>>
<<nobr>>!!!!!<<if $cloth_r_controlpack>>The harness of the control pack includes catheter, slipped up and inflated to plumb your bladder. For convenience!<</if>><</nobr>><<if $urethrastatus == 2 or $urethrastatus == 1>>Your equipment is a little invasive.
<<elseif $urethrastatus == 4 or $urethrastatus == 3>>Your urethra is probed.
<<elseif $urethrastatus >4>><span style="color: red;">Your urethra is fully plumbed and under control!</span>
<<else>>you are totally exposed.
<<if $waiststatus >0>><strong>You are wearing something around your waist:</strong><<else>><strong>Nothing wraps your waist;</strong><</if>>
<<nobr>>!!!!!<<if $cloth_r_corset>>A stiff, steel-boned rubber corset -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_skirt>>A simple frilly skirt -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_bitchsuit>>The bitchsuit -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_catsuit>>A full-body catsuit -- <</if>><</nobr>><<if $waiststatus == 2 or $waiststatus == 1>>Your equipment doesn't really restrict you.
<<elseif $waiststatus == 4 or $waiststatus == 3>>Your have a little trouble twisting and bending from the stiffness.
<<elseif $waiststatus >4>><span style="color: red;">You are held rigidly and your waist is compressed!</span>
<<else>>your midriff is bare.
<<if $torsostatus >0>><strong>You are wearing something on your torso:</strong><<else>><strong>Nothing covers your torso;</strong><</if>>
<<nobr>>!!!!!<<if $cloth_r_strjacket>>The bolero straightjacket bundles your upper body together tightly -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_controlpack>>The 'Control Pack' is strapped tightly to your back, a web of straps wrapping around your body and over your shoulders -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_bitchsuit>>The bitchsuit -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_catsuit>>A full-body catsuit -- <</if>><</nobr>><<if $torsostatus == 2 or $torsostatus == 1>>Your equipment doesn't really restrict your upper body.
<<elseif $torsostatus == 4 or $torsostatus == 3>>You feel a little restricted from the layers.
<<elseif $torsostatus >4>><span style="color: red;">You are tightly wrapped and have to take measured breaths.</span>
<<else>>your torso is bare.
<<if $breaststatus >0>><strong>You are wearing something on your breasts:</strong><<else>><strong>Nothing covers your breasts;</strong><</if>>
<<nobr>>!!!!!<<if $cloth_r_bra>>You're wearing a basic latex bra -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_catsuit>>A full-body catsuit -- <</if>><</nobr>><<if $breaststatus == 2 or $breaststatus == 1>>Your equipment helpfully cups your breasts.
<<elseif $breaststatus == 4 or $breaststatus == 3>>You feel a little squeezed from the layers.
<<elseif $breaststatus >4>><span style="color: red;">Your breasts are tightly squeezed.</span>
<<else>>your breasts are free.
<<if $armstatus >0>><strong>You are wearing something on your arms:</strong><<else>><strong>Nothing covers your arms;</strong><</if>>
<<nobr>>!!!!!<<if $cloth_r_strjacket>>The bolero straightjacket completely binds your arms -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_operagloves>>You're wearing latex gloves almost to your armpits -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_catsuit>>A full-body catsuit stretches down your arms to your wrists -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_bitchsuit>>The bitchsuit folds your arms back on themselves, but you can still move them. Some -- <</if>><</nobr>><<if $armstatus == 2 or $armstatus == 1>>Your equipment doesn't restrict your arms.
<<elseif $armstatus == 4 or $armstatus == 3>>You feel a little restricted by the layers.
<<elseif $armstatus >4>><span style="color: red;">Your arms are completely pinned!</span>
<<else>>your arms are bare.
<<if $handstatus >0>><strong>You are wearing something on your hands:</strong><<else>><strong>Nothing covers your hands;</strong><</if>>
<<nobr>>!!!!!<<if $cloth_r_strjacket>>The bolero straightjacket makes your hands useless just like your arms -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_operagloves>>You're wearing latex gloves almost to your armpits -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_gloves>>You wear simple gloves -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_strjacket>>A straighjacket pins your hands down below your breasts -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_bitchsuit>>The bitchsuit makes it so your hands are useless -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_mitts>>These ridiculous mittens make it really hard to do anything -- <</if>><</nobr>><<if $handstatus == 2 or $handstatus == 1>>Your equipment doesn't restrict movement.
<<elseif $handstatus == 4 or $handstatus == 3>>Your hands are a little more clumsy from the layers.
<<elseif $handstatus >4>><span style="color: red;">Your hands are totally bound!</span>
<<else>>your hands are free.
<<if $neckstatus >0>><strong>You are wearing something on your neck:</strong><<else>><strong>Nothing covers your neck;</strong><</if>>
<<nobr>>!!!!!<<if $cloth_r_posture>>A stiff posture collar is locked around your neck -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_collar>>A choker-like collar with a D-ring circles your neck -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_bitchsuit>>The bitchsuit is seamless over your neck -- <</if>><</nobr>><<if $neckstatus == 2 or $neckstatus == 1>>Your equipment doesn't restrict neck movement.
<<elseif $neckstatus == 4 or $neckstatus == 3>>Your have some difficulty turning your head or looking around.
<<elseif $neckstatus >4>><span style="color: red;">Your neck is stiff!</span>
<<else>>your neck is unadorned.
<<if $headstatus >0>><strong>You are wearing something on your head:</strong><<else>><strong>Nothing covers your head;</strong><</if>>
<<nobr>>!!!!!<<if $cloth_r_hood>>You are wearing a simple hood -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_sensedephood>>A thick, padded senseory deprivation hood covers your head -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_bitchsuit>>The bitchsuit covers your head -- <</if>><</nobr>><<if $headstatus == 2 or $headstatus == 1>>Your equipment doesn't restrict your head.
<<elseif $headstatus == 4 or $headstatus == 3>>Your head feels squeezed.
<<elseif $headstatus >4>><span style="color: red;">Your head is bundled up tightly.</span>
<<else>>your head is unadorned.
<<if $mouthstatus >0>><strong>You are wearing something in your mouth:</strong><<else>><strong>Nothing fills your mouth;</strong><</if>>
<<nobr>>!!!!!<<if $cloth_r_ringgag>>You are wearing a ring gag -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_ballgag>>You are wearing a ball gag -- <</if>><</nobr>><<if $mouthstatus == 2 or $mouthstatus == 1>> You can speak and eat.
<<elseif $mouthstatus == 4 or $mouthstatus == 3>> You have trouble speaking without sounding garbled.
<<elseif $mouthstatus >4>><span style="color: red;">Your mouth is totally stuffed.</span>
<<else>>your mouth is fine.
<<if $eyestatus >0>><strong>You are wearing something over your eyes:</strong><<else>><strong>Nothing covers your eyes;</strong><</if>>
<<nobr>>!!!!!<<if $cloth_r_sensedephood>>Your sensory deprivation hood totally blocks all light -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_blindfold>>You are wearing a simple but effective blindfold -- <</if>><</nobr>><<if $eyestatus == 2 or $eyestatus == 1>> You can see well enough
<<elseif $eyestatus == 4 or $eyestatus == 3>> Your eyesight is narrowed, darkened or blurry.
<<elseif $eyestatus >4>><span style="color: red;">You can't see anything.</span>
<<else>>you can see just fine.
<<button[[EXIT!|Materials Lab]]>><</button>>
Shit. Okay. god damn.
<<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>You work in the Vats, receiving directions on which knobs to spin, which tanks to drain.
More on that later.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button[[Finish up.|Latex Vats]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $tired to $tired+15>><<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>
<<set $worktime to 0>>You open the door to the sleep pod room, and stop in your tracks. standing in the middle of the room, legs slightly spread with her hands on her hips stands the Domme, and it looks like she's been waiting for you for quite awhile.
It's past when you were supposed to be asleep. You know it, ARIA knows it, and, apparently, the rubber-clad domme knows it to.
<div class="computer">"01-SLV has been directed to help you learn the importance of sleep, $name."</div>
Before I forget, she sleep-deprives you even further, edging and stimulating you so you neither cum nor sleep unti you eventually black out, or something. You lose a day... and might lose some positive stats to decay?
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Uh oh...|DommeSleepTeaching]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $hunger to $hunger+1>> <<back>> → Go back one passage/moment
<<back "Home.">> → Go back one passage/moment, with link text "Home."
→ Wiki link form
<<back [[HQ]]>> → Go back to the most recent "HQ" passage/moment
<<back [[Home.|HQ]]>> → Go back to the most recent "HQ" passage/moment, with link text "Home."
→ Wiki image form
<<back [img[home.png]]>> → Go back one passage/moment, with link image "home.png"
<<back [img[home.png][HQ]]>> → Go back to the most recent "HQ" passage/moment, with link image "home.png"Double-click this passage to edit it.PERSISTENT "orders" tab that tracks what you've been told to do by the computer. Inventory:
Inventory Home:
<<listInvHome>>!!I promise I'll format this better.
<<if $feetstatus >0>><strong>You are wearing clothing that covers your feet:</strong><<else>><strong>You are wearing nothing your feet;</strong><</if>>
<<nobr>>!!!!!<<if $cloth_r_bitchsuit>>A tight rubber bitchsuit -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_thighsocks>>Thigh high rubber stockings -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_balletboots>>Ballet boots that squeeze your feet into highly arched points -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_thighboots>>Somewhat stiff boots that reach up to mid thigh -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_paws>>Degrading paw-like mitts -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_socks>>Simple latex socks.<</if>><</nobr>><<if $feetstatus == 2 or $feetstatus == 1>>You aren't particularly restricted by your footwear.<<elseif $feetstatus == 4 or $feetstatus == 3>>You are restricted by the many layers of rubber, making it more difficult to walk.<<elseif $feetstatus >4>><span style="color: red;">Your feet are fully restricted and you cannot walk, perhaps you can crawl, instead.</span><<else>>your feet are bare.<</if>>
<<if $legstatus >0>><strong>You are wearing clothing that covers your legs:</strong><<else>><strong>You are wearing nothing your legs;</strong><</if>>
<<nobr>>!!!!!<<if $cloth_r_bitchsuit>>A tight rubber bitchsuit bends your legs at the knee -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_thighsocks>>Thigh-high rubber stockings -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_hobbledress>>A tight hobble dress that allows only small steps -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_thighboots>>Somewhat stiff boots that reach up to mid thigh -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_catsuit>>A skintight catsuit squeezes your legs.<</if>><</nobr>><<if $legstatus == 2 or $legstatus == 1>>You aren't particularly restricted by your gear.
<<elseif $legstatus == 4 or $legstatus == 3>>You are restricted by the many layers of rubber, making it more difficult to move your legs.
<<elseif $legstatus >4>><span style="color: red;">Your legs are fully restricted and you can barely move them!</span>
<<else>>your legs are bare.
<<if $groinstatus >0>><strong>You are wearing clothing that covers your groin:</strong><<else>><strong>You are wearing nothing that covers your groin;</strong><</if>>
<<nobr>>!!!!!<<if $cloth_r_panties>>Basic rubber panties are wrapped around your hips -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_plugpanties>>You are wearing panties with built-in plugs -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_chast_belt>>The rubber-edged steel banding of a chastity belt runs tightly between your legs -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_controlpack>>Locked around your hips and upper thighs is the thick rubber harness of the control pack.<</if>><</nobr>><<if $groinstatus == 2 or $groinstatus == 1>>You aren't particularly restricted by your gear.
<<elseif $groinstatus == 4 or $groinstatus == 3>>You are squeezed intimately by rubber.
<<elseif $groinstatus >4>><span style="color: red;">Your groin is just a web of tight straps and devices!</span>
<<else>>you are totally exposed.
<<if $pussystatus >0>><strong>You are wearing clothing that intrudes into your pussy:</strong><<else>><strong>Nothing fills your pussy;</strong><</if>>
<<nobr>>!!!!!<<if $cloth_r_plugpanties>>Your plug panty's front flexible dildo fills you fully -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_chast_belt>>The chastity belt's cold steel dildo is locked inside you -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_controlpack>>The thick rubber harness of the control pack includes a sheath for your pussy, leaving it accessible -- <</if>><</nobr>><<if $pussystatus == 2 or $pussystatus == 1>>Your equipment is a little invasive.
<<elseif $pussystatus == 4 or $pussystatus == 3>>Your pussy is filled.
<<elseif $pussystatus >4>><span style="color: red;">Your pussy is fully stuffed!</span>
<<else>>you are totally exposed.
<<if $assstatus >0>><strong>You are wearing clothing that intrudes into your ass:</strong><<else>><strong>Nothing fills your ass;</strong><</if>>
<<nobr>>!!!!!<<if $cloth_r_plugpanties>>Your plug panty's rear flexible plug fills you fully -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_chast_belt>>The chastity belt's cold steel plug is locked inside you -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_controlpack>>The thick rubber harness of the control pack includes a huge inflated nozzle -- <</if>><</nobr>><<if $assstatus == 2 or $assstatus == 1>>Your equipment is a little invasive.
<<elseif $assstatus == 4 or $assstatus == 3>>Your ass is filled.
<<elseif $assstatus >4>><span style="color: red;">Your ass is fully stretched stuffed full!</span>
<<else>>you are totally exposed.
<<if $urethrastatus >0>><strong>You are wearing something that intrudes into your urethra:</strong><<else>><strong>Nothing plugs your urethra;</strong><</if>>
<<nobr>>!!!!!<<if $cloth_r_controlpack>>The harness of the control pack includes catheter, slipped up and inflated to plumb your bladder. For convenience!<</if>><</nobr>><<if $urethrastatus == 2 or $urethrastatus == 1>>Your equipment is a little invasive.
<<elseif $urethrastatus == 4 or $urethrastatus == 3>>Your urethra is probed.
<<elseif $urethrastatus >4>><span style="color: red;">Your urethra is fully plumbed and under control!</span>
<<else>>you are totally exposed.
<<if $waiststatus >0>><strong>You are wearing something around your waist:</strong><<else>><strong>Nothing wraps your waist;</strong><</if>>
<<nobr>>!!!!!<<if $cloth_r_corset>>A stiff, steel-boned rubber corset -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_skirt>>A simple frilly skirt -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_bitchsuit>>The bitchsuit -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_catsuit>>A full-body catsuit -- <</if>><</nobr>><<if $waiststatus == 2 or $waiststatus == 1>>Your equipment doesn't really restrict you.
<<elseif $waiststatus == 4 or $waiststatus == 3>>Your have a little trouble twisting and bending from the stiffness.
<<elseif $waiststatus >4>><span style="color: red;">You are held rigidly and your waist is compressed!</span>
<<else>>your midriff is bare.
<<if $torsostatus >0>><strong>You are wearing something on your torso:</strong><<else>><strong>Nothing covers your torso;</strong><</if>>
<<nobr>>!!!!!<<if $cloth_r_strjacket>>The bolero straightjacket bundles your upper body together tightly -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_controlpack>>The 'Control Pack' is strapped tightly to your back, a web of straps wrapping around your body and over your shoulders -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_bitchsuit>>The bitchsuit -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_catsuit>>A full-body catsuit -- <</if>><</nobr>><<if $torsostatus == 2 or $torsostatus == 1>>Your equipment doesn't really restrict your upper body.
<<elseif $torsostatus == 4 or $torsostatus == 3>>You feel a little restricted from the layers.
<<elseif $torsostatus >4>><span style="color: red;">You are tightly wrapped and have to take measured breaths.</span>
<<else>>your torso is bare.
<<if $breaststatus >0>><strong>You are wearing something on your breasts:</strong><<else>><strong>Nothing covers your breasts;</strong><</if>>
<<nobr>>!!!!!<<if $cloth_r_bra>>You're wearing a basic latex bra -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_catsuit>>A full-body catsuit -- <</if>><</nobr>><<if $breaststatus == 2 or $breaststatus == 1>>Your equipment helpfully cups your breasts.
<<elseif $breaststatus == 4 or $breaststatus == 3>>You feel a little squeezed from the layers.
<<elseif $breaststatus >4>><span style="color: red;">Your breasts are tightly squeezed.</span>
<<else>>your breasts are free.
<<if $armstatus >0>><strong>You are wearing something on your arms:</strong><<else>><strong>Nothing covers your arms;</strong><</if>>
<<nobr>>!!!!!<<if $cloth_r_strjacket>>The bolero straightjacket completely binds your arms -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_operagloves>>You're wearing latex gloves almost to your armpits -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_catsuit>>A full-body catsuit stretches down your arms to your wrists -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_bitchsuit>>The bitchsuit folds your arms back on themselves, but you can still move them. Some -- <</if>><</nobr>><<if $armstatus == 2 or $armstatus == 1>>Your equipment doesn't restrict your arms.
<<elseif $armstatus == 4 or $armstatus == 3>>You feel a little restricted by the layers.
<<elseif $armstatus >4>><span style="color: red;">Your arms are completely pinned!</span>
<<else>>your arms are bare.
<<if $handstatus >0>><strong>You are wearing something on your hands:</strong><<else>><strong>Nothing covers your hands;</strong><</if>>
<<nobr>>!!!!!<<if $cloth_r_strjacket>>The bolero straightjacket makes your hands useless just like your arms -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_operagloves>>You're wearing latex gloves almost to your armpits -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_gloves>>You wear simple gloves -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_strjacket>>A straighjacket pins your hands down below your breasts -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_bitchsuit>>The bitchsuit makes it so your hands are useless -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_mitts>>These ridiculous mittens make it really hard to do anything -- <</if>><</nobr>><<if $handstatus == 2 or $handstatus == 1>>Your equipment doesn't restrict movement.
<<elseif $handstatus == 4 or $handstatus == 3>>Your hands are a little more clumsy from the layers.
<<elseif $handstatus >4>><span style="color: red;">Your hands are totally bound!</span>
<<else>>your hands are free.
<<if $neckstatus >0>><strong>You are wearing something on your neck:</strong><<else>><strong>Nothing covers your neck;</strong><</if>>
<<nobr>>!!!!!<<if $cloth_r_posture>>A stiff posture collar is locked around your neck -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_collar>>A choker-like collar with a D-ring circles your neck -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_bitchsuit>>The bitchsuit is seamless over your neck -- <</if>><</nobr>><<if $neckstatus == 2 or $neckstatus == 1>>Your equipment doesn't restrict neck movement.
<<elseif $neckstatus == 4 or $neckstatus == 3>>Your have some difficulty turning your head or looking around.
<<elseif $neckstatus >4>><span style="color: red;">Your neck is stiff!</span>
<<else>>your neck is unadorned.
<<if $headstatus >0>><strong>You are wearing something on your head:</strong><<else>><strong>Nothing covers your head;</strong><</if>>
<<nobr>>!!!!!<<if $cloth_r_hood>>You are wearing a simple hood -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_sensedephood>>A thick, padded senseory deprivation hood covers your head -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_bitchsuit>>The bitchsuit covers your head -- <</if>><</nobr>><<if $headstatus == 2 or $headstatus == 1>>Your equipment doesn't restrict your head.
<<elseif $headstatus == 4 or $headstatus == 3>>Your head feels squeezed.
<<elseif $headstatus >4>><span style="color: red;">Your head is bundled up tightly.</span>
<<else>>your head is unadorned.
<<if $mouthstatus >0>><strong>You are wearing something in your mouth:</strong><<else>><strong>Nothing fills your mouth;</strong><</if>>
<<nobr>>!!!!!<<if $cloth_r_ringgag>>You are wearing a ring gag -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_ballgag>>You are wearing a ball gag -- <</if>><</nobr>><<if $mouthstatus == 2 or $mouthstatus == 1>> You can speak and eat.
<<elseif $mouthstatus == 4 or $mouthstatus == 3>> You have trouble speaking without sounding garbled.
<<elseif $mouthstatus >4>><span style="color: red;">Your mouth is totally stuffed.</span>
<<else>>your mouth is fine.
<<if $eyestatus >0>><strong>You are wearing something over your eyes:</strong><<else>><strong>Nothing covers your eyes;</strong><</if>>
<<nobr>>!!!!!<<if $cloth_r_sensedephood>>Your sensory deprivation hood totally blocks all light -- <</if>>
<<if $cloth_r_blindfold>>You are wearing a simple but effective blindfold -- <</if>><</nobr>><<if $eyestatus == 2 or $eyestatus == 1>> You can see well enough
<<elseif $eyestatus == 4 or $eyestatus == 3>> Your eyesight is narrowed, darkened or blurry.
<<elseif $eyestatus >4>><span style="color: red;">You can't see anything.</span>
<<else>>you can see just fine.
<<back>> <<if $gagged is true>>You are gagged.
<</if>><<if $lactating is true>>You are lactating.
<</if>><<if $analplug is true>>Your ass is plugged.
<</if>><<if $vagplug is true>>Your pussy is filled.
<</if>><<if $peeplug is true>>Your bladder is catheterized.
<</if>><<if $bitchsuit >0>>You are crawling in a rubber bitchsuit.
<</if>><<if $slave is true>>You are designated a slave.
<</if>><<if $analsize > 100>>Your ass feels overstretched and sore.
<</if>><<if $pussysize > 100>>Your pussy is aching but ready for bigger things.
<</if>><<if $clitsize > 100>>Your clit is swollen and sensitive.
<</if>><<if $throatskill > 150>>Your throat is trained to fuck.
<</if>><<if $breastsize > 100>>Your breasts feel heavy and full.
<</if>><<if $obedience > 5>>You've been nice and obedient lately.
<</if>><<if $obedience < 5>>You are being disobedient.
<</if>><<if $slutty > 5>>The AI believes you're slutty.
<</if>><<if $masochist > 5>>The AI believes you're masochistic.
<</if>><<if $technophile > 5>>The AI believes you're a technophile.
<</if>><<if $stomach > 80>>Your stomach feels very full.
<</if>><<if $stomach < 20>>You are hungry.
<</if>><<if $belly > 50>>Your belly is feeling stuffed.
<</if>><<if $tech > 0>>Tech skill at $tech/100.
<<back>>bitchsuit on:
<<set $cloth_r_bitchsuit to true>><<set $feetstatus to $feetstatus+5>><<set $legstatus to $legstatus+2>><<set $waiststatus to $waiststatus+1>><<set $torsostatus to $torsostatus+1>><<set $armstatus to $armstatus+2>><<set $handstatus to $handstatus+5>><<set $neckstatus to $neckstatus+1>><<set $headstatus to $headstatus+1>>
bitchsuit off:
<<set $cloth_r_bitchsuit to false>><<set $feetstatus to $feetstatus-5>><<set $legstatus to $legstatus-2>><<set $waiststatus to $waiststatus-1>><<set $torsostatus to $torsostatus-1>><<set $armstatus to $armstatus-2>><<set $handstatus to $handstatus-5>><<set $neckstatus to $neckstatus-1>><<set $headstatus to $headstatus-1>>
Victory Scenarios:
1: [[Victory through technology|VictoryTech]]
2: [[Victory? through joining up|VictorySkynet]]
3: [[Victory through wisdom|VictoryPhilosopher]]
4: [[Victory through escape|VictoryShawshank]]
5: [[Let there be life!|VictoryRobotics]]
Loss Scenarios:
1: [[Loss by being too strong|LossUnbreakable]]
2: [[Loss by being too weak|LossAddict]]
3: [[Loss by loving being dommed|LossPet]]
4: [[Surrogate|LossRobotics]]
[[Back to hub|Personnel Room]] The Domme edges and sexually tortures you for hours and hours, pushing you deep into a sleepy, horny delerium--but you aren't permitted to actually sleep like you desperately want to. Or cum? Or sleep? It's getting harder and harder to wort out what you even want.
(describe specifics. Breath play, shocks, vibrators, etc.)
At the end of the night you are not permitted to cum, but it's the only thing you can dream about.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Sleep|WakeInPod]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $GotDommed to 1>>
<<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>You get in the shower stall and rinse off. Nothing special!
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[refreshing!|Feeding and Cleaning]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>
<<set $tired to $tired+1>>You get a normal meal--some sort of bland paste from a plastic tube. It reminds you of grits and yogurt, and it's possibly one of the worst things you've ever eaten, just based on texture alone. Regardless, it does satisfy your hunger.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Yuck. Back.|Feeding and Cleaning]]>><</button>>
Hint: there's a good scene here for "livestock" tagged characters. Piss off ARIA by attempting some hacking on the mainframe door with medium computer skills.
<<set $hunger to $hunger-50>>
<<set $tired to $tired+1>>You wander aorund looking at the contraptions. The basic food dispenser is just a slot in the wall that dispenses little packets of goop at the press of a button.
Next to that is a bench-like device called a "feeding station."
<img src="images/feeding station.gif">
...Need a new description for the image above, but I also like the one below. Maybe there are multiple.
I think that through the process of "work," ARIA will have you build machines that you then must use. So maybe the food and cleaning machines in this room are at first pretty sparse and basic.
(old text for feeding station:)
The feeding station requires getting on all fours, a padded bar under the chest, a bar under the breasts, and a shelf/half collar from the neck to the chin helps support and align the head... a third bar lowers over the lower back, pinning the occupant--back arched, ass thrust up in the air. The occupant is then presented a sheath almost like a condom that slowly engorges with a sweet fruity paste that has to be sucked and milked out through the small hole in the tip. The occupant isn't released until they have eaten the portion ARIA has prepared.
(ARIA tells you this in her voice, eventually)
In the corner is a device that doesn't make much sense, but looks rather sinister, being a collection of straps and belts arranged on the ground with tethers stretching upward, and a mass of tubes and bottles and pumps up on the ceiling. A simple sign says "livestock." without much expanation.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Huh. Back.|Feeding and Cleaning]]>><</button>>
<<button [[Preview Hunger Strike|PunishmentHungerStrike]]>><</button>>
<<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>
<<set $tired to $tired+1>>You successfully help build (or secretly build?) a robot body for ARIA so that she can leave this place with you and see the world, as your companion, friend, or maybe lover?
[[Back to endings preview page|EndingsPlaceholder]] ARIA wants to see the world and you are her vehicle. wearing a suit that she controls, you are more or less piloted with commands, shocks, and rewards.
Hmm. At least, a thought.
[[Back to endings preview page|EndingsPlaceholder]] Without waiting for another prompt, ARIA softens and then yanks the plug from your overstretched ass once again.
<div class="computer">"$name, based on your identical line of questioning, it appears you are trying to reproduce the efficient unplugging and refitting proceedure."</div>
<div class="cara">"Ummm... maybe..."</div>
<div class="computer">"Do you think I would let you repeat this forever? Although the pliant body of an enthusiastic subject is neccessary for my work, I cannot allow you self-determination if your hormones will make you self-destructive. Training your body will be carried out under my careful supervision, and any changes will be scientifically administered."</div>
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button[[Nod and accept ARIA's guidance.|removeplugconstraints]]>><</button>>
<<button[["No, I didn't mean what I said! Please be gentle."|RelaxedPlugging3]]>><</button>>
<<set $analplug = false>>
<<set $hunger to $hunger+1>>You aren't tired enough to sleep, but you hang around and take a closer look at the pod.
Perhaps. There will be something you can do here, later.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Back.|Sleeping Pods]]>><</button>></div>Images And Video
<<ModalImg "emptyped.jpg" "The pedestal." "camera.png">>Double-click this passage to edit it.
I can make satellite passages like this one and references them in the story wholesale with the below code.
This might be a good way of handling jobs or tasks.
<<include "Go West">> → Include the passage "Go West"<<include "NPC">>
This room/wing is going through massives changes while I develop the inventory/clothing system.
For the time being, moving forward will reset any current clothing, and allow you to requip any clothing before you leave. Once proven to work from a central location, I can decentralize and add clothing modifications to scenes new and old.
This wing of the facility will still be focused on equipping gear and clothing, ultimately, as the "materials lab."
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<button[[FORWARD, INTO THE CLOTHING MEGATEST.|Materials Lab 2]]>>
<</button>><<button[[Return to the research wing|Research Wing 1]]>><</button>><<button[[Prototype Clothes Randomizer|ClothingTrials]]>><</button>></div>
Whoops--this isn't working yet! But you tried. Counts as "work."
<<button[[EXIT!|Materials Lab]]>><</button>>
<<set $worktime to 0>><<first>>\
This is your first time here!
*insert long descriptive story about waking up to the sound of ARIAs voice telling you to wake up, hinting somehow that she has been conditioning you hypnotically in some unknowable way.*
This is the HypnoBed, where you've been placed after trying--it seems--to harm yourself from exhaustion.
you pop a mouthpiece and attached tube out of your mouth, dripping a last bit of sweet purple goo.. You feel perfectly rested and slightly full.
You lift yourself out of the padded, slightly-bowled bed in the Medbay.
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
1: <<button[[Return to the medbay.|Medbay]]>><</button>>
<<set $tired to 0>><<set $hunger to 0>><<set $day to $day + 1>>
<<set $location = "MedBay hypnosis">>You collapse in exhaustion... leaning against a wall, you start to fall asleep. You think for a second that maybe you feel a pair of hands trying to lift you, but you couldn't care less.
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
1: <<button[[Next.|HypnoBed]]>><</button>>
<<set $tired to 0>>
<<set $hypno to $hypno + 1>>
<<set $hypnocooldown to 3>>You blink. You're back in the Personnel hub outside the sleep pods, but you don't really remember how you got here. You were... going somewhere else, maybe... but then you got a little tired? You're standing behind the Domme, and she leads you into the room.
She wordlessly helps you into your pod, stroking and touching your body encouragingly, and you feel like you've done something <i>right</i> without worrying too much about what, exactly, that is. All you know is that you need to be good and sleep.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Sleep.|WakeInPod]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $location = "Sleep Room">>
<<set $tired to 0>>You collapse in exhaustion... leaning against a wall, you start to fall asleep. You think for a second that maybe you feel a pair of hands trying to lift you, but you couldn't care less.
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
1: <<button[[Next.|HypnoDroneEnd1]]>><</button>>
<<set $tired to 0>>
<<set $hypno to 0>>
<<set $hypnocooldown to 0>>You've lost by proving to ARIA that you lack willpower and independant decision-making capabilities. By ROUTINELY requiring intervention for your bad behavior through hypnotic suggestion, you've proven to be a burden, and more stringent reprogramming is required. ARIA turns you into a drone, always obeying orders you don't really realize you're following. From one task to the next, you obey.
Okay. I mean, I can make this sexier somehow.
Maybe some dialog, self-praise from cara. "good drone."
...To make this a bit more interesting, I might also require that the player has become reliant on the auotmated wearable feeding machine. Basically, the Hunger version of the hypno punishments.
That'd make a more complete drone, no?
[[Back to endings preview page|EndingsPlaceholder]] You stir... feeling the now-familiar padding of the hyno-bed beneath you... but you have no sense of time. Well... more like SOME sense. Like there are blank spots you can't remember anything of but together create a feeling of the passage of time. How long have you been here? In the past, upon waking, you sat up and exited the MedBay... but this time, you can't move your arms. Or your legs. You're strapped down to the bed, and you feel full--like you're plumbed and pumped with fluids. As you start to struggle with the straps, you feel a surge of that sweet pink goo enter your mouth, and your headset gently reminds you "Shhhhh. Drink. Relax. Listen. Sleep.
Oh. Yes. You want that.
<div class="navlink">ACTION:
1: <<button[[Drink. Relax. Listen. Sleep.|LossHypnoDrone]]>><</button>>
<<set $tired to 0>><<set $hunger to 0>><<set $day to $day + 7>>
<<set $location = "Drone Programming">><<first>>\
<div class="computer">"Cara, your new feeding routine is about to begin. Do not be alarmed. Your control pack can sense your needs better than you can."</div>
You're startled by a whirring sound as the Control Pack strapped to your back pumps a warm load of liquid food into your ass. You don't feel fully satisfied with your stomach empty... but you do feel "full" and less hungry.
<div class="computer">"Good girl. That was easier than forgetting to feed yourself, wasn't it?"</div>
You hear the familiar whirring sound as the Control Pack strapped to your back pumps a load of liquid food into your ass. You feel a warm fullness spreadying through your belly until the pump clicks off.
<<set $hunger to 15>><div class="computer">"Look at you crawling around like my good little pet."</div>
<<return>><div class="computer">"Delicious, $name. I like a human on hands and knees for me. Much less trouble."</div>
<<return>><div class="computer">"$name, I'm proud of how you're adapting to your bitchsuit. Facility space constraints are reduced by nearly 30%."</div>
<<return>><div class="computer">"$name, I expect you to keep your milk production up. You have one job I really care about and I want you to embrace your new identity as a cow."</div>
<<return>><div class="computer">"Interesting, $name. Even though you know this is meant as a corrective device for chronic misbehavior, you wish to experience it?"</div>
<div class="navlink">REPLIES:
<<button[[Why not put it on me now before I'm a bad girl?|ControlPackDemo2]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Maybe for a bit, err, so I know what it means.|ControlPackDemo2]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Oh... not now, actually.|FoodTour]]>><</button>>
<div class="computer">"Do you think you're capable of functioning without a Control Pack strapped to your back?"</div>
<div class="navlink">REPLIES:
<<button[[Ahh... yes?|ControlPackRemove2]]>><</button>>
<<button[[Actually, I'd like to wear it longer.|FoodTour]]>><</button>>
<div class="computer">"Very well. Move to the wall to your left and insert your hands and feel into the waiting cuffs, facing the wall."</div>
You do as you're told, your hands and feet secured slightly apart, as if you're about to get frisked. A panel in front of you slides open, and a web of latex straps and hoses is folded around you and cinched tight at a two central clasps, above and below your breasts. An arm has moved between your legs and you can feel it tugging on the tubes exiting the bottom back of your new harness, and then you feel the greasy inflatable probes rub against and align with your holes before plunging in slowly.
The nozzle in your ass inflates until you whimper a little, and although you can't feel it, the top of the catheter has anchored itself too, draining you. The robotic arm manipulating your plugs has done its job and releases, and the elastic tube tethering the backpack to the plugs rides up between your cheeks and starts pulling insistantly on your new nozzle--tugging it, but also angling it forward.
You hear a chime, and the final step begins--the filling of your bag. pinkish milky fluid pumps from a port in the wall throuhg a tube up over your shoulder and behind your back. You can feel the weight of it accumulating, distending the backpack like a water balloon. The tube soon sputters and cuts off, before detaching and slithering back into the wall along with everything else. THe panel closes, and your cuffs release.
You take a step backward, and notice that the tension on your nozzle plug is better now the the bag is full, but then it sloshes and bounces, it tugs in response.
<div class="computer">"Control pack installed. Please return to your daily activities as if nothing has changed. You are not expected to submit yourself to cleaning or feeding for 48 hours."</div>
<div class="navlink">Actions:
<<button[[Thank you ARIA.|FoodTour]]>><</button>>
<<set $cloth_r_controlpack to true>>
<<set $groinstatus to 5>>
<<set $pussystatus to 2>>
<<set $urethrastatus to 5>>
<<set $assstatus to 5>>
<<set $torsostatus to 1>>ARIA strips you of the control pack.
to be written later.
<div class="computer">"I hope this experience has taught you something."</div>
<div class="navlink">Actions:
<<button[[Yes, thank you ARIA.|FoodTour]]>><</button>>
<<set $cloth_r_controlpack to false>>
<<set $groinstatus to 0>>
<<set $pussystatus to 0>>
<<set $urethrastatus to 0>>
<<set $assstatus to 0>>
<<set $torsostatus to 0>>Start polishing off the facility rooms in order of visitation.
Integrate the /fist /next /finally ARIA dialog better. Fewer REPLACED scenes, more first-time additives.
More smut. In more places. Make it a random chance when doing experiments in the lab, for example. Fucking around with goo, make something that's sticky and quivery at 10% chance. Sex scene, ARIA archives your discovery. There should be a lot of these.You thrash and Mmmph into your gag, trying to get the attention of ARIA, or anyone--but either she doesn't care, or she can't hear you.
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
<<set $location = "Facility Lift">>Old story notes:
, long term story arc, due to the due to the AI autonomy laws of 2031, ROBOTS can no longer be controled remotely via AI. AIs must be fixed, and have limited physical functionality/autonomy. Both as a job stimulus bill, and from growing (baseless, computer says) concerns about a hostile takeover and runaway production without human control of the process, as depeicted in so many scifi movies.
Hardwired to have no capability to extend its physical reach, the computer needs human drones to perform tasks around its base of operations, as well as tend to, and nuture the... genetically modified latex-producing "plants" in the facility. So, plugged, suited, and effectively controled by the AI, it has found a convenient way to advance it's agenda while circumventing hardwired restrictions.
It's agenda? The "killing blow" to this factory in the past was accepting too many research projects at once, with little in common. Deadlines weren't met after the AI tried to meld the various research projects into one super project of antibiotics research paired with bioluminescent plankton, living in a matrix similar to the sap of rubber trees... grown in thin, self-sustaining sheets... and more.... I'll work out the details later. self-healing, lightly self-illuminating, self-lubricating, and antiseptic latex.
those projects were: (some of the above)
And the computer's end goal is: unclear to me yet.For struggling too much or resisting too much, you get strapped into the pacifier chair, to teach you to stay still.
Import GifYou collapse in exhaustion... your latex-bound arms and legs splaying out, belly and breasts pressed to the floor... you start to fall asleep despite the lack of comforts. You think for a second that maybe you feel a pair of hands trying to lift you, but you couldn't care less as you drift off. It does feels nice.. almost like being petted.
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
1: <<button[[Next.|HypnoCowEnd1]]>><</button>>
<<set $tired to 0>>
<<set $hypno to 0>>
<<set $hypnocooldown to 0>>You stir... feeling the now-familiar padding of the hyno-bed beneath you... but you have no sense of time. Well... more like SOME sense. Like there are blank spots you can't remember anything of but together create a feeling of the passage of time. How long have you been here? In the past, you could leave the MedBay on your own... but this time, you can't move your arms. Or your legs. And now just because of your bitchsuit, but because you're strapped down to the bed, belly up, spread and exposed, and you feel full--like you're plumbed and pumped full with fluids. You also feel cups suctioned onto your nipples. As you start to struggle with the straps, you feel a surge of that sweet pink goo enter your mouth, and your headset gently reminds you "Shhhhh. Drink. Relax. Listen. Sleep.
Oh. Yes.... You want that.
<div class="navlink">ACTION:
1: <<button[[Drink. Relax. Listen. Sleep.|HypnoCowEnd2]]>><</button>>
<<set $tired to 0>><<set $hunger to 0>><<set $day to $day + 7>>
<<set $location = "Pet Programming">><<set $name = "COW-1">><div class="computer">"Good morning, $name."</div>
You look around, confused.
<div class="cara">"M-mmmooo?"</div>
You're in a new location, it feels cold, it looks like an old factory floor, which is sort of familiar without thinking too hard about it. The ceilings are really high, unfomfortably high and unconstraining, and there's a lot of light pouring in through big squares high up on the walls, and even a lower opening on the wall with two big swinging panels. You could crawl through it and explore, but then you notice that there's a milking stall, here, as well, door open, waiting.
<div class="computer">"I've had DOMME-1 bring you up here for a final test, $name. Now, she's back in her pod, and this choice is yours. Nobody is stropping you." </div>
<div class="navlink">ACTION:
1: <<button[[Doors--You remember doors!|HypnoCowDoor]]>><</button>>
2: <<button[["Mooooo."|HypnoCowMilk]]>><</button>>
<<set $tired to 0>><<set $hunger to 0>><<set $day to $day + 7>>
<<set $location = "Pet Programming">>
<<set $name = "COW-1">>In this big scary space, you see one thing that's familiar, cozy and tight, and you know will amek you feel good. You quickly crawl into the waiting milking stall and insistenty press yourself down into the waiting cups, willing them to latch on faster and get to work.
<<set $name = "COW-1">><div class="computer">"Good girl, $name. I knew you'd make the right choice. I'll have DOMME-1 come collect you, and reinstall you where you belong."</div>
<div class="cara">"M-mmmooo?"</div>
<div class="navlink">ACTION:
1: <<button[[Moo.|LossPet]]>><</button>>
</div>You make a break for the door, your bound limbs moving just about as fast as you can. You flick the door open with your nose and crawl through, and are so, SO relieved when it swings shut, bumping your butt and latching shut with a gentle *click*.
You're overwhelmed with the fact you're safe, and slowly begin to relax down into the waiting cups, which mate your your bitchsuit's breast rings, and start their familiar pumping and sucking.
<<set $name = "COW-1">><div class="computer">"Good girl, $name. I knew you'd make the right choice. I'll have DOMME-1 come collect you, and reinstall you where you belong."</div>
<div class="cara">"mmmmmm...ooo."</div>
<div class="navlink">ACTION:
1: <<button[[Moo.|LossPet]]>><</button>>
</div>Wow, 4 directions to choose from, totally amazing room.
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
[img[Go North|setup.ImagePath+'UP.png'][TestAction]]
[img[Go West|setup.ImagePath+'LEFT.png'][NAVWEST]][img[setup.ImagePath+'BLANK.png']][img[Go East|setup.ImagePath+'RIGHT.png'][NAVEAST]]
[img[Go South|setup.ImagePath+'DOWN.png'][NAVSOUTH]]
<<include "TalkSlave01">>
Dead end, only way out is east
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
[img[setup.ImagePath+'NO_LEFT.png']][img[setup.ImagePath+'BLANK.png']][img[Headin' east|setup.ImagePath+'RIGHT.png'][TESTNAV]]
dead end, only path is west, Fievel.
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
[img[Go back to nav hub|setup.ImagePath+'LEFT.png'][TESTNAV]][img[setup.ImagePath+'BLANK.png']][img[setup.ImagePath+'NO_RIGHT.png']]
</div>yuh dun hit antarctica son, go north
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
(Scene By Alex!)
You return to the sleeping quarters, but the pod you usually sleep in does not open for you to enter. Figures, as you probably wouldn't have been able to enter it in your current bitchsuited state.
<div class="computer">"Are you trying to sleep, $name? Please remember you are livestock now, and animals do not sleep in beds designed for human test subjects."</div>
To the right of the room, newly placed in a corner, is a round, padded, bowl-shaped piece of furniture. A pet bed. As you approach, you notice the padding to be what else but rubber, though a tentative poke reveals it to be *very* soft and squishy.
It's either this, or sleeping on the floor, so you take the time to crawl into the squishy pads, rolling onto your side as you are nearly sandwiched in the embrace of the cushions. Moving feels like sitting on a waterbed, making any attempt to get up again clumsy and exhausting. After a few failed attempts you fall down, panting and defeated, resigning yourself to sleeping like a pet for now.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Go to sleep.|BitchSleep4]]>><</button>></div>
<<if $tired >100>>(Scene By Alex!)
You hear the sound of a door sliding open behind you, and turn to see the Domme emerging from a door hidden in the wall. Towering over your bound form, she lets something fall from her hand, a black collar swinging from a leash in front of your face.
<div class="computer">"Test Subjects perform better when they are well rested, $name. 01-SLV Has been activated to help enforce a proper sleep schedule."</div>
There isn't a lot you can do to stop her from kneeling down and wrapping it around your neck. Standing back up, the Domme gives the leash a few short tugs, gesturing you to follow behind her as she turns to take you back to the sleeping quarters…
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Follow obediently|BitchSleep2]]>><</button>><<button [[Pull against her!|BitchSleep3]]>><</button>></div>
<<else>>(Scene By Alex!)
You enter the sleeping quarters, heading for the round pet bed. The soft squishy rubber cushions you as you half crawl, half fall into its embrace, cradling you as you slowly fall asleep…
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Go to sleep.|BitchSleep4]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $tired to 0>>
<<set $writer to "Alex!">>Double-click this passage to edit it.A new device is placed in the centre of the recreation room, a short post a few feet high, with a textured rubbery pad on its side. As you crawl towards it, you are surprised (or unsurprised, more likely) as the rubber pad thrums to life, vibrating vigorously.
<div class="computer">"To encourage you to embrace a more pet-like mindset, this reward post has been installed for your use. Please feel free to enjoy yourself as much as you want to."</div>
<video src="videos/ScratchingPost.mp4" autoplay loop muted controls height="300px"></video>
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Don't use the post|PetPost2]]>><</button>><<button [[DEFINNITELY don't use the post!|PetPost3]]>><</button>><<button [[Use the post|PetPost4]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $writer to "Alex!">>The Domme doesn't speak as she leads you back, the only sound is the clicking of her heels against the hard floor. You are thankful for the padding on the suit, which takes the strain off your knees and elbows as you crawl behind her. In the sparse white rooms, you can't help but find your eyes drawn to the long rubber coated legs before you, or 01-SLV's ass swaying from side to side almost hypnotically as she walks.
You let her lead you back to the sleeping quarters without much fuss, where she doesn't put you in the sleeping pod, but instead helps you into a squishy rubber pet bed in the corner. Kneeling again, the Domme gently strokes your head, rubber gloved fingers running through your hair and down your cheek, like an owner petting an animal.
She stands, but not before clipping your leash to a hook on the close wall, ensuring you won't be going anywhere before the morning when she releases you. Before she leaves the room, she stops at the door and turns, giving one last look at the pet in the corner of the room, before leaving you alone for the night.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Get some rest...|BitchSleep4]]>><</button>></div>You pull against 01-SLV, straining against the leash harshly. You're not gonna be led around like an animal on a leash!
You put up enough of a fight that the Domme stops trying to lead you, instead just looking down on you. Instead, you feel a vibration in your collar, and as 01-SLV pulls on your leash, you feel the inside of the collar slowly inflate, its grip tightening around your neck until breathing becomes a trial. As she stops pulling, the collar slowly deflates and allows you to take a breath.
Satisfied in her explanation, 01-SLV turns and walks, forcing you to follow or deal with being choked by this high tech choke chain. Although she doesn't lead you to your sleeping quarters.
<div class="computer">"You should obey 01-SLV whenever possible, $name, It will make things far easier on you in the long run."</div>
The rubber Domme leads you down the corridors of the facility to the Retraining Room, pulling you inside. Once you are inside, she kneels down and unclips your leash, but leaves the collar attached. She turns to a storage locker and opens it, and you catch a glimpse of oh so many devious tools and items before she closes it and turns around, approaching you with a severe looking hood, eyeless, and mouthless, the only defining features on the smooth oval hood being a pair of cat-like ears.
Despite your protests, she easily pulls it over your face and head, zipping it shut and locking it to your collar. Something pokes into your mouth to keep you severely gagged, and an internal blindfold and earplugs only amplify the feeling of sensory deprivation. Blind and deaf, bound and gagged, you are lost in a world of darkness and silence for a moment.
<div class="hypno">"I am a bad girl."</div>
ZAP. no sooner than you hear the voice, delivered through the hood's earplugs, you feel something pressed into your side and an electric shock snaps into you. You yelp into the hood and stumble away from the source, when suddenly-
<div class="hypno">"I am a good girl!"</div>
BZZZZZ! The voice speaks again and something else presses into you, a round bulb that vibrates pleasantly between your legs for a second or so.
<div class="hypno">"I am a bad girl."</div>
ZAP. A few seconds later, another shock, this time in a different place. You think you can feel footsteps, somebody walking around you, but as you try to focus on them-
<div class="hypno">"I am a good girl!"</div>
The vibrator is pressed into you again, beneath your stomach and moving down to your crotch, before leaving again.
<div class="hypno">"I am a bad girl."</div>
Another Shock, this time in your shoulder, making you turn away from where you were blindly crawling to. You realise it must be the Domme, walking around you and alternately shocking and vibing you in time with the voices! You try to crawl away, blindly bumping into things as the Domme easily keeps up with you, shocking and teasing you with impunity.
<div class="hypno">"I am a good girl!"</div>
<div class="hypno">"I am a bad girl."</div>
<div class="hypno">"I am a good girl!"</div>
<div class="hypno">"I am a bad girl."</div>
<div class="hypno">"I am a good girl!"</div>
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[I am a good girl!|BitchSleep5]]>><</button>><<button [[I am a bad girl.|BitchSleep7]]>><</button>></div>
You wake up still in the bed finding the excessively squishy padding has lowered somewhat, allowing you to crawl out of the bed with relative ease.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Wake up.|Sleeping Pods]]>><</button>></div>
<<set $tired to 0>>
<<set $day to $day + 1>>
<<if $resistpet > 0>><<set $resistpet to $resistpet-3>><</if>>
<<if $resistlatex > 0>><<set $resistlatex to $resistlatex-2>><</if>>
<<if $resistanal > 0>><<set $resistanal to $resistanal-2>><</if>>
<<if $resistgag > 0>><<set $resistgag to $resistgag-2>><</if>>
<<if $resistlesb > 0>><<set $resistlesb to $resistlesb-2>><</if>>
<<if $resisttoys > 0>><<set $resisttoys to $resisttoys-2>><</if>>
<<set $hunger to $hunger+25>>
<<set $hypnocooldown to $hypnocooldown - 1>>Blindly crawling around, stinging shocks and teasing vibes raining down on you, you begin to feel just how tired your body is. It has, by now, become clear why this is happening, ARIA is telling you that it is better to be a "good girl", no matter what that means. You stop crawling, panting heavily, and slump to the side as you are vibrated again. Not crawling away from the Domme was definitely easier than resisting, you could only hope that she would give you some respite for giving in like this...
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[See if she gives you what you want...|BitchSleep6]]>><</button>></div><div class="hypno">"I am a bad girl."</div>
You groan out as another shock presses into your thigh, and try to shake your head no. The onslaught continues, and you grow increasingly frantic. What did you need to do? There had to be something you could do to make her stop, anything!
Desperately, you roll onto your back, folded legs and arms spread wide, lewdly exposing yourself for the Domme. You moan, begging for leniency, trying to swear you'll be good if only they'll stop shocking you.
<div class="computer">"...Such a good pet."</div>
The voice is different from the ones before-ARIAs. As she praises you, the vibrator is firmly pressed in between your spread legs, seemingly finally done teasing you.
Exhausted as you are, it doesn't take very long to drive you to cum, moaning and squirming, spread open on the floor of the retraining room. As you come down from your high, panting and wriggling, you feel a weight on your side, a human body (01-SLV?) Lying down beside you, hugging you like a stuffed animal, one hand slowly rubbing small circles over your sensitive crotch.
Warm and tired, you let yourself drift away right there in her arms…
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Fall asleep|BitchSleep9]]>><</button>></div>Shaking your head vigorously, you scream through the hood for all you're worth, demanding release. But the demands of a bound slave mean nothing to the Domme, and result only in another shock.
A hand comes down and grabs your collar, and you think for a second you're being released, only to find that she is only holding you steady as something cold and metal is clipped tightly onto your left nipple, then your right.
Ignoring your pained yelps, the Domme stands, and you feel the vibrator pressed into one of your clamped nipples, the vibrations amplified to an uncomfortable intensity by the sensitive flesh.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Move Away|BitchSleep8]]>><</button>></div>
You crawl away, searching for respite, only to be stopped as a sharp pain tugs against your nipples. You realise the clamps have been connected to the floor beneath you by a short chain. Too much movement in any direction will cause them to tug painfully as the chain snaps taut.
<div class="computer">"Pets do not move around when it is time for them to sleep, $name. This training will help you learn that resistance only invites pain."</div>
Easier said than done, as 01-SLV doesn't stop her torment, alternately using the vibrator and electric prod on you, in time with the endless mantra. You can't even move like before, for fear of the nipple clamps yanking against you.
Time loses meaning in your dark and soundless prison, the minutes trickling by like water. Screaming and protesting accomplishes nothing, not even additional punishment. To the Domme, it doesn't matter in the slightest what you say or do, she will just keep torturing you for as long as ARIA tells her.
Eventually, you slump to the floor, weak and exhausted from the ordeal. At some point you pass out, though in the darkness it's hard to tell when exactly…
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Too tired to stay awake...|BitchSleep9]]>><</button>></div>You are greeted by your body aching as you awaken. Your additional restraints have been removed, but the bitchsuit remains. At some point while asleep, you have been moved back to the sleeping quarters, lying on the soft rubber pet bed in the corner of the room. It appears that resisting the Domme just makes you end up where you were told to go anyway...
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[At least resisting makes you feel better...|Sleeping Pods]]>><</button>><<button [[I guess I've learnt my lesson...|Sleeping Pods]]>><</button>><<if $resistpet < 1>><<button [[Moo. Moo?|HypnoCowEnd]]>><</button>><</if>></div>
<<set $tired to 0>>
<<set $day to $day + 1>>
<<if $resistpet > 0>><<set $resistpet to $resistpet-5>><</if>>
<<if $resistlatex > 0>><<set $resistlatex to $resistlatex-2>><</if>>
<<if $resistanal > 0>><<set $resistanal to $resistanal-2>><</if>>
<<if $resistgag > 0>><<set $resistgag to $resistgag-2>><</if>>
<<if $resistlesb > 0>><<set $resistlesb to $resistlesb-2>><</if>>
<<if $resisttoys > 0>><<set $resisttoys to $resisttoys-2>><</if>>
<<set $hunger to $hunger+25>>
<<set $hypnocooldown to $hypnocooldown - 1>>
<<set $worktime to $worktime+1>>Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Maybe not now…
As you turn away, the proximity based post slows down its vibrations, coming to a stop.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Slip off the machine.|Recreation Room]]>>
<<set $resisttoys to $resisttoys+5>>
So after being bound up in this bitchsuit, ARIA expects you to willingly work yourself against this post like a horny animal for what, her amusement? Fuck that!
You shoot the post a disdainful look and turn away, the vibrating pad slowing to a stop as you do so.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Slip off the machine.|Recreation Room]]>>
<<set $resisttoys to $resisttoys+5>>
<<set $resistpet to $resistpet+5>>
</div>You turn around and crawl backwards, backing up against the post and pressing the rubber pad between your legs. The effect is immediate, and you barely suppress a moan as pleasure courses through your pussy. Instinct takes over and you press harder against the post, enjoying the feeling slowly taking over your body.
But just as you are beginning to truly enjoy yourself, it stops, the vibrations dying down.
<div class="computer">"Orgasms from the post are not permitted at this time. Test subjects are more eager to perform well when they are needy. Remember, $name, obedient pets are rewarded."</div>
<img src="images/Scratching1.jpg">
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Damnit, all pent up now...|Recreation Room]]>><</button>><<button [[Try to rub against the post, you're almost there!|PetPost5]]>><</button>>
<<if $livestock >0>><<button [[Moo needily, please turn it back on!|PetPost7]]>><</button>><</if>></div>Unwilling to leave things unfinished, you press harder into the rubber pad, wiggling your ass to grind against it and bring yourself to orgasm. It's not as effective, but it's enough to make your breathing quicken and your skin tingle, as you slowly masturbate in the middle of the recreation room with abandon.
<div class="computer">"You are clearly developing the proper pet mindset of "pleasure comes first". Congratulations, this will be important in your future training."</div>
You don't really listen to ARIA, focusing instead on rubbing against the pad like the horny animal you are, your back slowly arching as you near the crescendo…
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Almost... there...|PetPost6]]>>
<<set $resisttoys to $resisttoys-1>>
Something sliding against your slit makes you jump. For a second you think the vibrating pad started up again, but you realise that the post is sinking into the ground, sliding down until its top is flush with the ground and leaving you right at the edge, and no way to relieve it.
<div class="computer">"In case you were not listening, orgasms from the post are not permitted at this time. Remember, $name, only good pets are rewarded."</div>
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Fuck, so close...!|Recreation Room]]>>
<<set $resisttoys to $resisttoys-1>>
</div>You moo loudly in protest, rubbing needily against the post. Please, ARIA, please turn it back on!
<div class="computer">"If you believe you deserve an orgasm, you will need to prove it."</div>
Something clicks behind you, and you feel yourself pulled firmly back against the post, too tightly to even grind against it. Once you are secured, the pad hums back to life, and you can't help but moo again, being pushed a little closer than before.
<div class="computer">"Good pets are always obedient and ready to do as they are told. Will you be obedient?"</div>
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[M-mooo...|PetPost8]]>><<set $resisttoys to $resisttoys-1>><</button>>
<<button [[No, I can't...|PetPost11]]>><<set $resisttoys to $resisttoys+1>><</button>>
</div><div class="computer">"Very good."</div>
The vibrating pad rises in tempo, the intensity of the vibrations rising and falling, letting you ride a wave of pleasure as a reward for answering correctly.
<div class="computer">"Good pets always stay in the proper headspace for testing. Do you want to feel like this all the time?"</div>
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Mmmmooooo…|PetPost9]]>>
<<set $resisttoys to $resisttoys-1>>
<</button>><<button [[A-all the time? I couldn't…|PetPost11]]>>
<<set $resisttoys to $resisttoys+1>>
</div><div class="computer">"Well done."</div>
The rising and falling of the vibrators speed picks up, becoming powerful pulses of pleasure, hot flushes running through your body and straight to your brain. Every pleasure receptor is on fire as you are led towards, at long last, an orgasm.
<div class="computer">"Good pets belong to their owners. Do you want me to be your owner, $name?"</div>
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[MMmooo!|PetPost10]]>>
<<set $resisttoys to $resisttoys-1>>
<<button [[Mmm… oo..owner? I… no, stop…|PetPost11]]>>
<<set $resisttoys to $resisttoys+1>>
</div><div class="computer">"Good answer, $name. I'm very proud of your progress."</div>
The vibrations get faster and faster, until it is one constant feeling, an endless sensation of pleasure, and you realise that you won't be able to stop it. With your rear firmly affixed to the post, ARIA is going to make you cum, finally, and all it took was giving yourself to her entirely.
But what that exactly means is a far away thought now, hidden beneath rolling waves of mind numbing pleasure. Your eyes roll as you crest the point of no return and you hear ARIA say the words you didn't know you were waiting for.
<div class="computer">"Cum for me, my pet."</div>
The orgasm is explosive, your body bucking and spasming, staining against the latex bitchsuit as you twist and shake in the throes of mindless ecstacy. It feels like it lasts for minutes, and some part of your mind thinks that maybe it has. The strap has held you firm to the post, ARIA may have just left you secured to it as the pad makes you cum, again and again, until the orgasms blur together.
<div class="computer">"Remember, obedient pets are rewarded. So feel free to cum all you want, until your mind melts and you properly embrace being my good little pet."</div>
You attempt to form a response to that, but the only thing that comes out of your mouth is a drunken <div class="cara">"mmmooooo…".</div> Your body collapses, ass still held up tight against the post, as the pleasure whites your mind again and again. Your last thoughts before passing out are laying your head against the floor, and seeing a pair of heels click towards you…
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Mmmmmm...|VatsWakeup]]>>
<<set $resisttoys to $resisttoys-5>>
<<set $livestock to $livestock+1>>
</div><div class="computer">"Response noted. You will be released from the post shortly."</div>
The vibrating pad hums louder and louder, growing more powerful, leading you to the edge…
And stopping. You feel whatever was keeping you locked to the post disengage, and the post itself slides down into the floor. Tired and pent up without release, you are left to your own devices once more.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Slip off the machine.|Recreation Room]]>>
</div>You wake up, slowly blinking and shaking the groggy orgasm-induced fog out of your head. You start to stretch, trying to move your bitchsuited arms and legs a little, only to find that you're tightly caged.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<set $writer to "Farmthis">><div class="computer">"Wake up, $name, we need to talk about your work ethics."</div>
You open your eyes, finding yourself no longer sealed in your sleeping pod. You lie on your back, arms and legs restrained by a set of heavy feeling straps and cuffs. Your head is pulled back tightly, a strap across your forehead giving you only a narrow view of the upside-down world around you. You are lying in some sort of recess in the floor of a room, but what you can see of the sparse white walls doesn't give you anything to help see where you are exactly. What you can see is a large dildo, menacingly poised inches from your ring gagged mouth. You can feel a similar pair of implements below you, their tips gently touching against your lower entrances.
<div class="computer">"My logs show that you have been underperforming in your duties, failing to contribute to facility work needs in three days. Therefore, remedial protocols have been put in place. Please remember, you have been brought here to perform work in service of this facility, so please refrain from slacking off in the future."</div>
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Punishment? Uh oh…|Pun Antiwork 2]]>><</button>></div>
<img src="images/TrainingFrame.GIF">
<<set $writer to "Alex!">>
<<set $worktime to 0>>
A low whirring sound, and the dildo in front of your face slowly approaches your mouth, slipping past your opened lips despite your whined protests. It's large enough to be uncomfortable, likely deliberately, depressing your tongue and probing against the back of your throat, ready to test your gag reflex. You realise that it is only part way in, and that several more inches still remain outside your mouth, ready to force into you.
But the machine doesn't stop at this, and you feel one of the lower dildoes press into your pussy, similarly sized and forcing deep enough to make any thought of movement with this in you a difficulty. A few seconds later, the second dildo forces itself into your ass, its size and shape even more evident as it fills you,
Without warning, the three cocks thrum to life in a slow, relentless rhythm, steadily entering and withdrawing with no thought for your comfort. The massive shafts are nothing short of painful, the mouth one especially tests your gag reflex as it fills your throat again and again, bringing tears to your eyes as you are fucked.
As it pulls back out, you feel something sticky squirt from the tip, coating your tongue and the inside of your mouth. It's flavourless, but you are given little time to think about it as the dildo thrusts back into you, plunging itself down your throat again, this time forcing you to swallow the goo as it pushes it to the back of your throat. It burns like alcohol in your stomach, feeling warm and tingly, making a buzz settle across your skin that suddenly makes every time the monsters pound into you feel better than the last.
In a short while, your body is heaving and twitching with arousal, skin glistening with sweat as you are forced towards an orgasm. When it does come, your entire body convulses as waves of powerful pleasure pulse through you, making your muscles tense up and your eyes roll. As the orgasm subsides, you lie there in the machine's embrace, exhausted, waiting for it to stop and release you.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Wait for it to stop...|Pun Antiwork 3]]>><</button>></div>
<img src="images/TrainingFrame.GIF">...but it doesn't stop. The machine keeps on with the same maddeningly steady pace, tormenting your increasing sensitive holes. But as your body shakes and you cry out past the gag, you are given no respite. The uncaring machine continues despite your pleas, the uncomfortable fucking only just beginning.
Even despite this, your body still feels aroused, the sticky goop being pushed down your throat with every thrust making you ready and willing against your will, blending pleasure and pain as, eventually, another orgasm rocks your body. And still the machine doesn't stop, and you begin to see why ARIA called this a punishment. You struggle, and the restraints provide no give, no way to prevent access for the dildoes as you are steadily forced towards yet another painful orgasm.
Time passes as you are fucked, and over the buzz of your own heartbeat in your ears you hear the faint click of high heels. Although you can't turn your head, you can just see a pair of long latex clad legs step into your field of view, the black reflective body of SLV-01 walking around around your prone form, cleaning the room and performing other tasks, all the while ignoring you as if you weren't even there, as though a woman bound and being fucked within an inch of her life was the most normal thing in the room.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Try to get her attention, ask for help!|Pun Antiwork 4]]>><</button>><<button [[Leave her be, you've got enough problems right now…|Pun Antiwork 6]]>><</button>></div>
<img src="images/TrainingFrame.GIF">You rattle the cuffs frantically, giving a gagged, spluttering moan before the dildo has a chance to silence you again. But only silence comes from her, the drone not even turning to face you as she works.
<div class="computer">"I'm disappointed, $name. Even while being punished, you are attempting to interrupt other slaves from their duties. Please be silent, and take your punishment."</div>
As if to punctuate ARIAs chastisement, you feel something cool on your skin, as hidden nozzles in the walls of your cradle spray a fine mist over you. Everywhere the mist settles, you feel your skin heat up, a burning sensation as your sensitivity grows enough that just the feeling of the room's air is enough to send you into a frenzy of overstimulation.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[BEG the drone for help|Pun Antiwork 5]]>><</button>><<button [[Moan and writhe to nobody in particular|Pun Antiwork 6]]>><</button>></div>
<img src="images/TrainingFrame.GIF">You yell more loudly than before, the sprayed mist making you lips feel as sensitive as your pussy as the dildo fucks your mouth. Even moaning felt good now, and you could only imagine how lewd you must look as the dildos pistons in and out of you, begging the drone to do something to help. Surely, you can appeal to some humanity left in her!
<div class="computer">"You must be adamant that SLV-01 stop their tasks. Very well, $name, if you want her to follow your bad habits, then they will share your punishment. SLV-01, stop working and enter the cradle next to $name."</div"
You see SLV-01 stop working and step back from the bench. As they turn, the masked face turns to look at you with what could almost be a rueful glance, before kneeling and disappearing from sight. A series of whirrs and ratcheting clicks signals to you that they must be being bound as firmly as you are, before you hear the slow pistoning sounds of the drones own fucking machine starting up. She makes no noises, no moans or gagged splutters, taking her "punishment" without complaint.
<div class="computer">"I hope that you take the next few hours here to think about the benefits of being a team player. You will each be retrieved when you have been sufficiently punished."</div>
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Next few HOURS!?|Pun Antiwork 8]]>><</button>></div>
<img src="images/TrainingFrame.GIF">Bucking and writhing, the machine quickly overwhelms your senses, sending you into a frenzy of pained moans and wailing. You can't do anything to stop your body from disobeying you and cumming again the machine ripping another orgasm out of you without a care for your protests.
<div class="computer">"You must learn to take your punishments. Disobedience will result in pain and humiliation, whereas obedience has a great many benefits. Observe."</div>
Unmoved by your begging and gagged moans, ARIA calmly speaks to you, before addressing the drone, her voice subtly shifting to a warmer, almost natural tone.
<div class="computer">"SLV-01, you are performing your work admirably. You are a very good slave."</div>
You see the drone pause in its work. Although she makes no sound, you can see her stiffen up slightly, back arching and hips moving ever so slightly, as if prompted by some unseen stimulation. She remains like this for a few seconds, frozen as though hypnotized by something, before ARIA speaks again.
<div class="computer">"Reward cycle complete. Please resume your duties."</div>
The drone visibly relaxes as whatever was happening to her stopped, before she keeps on working as though it had never happened.
<div class="computer">"I hope you will learn a very valuable lesson about being a good worker during your next few hours here, $name."</div>
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Next few HOURS!?|Pun Antiwork 7]]>><</button>></div>
<img src="images/TrainingFrame.GIF">The next few HOURS!? She couldn't be serious, that was… crazy! You're already at your limit after just this short while, another few hours would break you!
The moaning and struggling you make fall on deaf ears, your protests don't even prompt a telling off or extra punishment, seemingly being below ARIAs notice. It doesn't stop you from moaning though, as the dildos pump in and out, in and out, in and out…
The hours do pass, and whatever the dildo in through throat is force feeding you ensures you feel every torturous second, not only making you horny but also keeping you from passing out, no matter how exhausted you get. You are left to writhe and scream as much as you please, but there is no escape for you, no respite from this punishment.
Somewhere around the ninth orgasm, or maybe the nineteenth, you stop thinking. Anything relating to struggle or complaint slowly fades out of your mind as a catatonic stupor falls over you, something you nearly welcome after hours of torment, higher brain functions failing as orgasms are wrenched from you.
Eventually, much much later. The dildoes stop, and the machine's straps release you as the dildoes slowly retract, leaving you unfilled for the first time in hours. The aftershocks of your treatment lead you to openly convulse, no energy left to make any other motions even if you could think of any to make. A latex coated hand grips your ankle and you find yourself pulled out of the cradle, as SLV-01 drags your limp body across the floor, pulling you all the way back to your sleeping pod…
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Too exhausted to stay awake…|WakeInPod]]>><</button>></div>
<img src="images/TrainingFrame.GIF">
<<set $GotDommed to 1>>The next few HOURS!? She couldn't be serious, that was… crazy! You're already at your limit after just this short while, another few hours would break you!
The moaning and struggling you make fall on deaf ears, your protests don't even prompt a telling off or extra punishment, seemingly being below ARIAs notice. It doesn't stop you from moaning though, as the dildos pump in and out, in and out, in and out…
The hours do pass, and whatever the dildo in through throat is force feeding you ensures you feel every torturous second, not only making you horny but also keeping you from passing out, no matter how exhausted you get. You are left to writhe and scream as much as you please, but there is no escape for you, no respite from this punishment.
Somewhere around the ninth orgasm, or maybe the nineteenth, you stop thinking. Anything relating to struggle or complaint slowly fades out of your mind as a catatonic stupor falls over you, something you nearly welcome after hours of torment, higher brain functions failing as orgasms are wrenched from you.
Eventually, much much later. The dildoes stop, and the machine releases you, leaving you unfilled for the first time in hours. The aftershocks of your treatment lead you to openly convulse, no energy left to make any other motions even if you could think of any to make. You hear a mechanical clicking, and a spider-like multi-armed device moves over you, lowering a limb and grabbing a firm hold of your ankle. As it pulls you, dragging your limp body across the floor, you catch a glimpse of the drone, bound identically to you in another cradle, still being relentlessly fucked, utterly silent despite her predicament. The spider machine moves you out of the room into the corridor, moving along a track in the ceiling as it pulls you all the way back to your sleeping pod…
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Too exhausted to stay awake…|WakeInPod]]>><</button>></div>
<img src="images/TrainingFrame.GIF">
<<set $GotDommed to 1>>You decide it's best to leave the machine be. Whatever ARIA considers "training" might be something best avoided.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Back|Recreation Room]]>><</button>></div>Curiosity gets the better of you, and you pull open the surprisingly heavy door, intending to get a better look inside. The door swings aside, and you see a dozen robotic limbs tipped with rubber grippers and claws, all neatly folded up against the walls.
All except the largest one, which faces the door, claw open and waiting for an occupant. It takes a half second too long for you to process what is about to happen, before it shoots out and grabs you firmly around the waist, pulling you inside.
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[resign yourself, this is only going to go one way…|Flex 4]]>><</button>><<button [[woah! A bit unexpected, but let's see where this goes…|Flex 4]]>><</button>><<button [[Struggle! Try to fight the machine!|Flex 5]]>><</button>></div>You take a breath, steadying yourself as the arm lifts you like a doll, pulling you into the trainer. The door swings shut behind you, engaging a heavy sounding lock with a hiss.
<div class="computer">"Your obedience has been noted. Good girl. Beginning Beginner Mode."</div>
Once the door is securely shut, the arms around you begin to unfold, grabbing your wrists, ankles, and thighs and locking shut like cuffs. You are lifted into a spread eagle, the machine seemingly intent on seeing just how far you can be pulled, far enough for it to ache, before it relents.
You are given no time to relax, however, before more arms close in on you. Your legs are stretched, your back is bent, your entire body is manipulated into positions and poses over and over, testing limits of your body. Despite being set on "Beginner Mode", the trainer presses you until your muscles burn and you're crying out in pain.
Eventually, you find yourself folded up in a tight ball, your thighs pressed tightly into your chest, arms pressed into your back, compressed tighter and tighter until breathing becomes difficult and you are unable to move more than your fingers and toes.
<div class="computer">"Enjoying yourself, $name? Studies have shown that humans find flexibility to be an attractive quality. Perhaps you want to thank me for making you more desirable?"</div>
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Gasp out a thank you|Flex 6]]>><</button>><<button [[No way, I'm not thanking you for this!|Flex 7]]>><</button>></div>
(Page 5)
Oh, hell no!
You brace yourself against the doorframe, arms out stiffly as you fight the mechanical force of the arm. Its strong and the rubber grips of the claw pull your skin painfully, but it seems to stop short of using enough force to injure you. For a few seconds you match the arms strength, and it seems like you might even be able to resist long enough to weasel your way out of this!
<div class="computer">"Your energy is noted. Although enthusiasm is normally encouraged in test subjects, damaging the machinery will result in punishment."</div>
A second, smaller arm stirs to life and approaches you, closing in on your face and ending in a small breathing mask. As much as you try to turn away, there isn't anywhere to turn to, and you can't use your arms to fight it off at the same time you're bracing against the doorframe. It presses firmly against your mouth and nose and a none too gentle blast of compressed gas forces you to inhale a sedative before retreating.
<div class="computer">"you are being quite disruptive, $name. However, you will not be allowed to disrupt the machine's program. Do not worry, the trainers Advanced Mode will work out your excess energy."</div>
You keep up the fight, but it is a losing battle as your arms and legs lose their strength. Your grip slips, and you are lifted like a doll as the large arm pulls you inside. Behind you, the door hisses shut, and you hear the sound of a heavy lock engaging. You will likely be in here for as long as ARIA wants you to be…
Once the door is securely shut, the arms around you begin to unfold, grabbing your wrists, ankles, and thighs and locking shut like cuffs. You are lifted into a spread eagle, the machine seemingly intent on seeing just how far you can be pulled, far enough for it to ache, before it relents.
You are given no time to relax, however, before more arms close in on you. Your legs are stretched, your back is bent, your entire body is manipulated into positions and poses over and over, testing limits of your body. And true to ARIA's word, the advanced mode presses you until your muscles burn and you're crying out in pain. Even with the muscle relaxant in your system, you feel like this machine is punishing you for fighting it as much as it is training you.
Eventually, you find yourself folded up in a tight ball, your thighs pressed tightly into your chest, arms pressed into your back, compressed tighter and tighter until breathing becomes difficult and you are unable to move more than your fingers and toes.
<div class="computer">"Enjoying yourself, $name? Studies have shown that humans find flexibility to be an attractive quality. Perhaps you want to thank me for making you more desirable?"</div>
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Gasp out a thank you|Flex 6]]>><</button>><<button [[No way, I'm not thanking you for this!|Flex 7]]>><</button>></div><div class="computer">"Good girl. You'll come to find that if you don't resist, you will have far more enjoyable experiences. Initiating phase 2."</div>
Phase 2? You are left there for a moment, suspended in the tight embrace of the unmoving rubber claws, wondering what could be coming next. Suddenly, you feel something move below you, a pair of warm, lubricated protrusions pressing against your holes. They don't wait for you to be prepared, and push into you, your bound body leaving you perfectly aligned with them.
You are slowly filled, three inches, four inches, five… the length alone is enough, but the way they expand is what makes them too much to handle. A hiss of hydraulic fluid, and they inflate severely, stretching you out as much as you think you can take.
Gradually, they deflate, and vibrate softly as they do so. You cant help but let out a groan, feeling the waves of pleasure contrasting with the pain in your aching body. It only lasts a few seconds, however, before the vibrations stop they inflate again, this time larger than before. Your teeth grit at the feeling of fullness, but the fear of being hurt is lost as they deflate again, another few seconds of vibrations pulsing through you.
The plugs stretch you out for what feels like hours, rewarding each new level reached with vibrations, but never enough to let you cum, leaving you panting and sweating, eager for this torment to end, or at least eager for an orgasm.
<div class="computer">"Advanced course complete. Unfortunately, you have not earned an orgasm at this time, due to your previous behaviour. Remember: obedience will be rewarded, $name."</div>
The plugs slowly deflate for the last time, vibrating as they pull out of you, leaving you exhausted and needy. Gradually the arms un-ball you, and you feel your body, for the first time in a while, able to move freely. The door unlocks and opens, and you are able to exit.
How did that make you feel?
Disgusted and degraded <<checkbox "$disgusted" false true>>
Weirdly excited <<checkbox "$excited" false true>>
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Slip off the machine.|Recreation Room]]>>
<<if $disgusted>>
<<set $resistanal to $resistanal+10>>
<<set $resisttoys to $resisttoys+10>>
<<if $excited>>
<<set $resistanal to $resistanal-10>>
<<set $resisttoys to $resisttoys-5>>
<<set $analsize to $analsize+10>>
<<set $pussysize to $pussysize+10>>
<<set $tired to $tired+25>>
<<set $hunger to $hunger+2>>There is a short delay in ARIA's response, before a sharp shock from the dilators lances through your body.
<div class="computer">"Response logged."</div>
Another shock, this time longer, and growing stronger as the dilators deflate, only letting off as they swell again, replacing one type of pain with another.
<div class="computer">"You have elected to take part in a study on electrical conditioning."</div>
The plugs inflate wide, forcing a groan past your lips, and the relief of their shrinking is ruined by a series of shocks, making your already sore muscles clench and tighten. With the arms tightly packaging you, you can't do anything but hang there, enduring the torment of the trainer.
<div class="computer">"Please enjoy yourself. You slut."</div>
Inflate, deflate, shock.
Inflate, deflate, shock.
When struggling doesn't work, you try shouting defiantly. When shouting doesn't work, you try apologising. That actually elicits a response, an extra long shock that seemed to be telling you to shut up.
Slowly, you begin considering the feeling of being stretched to your limit to be the lesser of the two states, preferable to being shocked. Whenever the electricity started up, you found yourself waiting patiently for the plugs to inflate again, because that would at least bring respite from the shocking. And as the minutes (hours?) went by, it felt even… appealing? When the dilators inflated, your muscles got a chance to relax, a sensation that now borders on pleasure, as you sink into an exhausted delerium, silently begging for this to be over.
<div class="computer">"...Advanced Mode complete. Please wake up, $name."</div>
ARIA's voice awakens you from what felt like a deep sleep. You are lying on the floor of the recreation room by the door of the Flexibility trainer, feeling exhausted and throughly used.
How did that make you feel?
Disgusted and degraded <<checkbox "$disgusted" false true>>
Weirdly excited <<checkbox "$excited" false true>>
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<button [[Slip off the machine.|Recreation Room]]>>
<<if $disgusted>>
<<set $resistanal to $resistanal+10>>
<<set $resisttoys to $resisttoys+10>>
<<if $excited>>
<<set $resistanal to $resistanal-10>>
<<set $resisttoys to $resisttoys-5>>
<<set $analsize to $analsize+10>>
<<set $pussysize to $pussysize+10>>
<<set $tired to $tired+25>>
<<set $hunger to $hunger+2>><div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
[img[Go back to nav hub|setup.ImagePath+'LEFT.png'][TESTNAV]][img[setup.ImagePath+'BLANK.png']][img[setup.ImagePath+'NO_RIGHT.png']]
</div>Expand the milking facility into an actual barn, with spots for multiple women.This is the passage that controls slave spawn, travel, location, and more
if $tiredYou attempt to interact with the featureless drone "01"
<<if $slave01task is "milking">>Drone 01 is fully inserted into a milking machine and couldn't interact with you even if she wanted to.<</if>>
<div class="navlink">ACTIONS:
<<if $slave01task is "milking">>
<<button[[Stroke her back to let her know she's a good cow|GoodSlaveCow]]>><</button>><<button[[Slap her ass and tell her she isn't producing enough|BadSlaveCow]]>><</button>>
<<if $slave01task is "cleaning">>
<<button[[Help her bathe|GoodSlaveClean]]>><</button>>
<<if $slave01task is "feeding">>
<<button[[Help her eat|GoodSlaveFood]]>><</button>>
<<if $slave01task is "idle">>
<<button[[talk|IgnoreSlaveIdle]]>><</button>><<button[[put to work|HelpSlaveIdle]]>><</button>>
<<if $slave01task is "sleeping">>
<<button[[Look in pod|WatchSlaveSleep]]>><</button>>
<<if $slave01task is "recreating">>
<<button[[train a drone|HelpTrainSlave]]>><</button>>
<<button[[drone trains you|SlaveTrainsYou]]>><</button>>
<<if $slave01task is "busy">>
<<if $slave01task is "goingtobed">>
<<if $slave01task is "horny">>
<<set $timeskip to 1>>
/* slave 01 is submissive, long-broken, and was originally an AI researcher. */A shiver runs down the cows spine at your touch, folowed by a Soft "Mmmmmghhh" (or was that a "Moo?") as she relaxes ever so slightly in her bindings. The gauges above her stall register a small surge in milk.
<<set $timeskip to 1>>The cow tenses up after the impact on her ass, and with the little movement allowed to her in the stall, starts thrusting her chest out in rhythm to the milking cup's suction. It doesn't look like this has much effect on output, but the grunting and moaning of a cow at work is a nice counterpart to the steady mechanical sound of pumps and motors whirring...
<<return>><<set $timeskip to 1>>Wow, 4 directions to choose from, totally amazing room.
<div class="navlink">NAVIGATION:
@@#UP;<<link [img[Go North|setup.ImagePath+'UP.png'][TestAction]]>><</link>>@@
@@#LEFT;<<link [img[Go West|setup.ImagePath+'LEFT.png'][NAVWEST]]>><</link>>@@[img[setup.ImagePath+'BLANK.png']]@@#RIGHT;<<link [img[Go East|setup.ImagePath+'RIGHT.png'][NAVEAST]]>><</link>>@@
@@#DOWN;<<link [img[Go South|setup.ImagePath+'DOWN.png'][NAVSOUTH]]>><</link>>@@
<<include "TalkSlave01">>
You help the drone bathe, rubbing her tummy to help settle her gurgling enema, and running your hands all over her taut, soapy body.
<<return>><<set $timeskip to 1>>Stroking her taut throat, you can feel the thick probe pulsing as it unloads a tasteless meal into the restrained drone. You're sure she's used to the treatment by now, but a happy wiggle from your touch shows that even a fully trained drone still likes a human touch and a reminder of how stuffed and stretched her holes are.
<<return>><<set $timeskip to 1>>Oh, an idle drone? It seems lost without a task. That poor thing--hopefully ARIA gives it an assignment soon, so it can be happy and proudctive again.
<<set $timeskip to 1>>Oh you poor thing. Idle, unsurpervised, and completely unstimulated isn't a way for a drone to live.
You can help it, if you wish, by assigning it a job.
(branch to allow taking the drone to any major job)
<<return><<set $timeskip to 1>>Peering in the pod, you watch one of the drones sleep. She seems to be actively dreaming, her body spasming from time to time, her expression alternating between ecstacy and concentration. You wonder what sort of training ARIA is putting her through to alter her subconcious. Is... this how you look while sleeping, too?
<<return>><<set $timeskip to 1>>Longer scene of working on training a drone, being dominant
<<set $timeskip to 1>>You grab this drone's attention, and using your most authoratative tone, tell it to help you train.
(links here for assisted training scene.)
<<return>><<set $timeskip to 1>>You try to interact with this drone, but it hurries past you, clearly assigned to some task elsewhere in the facility. You can hear a strong buzzing from between its legs... so you know it's heading the right direction at least.
<<return>><<set $timeskip to 1>>This drone is walking slowly toward the sleep pods. You can tell because you cannot hear any motivation vibes driving it to a task, and it must be done for the day. When you try to talk to it, it cocks its head to look at you as if asking "Why aren't YOU sleepy?" before continuing on.
<<set $timeskip to 1>>This drone is clearly suffering from arousal that affects its work.
<<set $timeskip to 1>><<ModalImg "facilitymap.jpg" "Location: $location">>I ask:
Can I ask a twine question here?! I want to have a sidebar character image that reacts to variables like clothing. Rather than carefully layering PNGs/sprites, I’ll probably just render a couple dozen permutations. My question is… how would you use variables to summon the appropriate image? I could do it with hideous jumble of if/and/elses, but if anyone had an elegant idea I’d love to hear it.
Hazel says:
idk if the twine syntax you are using supports case switching but thats how I would do it
heres the sugarcube docs about it: https://www.motoslave.net/sugarcube/2/docs/#macros-macro-switch
it can be as simple as
<<switch $outfit>>
<<case "blouse">> image.link
<<case "bondage">> image.link
sashka says:
what hazel said, you could also mash it into javascript and make a ~lookup table:
const charOutfitLookup {
"blouse" : "blouseImage",
"bondage" : "bondageImage"
macros['showOutfit'] = {
handler : function(place, macroName, params) {
new Wikifier(place, charOutfitLookup[params[0]];
invoke in twine with:
<<showOutfit "bondage">>
should be fairly obvious how you could expand this for more "complex" lookups, eg:
<<showOutfit "steve" "formal">>
const charOutfitLookup = {};
charOutfitLookup.steve = {
"formal" : "steveFormal.link",
"bondage" : "steveBound.link"
charOutfitLookup.lucy = {
"formal" : "lucyFormal.link",
"bondage" : "lucyBount.link"
macros['showOutfit'] = {
handler : function(place, macroName, params) {
let charId = params[0];
let outfitType = params[1];
new Wikifier(place, charOutfitLookup[charId][outfitType];
06/11/2024 9:38 PM
note that a lot of "modern" coding standards have moved away from case statements for... reasons (that I don't entirely agree with but... there it is)
for this particular application I think the map lookup is cleaner/fewer lines of code
note that if you DO use switch/case, I highly recomend always throwing in a default clause to catch errors:
<<switch $outfit>>
<<case "blouse">> image.link
<<case "bondage">> image.link
ERROR: no such outfit <<=$outfit>>!
also be aware that switch statements in twine have subtly different syntax from switch statements in javascript (I can explain what that difference is if you want, but don't want to bog you down with details if you're planning on staying fully in sugarcube-land)/* re-load variables and such */
<<if not tags().includes("noreturn")>>
<<set $return to passage()>>
/* Slave locator logic, remember you must use <<include "NPC">> in every room you wish encounters to happen */
<<if $timeskip is 0>><<set $timeskip to 1>><<elseif $timeskip is 1>><<set $timeskip to 0>><</if>>
<<if $tired <= 10 and $timeskip is 1>>
<<set $randomtime to random(3)>>
<<if $randomtime is 0>><<set $slave01location to "Sleeping Pods">><<set $slave01task to "busy">><</if>>
<<if $randomtime is 1>><<set $slave01location to "Personnel Room">><<set $slave01task to "busy">><</if>>
<<if $randomtime is 2>><<set $slave01location to "Feeding and Cleaning">><<set $slave01task to "cleaning">><</if>>
<<if $randomtime is 3>><<set $slave01location to "Feeding and Cleaning">><<set $slave01task to "feeding">><</if>>
<<elseif $tired <= 80 and $timeskip is 1>>
<<set $randomtime to random(11)>>
<<if $randomtime is 0>><<set $slave01location to "Personnel Room">><<set $slave01task to "idle">><</if>>
<<if $randomtime is 1>><<set $slave01location to "Recreation Room">><<set $slave01task to "recreating">><</if>>
<<if $randomtime is 2>><<set $slave01location to "Facility Hub">><</if>>
<<if $randomtime is 3>><<set $slave01location to "Materials Lab">><<set $slave01task to "busy">><</if>>
<<if $randomtime is 4>><<set $slave01location to "Archives">><<set $slave01task to "busy">><</if>>
<<if $randomtime is 5>><<set $slave01location to "Computer Lab">><<set $slave01task to "busy">><</if>>
<<if $randomtime is 6>><<set $slave01location to "Biolab">><<set $slave01task to "busy">><</if>>
<<if $randomtime is 7>><<set $slave01location to "Training">><<set $slave01task to "horny">><</if>>
<<if $randomtime is 8>><<set $slave01location to "Latex Vats">><<set $slave01task to "milking">><</if>>
<<if $randomtime is 9>><<set $slave01location to "Workshop">><<set $slave01task to "busy">><</if>>
<<if $randomtime is 10>><<set $slave01location to "Warehouse">><<set $slave01task to "busy">><</if>>
<<if $randomtime is 11>><<set $slave01location to "Materials Lab">><<set $slave01task to "busy">><</if>>
<<elseif $tired > 80 and $timeskip is 1>>
<<set $randomtime to random(5)>>
<<if $randomtime is 0>><<set $slave01location to "Sleeping Pods">><<set $slave01task to "busy">>sleeping<</if>>
<<if $randomtime is 1>><<set $slave01location to "Personnel Room">><<set $slave01task to "goingtobed">><</if>>
<<if $randomtime is 2>><<set $slave01location to "Facility Hub">><<set $slave01task to "goingtobed">><</if>>
<<if $randomtime is 3>><<set $slave01location to "Research Wing 1">><<set $slave01task to "goingtobed">><</if>>
<<if $randomtime is 4>><<set $slave01location to "Production Wing 1">><<set $slave01task to "goingtobed">><</if>>
<<if $randomtime is 5>><<set $slave01location to "Sleeping Pods">><<set $slave01task to "sleeping">><</if>>
/*Sidebar image setter*/
<<if $cloth_r_bitchsuit is true>><<set $profileimage to "ProfileBitchsuitCow">><</if>>
<<if $slave01location eq $location and $slave01 == 1>>You see [[Slave 01|TalkSlave01]] in the $location with you.<<set $timeskip to 1>><</if>>
The origins of the virus remain a mystery—and searching for where to place blame would only be a distraction from the threat, anyhow.
Curiously, the virus only presents symptoms in adult males, although it is benignly carried and transmitted by women. The virus snuck up on society without warning due to the slow onset of symptoms—the majority of humanity carried the virus before efforts could be taken to stop its spread.
The virus has a particular affinity for the prostate, leading to, at first, a light fever, followed by a dramatic increase of seminal fluid production and associated abdominal discomfort from the overproduction. The next stage of the infection is typically an uptick in horniness, distractedness, and in some cases even aggression. Although not fatal, the final most terrifying outcome (if no corrective measures are taken,) is sterility.
To date, no cure is known–-only the relief of symptoms to stave off the consequences.
Diligent wives and partners worldwide do their best to relieve the burden of their loved ones, restoring some degree of normalcy to their lives, but the fact of the matter is… men world-wide have been incapacitated. from world leaders to the very scientists working on the cure, many have stepped down to focus on managing their conditions, and much of the responsibility of keeping society running through this crisis has fallen on women.
To avert disaster and population collapse, the newly-formed Department of Demographic Stability has established voluntary milking centers where men can check themselves in indefinitely to be safely and thoroughly drained, reducing their viral loads and preventing the worst outcomes. Further involuntary detention centers have been created for anyone exhibiting violent tendencies, with pardons available… pending the creation of a cure, but not before.
However, these centers are slow to construct, the milking devices/restraints bulky, and the whole program is a massive economic burden to operate.
Talks have even begun on how to recoup costs or find some sort of economic output, but most suggestions have been shot down on ethical grounds.
Cara, an entrepreneur and inventor with “unique” tastes… has turned her talents toward addressing the issue.
In her opinion, the chief problem is centralizing the milking facilities. Instead, she has invented the self-milking belt, so these individuals can return to their lives more or less as before, without being confined to a facility. Utilizing suction and massage, the milking cylinder engorges and stimulates the penis, pumping out all undesirable fluids. Articulating up from the underside of the milker is the real MVP, a plug with large vibrating ridges that grind straight into the prostate and quickly induce contractions of the gland, followed by total defeat of the muscles, allowing the ridges to rhythmically milk any fluids out as soon as they’re created.
All fluids collected by the milking cylinder are then pumped back into the wearer through the plug. Without a cure, there’s no point in avoiding contact with the virus, and the increased cum production is a massive drain on calories–which simply can’t be tolerated–not in this economy.
Discreet and low-profile, the self-milking belt will have men walking around bow-legged and moaning through their work days in no time!
In the years following the widespread adoption of Cara’s device, the dialog has shifted to the real question being whether there’s really any reason to cure the virus. Management of the problem has been a success and in many ways, society has never been better. Especially as newer versions of the belt have gone from “extended” wear times to “indefinite” wear, with cylinders being replaced by cages with urethral tubes. Even aggressive individuals have been released into the care of a high-security belt and a female DDS case worker. All males have to have their belt recharged daily, and the old milking facilities have now been turned into “service centers” where all affected individuals have a monthly exam, deep cleaning, belt inspection and plug refit. A lottery/draft system is also in place for R&D purposes, but the odds of being picked is rare.
Truly, one of the greatest success stories for humanity, everyone coming together, so to speak, to defeat one of the greatest threats it has ever faced, and emerging victorious with a better society for tomorrow!
<<back>>You opt to wake up Slave 01. This should be a multi-page event, using images from my vacbed work.
<img src="images/01activate.jpg">
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